• 加热过程控制计算机系统主要目的实现生产动态过程控制,跟踪操作记录同时通过冶金模型进行生产过程优化。

    The reheating furnace process computer system goals are mainly dynamic production process control, process operation records tracking, and production process optimization with metallurgy model.


  • 基础,对钢水化学升温精炼常规精炼冶金效果钢水质量影响进行了对比分析。

    The metallurgical effects and the effect on quality of the steel were compared between refining with chemical heating and that without heating.


  • 给出一种用于各种倾动冶金容器槽倾动力矩算法

    This paper presents a new algorithm for computation of tilting torque of liquid in various metallurgical containers.


  • 介绍了一种专用于粉末冶金加压烧结

    A type of furnace especially for powder metallurgy pressed sintering is introduced.


  • 布鲁斯表示主要高速钢粉末冶金过程是:加入合金化冶炼高速钢成分粉末,经过感应熔化,然后气体喷雾造粒制作而成。

    Bruce said the main high-speed steel powder metallurgy process: Add a pre-alloyed powder metallurgical high speed steel components, induction-melting furnace, and then made the gas spray granulation.


  • 此外随着冶金技术进步连铸比增加,各种精炼技术被广泛地应用

    In addition, with the progress of metallurgical technology and the increases of continuous casting capabilities, refining technology of external furnace is applied widely.


  • 智能电弧应用神经网络模型数字模型、专家系统模糊技术等结合起来控制冶金过程。

    Intelligence arc furnace, which makes use of neural network model and numerical model, combines expert system and fuzzy technology, can control the metallurgical quality.


  • 介绍处理冶金废料方法固结块法微型球团法。

    The present paper introduces two different methods for treatment of the metallurgical wastes, namely the cold bonding pellet and pelletization in min-shaft furnace.


  • 有机粘结进行选择研究,对冶金性能进行了比较提出了几种适用于竖型含碳球团的有机粘结。

    The study has been conducted to choose organic binders of the iron ore pellets containing carbon and compared their metallurgical features.


  • 冶金生产过程中,通过阀门及其位置控制系统调节工业压力必不可少控制环节。

    In metallurgical industry, it is a necessary controlling unit to adjust the pressure in the in industrial furnace by valve and position controlling system of the valve.


  • 冶金机械有色金属行业各式热处理

    Various kinds of heating treatment stove of metallurgy, Machine and coloured metal industry.


  • 本文介绍宝山钢铁股份有限公司特殊钢分公司最新引进10吨氦气冷却真空自耗主要特点熔炼GH738合金冶金质量

    This article introduced the characteristics of a 10-ton VAR furnace with helium gas cooling and metallurgical quality of GH738 alloy melt with the VAR furnace.


  • 加热冶金企业主要过程设备,其自动控制策略过程控制领域内的一个重要研究方向

    As the main process equipment in metallurgy enterprise, the strategy of automatic control of reheating furnace is one of the most important research topics in the field of related process control.


  • 扼要地提出了将来真空冶金炉热工过程控制研究方面开展的一些工作

    At last, some research work could be considered such as thermal engineering and process control in vacuum furnace was prop.


  • 加热冶金企业主要耗能设备自动控制策略是过程控制领域内的一个重要研究方向

    The heating furnace is the main equipment of consuming energy in metallurgical enterprise. The automatic control of heating furnace is an important research direction in the process control field.


  • 针对冶金行业大功率电弧控制提出一种基于多目标模糊优化决策智能控制方案

    Focusing on the control of highpower electric arc furnace in metallurgical industry, an intelligent control method based on multiobjective fuzzy optimization decision is put forward .


  • 冶金机械、建材、石油化工有色金属行业各类工业加热装置、砖瓦隧道窑保温。

    Furnace lines of various industrial furnace and heating equipment in metallurgy, machine, construction and material, petrol-chemical and ferrous metal industry.


  • 冶金工业使用电弧引起电网三相负荷不平衡产生谐波引起电流闪变,严重影响电网电能质量

    Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) used in metallurgy industry often causes unbalanced three-phase load power, and therefore generates severs flicker to the grid, which seriously impact the power quality.


  • 冶金行业用来处理金属设备

    Shaking ladle is also called shaking furnace, the equipment is used to process metal liquid in metallurgy industry.


  • 随着单体设备不断更新升级,现代冲天感应双联熔炼冶金特性也发生了很大的变化

    With the upgrading of the single equipment, the metallurgical characteristic of modern cupola - induction furnace duplex melting is variable.


  • 应用范围:混凝土搅拌设备混合料搅拌设备,冶金需要配料的设备。

    APPLICATION: Apply to concrete mixer, Bitumen mixture equipments, equipments of converter or blast furnace burden and other equipments with burden need.


  • 应用广泛应用各种中频锻造有色金属冶炼热处理冶金烧结以及化工行业。

    Application: Widely used in all kinds of intermediate frequency furnace forging, non-ferrous metal smelting, heat treatment furnace, metallurgy sintering furnace and the chemical industry, etc.


  • 冶金行业:用以制造耐火材料粘合剂制造熔剂和冶炼金属原料

    Metallurgy industry: it can be used in refractory material and adhesive of Bricklaying arm, which is the material of the Number two flux and magnesium metal.


  • 该文分析了冶金加热工艺流程利用传热学理论建立了加热内钢坯温度分布模型

    The technological process of metallurgical reheating furnace is analyzed and the temperature distribution model of slab in reheating furnace is presented by applying the theory of heat transfer.


  • 加热冶金企业主要过程设备自动控制策略是过程控制领域内一个重要研究方向

    Reheating furnace is main process equipment in the Metallurgical firm, and its control strategy is an important focus of research in process control field.


  • 实用新型属于冶金设备领域特别涉及球团二次冷却系统中的篦板结构装置

    The utility model belongs to the metallurgical equipment field, in particular relating to a grid plate-structure device inside a secondary cooling system of a pellet shaft furnace.


  • VD冶金行业冶炼过程中的一种设备

    VD electric furnace is a king of degasification equipment from molten steel during steel making process.


  • 研制成功加热冶金熔接钴合金复合块,新型垫块的熔接区的显微组织性能进行评估

    The compound pad used in heating furnace is developed and evaluation is performed on micro organization and performance.


  • 研制成功加热冶金熔接钴合金复合块,新型垫块的熔接区的显微组织性能进行评估

    The compound pad used in heating furnace is developed and evaluation is performed on micro organization and performance.


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