• 可以输入冻结原因标识了“冻结原因”。

    You can enter the reason for the block (for example, assembly work) using the indicator "Blocking Reason".


  • 我们过快冰激凌其他食物时科学家们并不确定是什么原因导致大脑冻结尽管有些人认为血液变化结果

    Scientists aren't exactly sure what causes the brain freeze when we eat ice cream or other super cold foods too quickly, though some believe it's the result of changed blood.


  • 因为原因,大多数人都预计美联储连续第二次会议决定利率继续冻结2%。

    For that reason, the Fed is widely expected to keep interest rates on hold, at 2%, for a second successive meeting.


  • 胚胎干细胞研究支持者们指出人的晶生育过程中形成的,大多数晶胚不是被破坏就是不明原因地被冻结

    Proponents of embryonic stem-cell research point out that hordes of embryos are created during fertility treatment, and the vast majority of these are either frozen indefinitely or destroyed.


  • 辛劳的联邦公务员薪水冻结提议削减深切关注计划比方说帮助低收入者的社区行动计划,原因都在于此。

    That's why I've frozen salaries for hardworking civil servants for three years, and proposed cutting programs I care about deeply, like community action programs in low-income neighborhoods.


  • 正是国会提交一个冻结三年预算计划原因而且我还有进一步类似的计划。

    That's why I've submitted to Congress a plan for a three-year budget freeze, and I'm prepared to offer additional savings.


  • 分析路基冻害产生原因阐述路基冻结过程水分迁移特征

    Analyse the causes of the roadbed freeze-harm, and expatiate on the characteristic of the moisture transfer during freezing.


  • 上周冻结了一些匿名投资者500万美元利润并提起诉讼原因是他们德州事业(证券代码TXU)被收购消息发布,通过期权市场进行套利活动。

    Last weekit filed a suit against unknown investors who had profited in theoptions market before the announcement of a takeover of TXU, the Texanutility.


  • 其他原因撤销案件的,直接通知冻结机构上缴国库或者返还被害人

    If a case is dropped owing to other reasons, the people's procuratorate directly notifies the freezing bodies to hand over the distraint to the national treasure or return to the victim.


  • 指出导致油罐抽瘪主要原因呼吸堵塞冻结、油罐参数工艺条件发生变化以及操作失误等。

    It is pointed out that the plugging and freezing of breather valve, variation in parameters and operation conditions of oil tank and human factors result in the shrink of oil tank.


  • 机车空气管路系统中的凝结水产生原因入手提出干燥器冷却管路冻结防治措施;

    Starting from the reason of condensated water inside the locomotive air pipe system, it is put forward the frost-resisting measurements of the cooling pipe in front of the drier.


  • 介绍了呼吸设计工作特性分析了冬季使用呼吸阀容易冻结原因

    In this paper, the design and characteristics of the breather valve are formulated, the reasons of the valve dish frozen in winter are analyzed.


  • 介绍了邢台兴华煤矿井筒冻结施工工程设计冻结失败原因分析

    The engineering design of freeze sinking in shaft of Xinghua Coal Mine is introduced and the causes for its failure are analyzed.


  • 扣押冻结款物处分实践运作原因分析

    Second, seizure, freezing of the operation of the practice of punishment and the reasons for analysis.


  • 分析认为,冻结内外部积聚冻结压力超过重液水平地压根本原因

    It is indicated that the accumulation of frost heave pressure inside and outside the ice wall is the ultimate reason that the freezing pressure usually exceeds the permant horizontal ground pressure.


  • 分析认为,冻结内外部积聚冻结压力超过重液水平地压根本原因

    It is indicated that the accumulation of frost heave pressure inside and outside the ice wall is the ultimate reason that the freezing pressure usually exceeds the permant horizontal ground pressure.


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