• 游出了5876,打破了自己决赛成绩

    She beat her semi-final time. She swam the race in 58.76 seconds.


  • 预赛成绩好,且有望决赛同样出色的表现。

    He did well in the heats ; hopefully he'll do as well in the final.


  • 决赛中第二名成绩足以能让她赢得整体胜利

    Her second-place finish in the final race was enough to clinch the overall victory.


  • 这位奥运会冠军世界冠军一轮比赛中跑出了1350的成绩,在决赛打破自己保持的纪录

    The former Olympic and world champion clocked 13.50 seconds in the first round and soared to break his own record in the final.


  • 他们期待着创造更好的成绩支队伍德尔斯堡进行的比赛出人意料地以1:0击败了意大利队,之后决赛中负于葡萄牙队

    They will be hoping to surpass that notable event; to much surprise, that team beat Italy 1-0 at a match in Middlesbrough, gaining a spot in the quarter-finals where they lost to Portugal.


  • 而王北星成绩令人失望,仅为38.487,位列第三实际上已经失去了争夺金牌希望,即使决赛拼尽全力,也难以夺金除非位选手出现重大失误

    Wang was a disappointing third in 38.487, essentially ending her hopes of winning gold unless the top two both made a major mistake while going out in the final pair of the day.


  • 射手科所言,在足总杯决赛联赛确保前四成绩减轻了球队的压力

    That league success has taken the pressure off ahead of the Cup final, according to striker Edin Dzeko.


  • 50自由泳决赛第一名的成绩轻松胜出,看起来她确实已经恢复

    She appeared to have recovered and eased into the 50m freestyle semi-finals as fastest qualifier.


  • 章鱼保罗本届世界杯上成功预测8场比赛的结果,包括决赛西班牙以1:0成绩打败荷兰队

    Paul beat the odds during the World Cup by correctly forecasting all eight games he predicted, including Spain's 1-0 win over the Netherlands in the final.


  • 11上午亚洲田径锦标赛男子110预赛中刘翔1382成绩轻松晋级于明晚举行决赛

    Liu Xiang cruised into the men's 110m hurdles final with 13.82 seconds at the 18th Asian athletics championships Wednesday morning. The men's 110m hurdles final will be held Thursday evening.


  • 国家队成绩我来说非常重要,对于俄罗斯来说决赛是头等大事,我们之前错过世界杯但是这次没错过欧锦赛。

    International results are very important to me and it's vital that Russia go to big tournaments - we missed out on the World Cup but have made a big step now.


  • 进入大满贯赛事的决赛决赛本身就是一个成绩

    Semis or a finals in a Slam is always I think a good result, too.


  • 凯尔特人湖人决赛比赛中已经取得了92负的总成绩

    The Celtics are 9-2 against the Lakers in the finals.


  • 上周四的奥运会男子110决赛中,世界纪录保持者古巴名将戴龙罗伯斯以12秒93的成绩摘得冠军成绩仅次于奥运历史上该项目的最好成绩

    Cuba's world record holder Dayron Robles won the 110m hurdles Olympic title Thursday, clocking 12.93 seconds — the second fastest time in Olympic history.


  • 每个区的其余决赛入场券则不分组别,根据球队的比赛成绩,给予其次的6最好的球队。

    The remaining playoff spots in each conference are awarded on the basis of win-loss records to the six next-best teams, regardless of division.


  • 每个区的其余决赛入场券则不分组别根据球队比赛成绩,给予其次6支最好的球队。

    The remaining playoff spots in each conference are awarded on the basis of win-loss records to the six next- best13 teams, regardless of division.


  • 决赛成绩较好的球队成绩较差球队对阵,采取53胜制,先获得3场比赛胜利的球队出线。

    The playoffs start with the teams with better records playing the teams with worse records in a best-of-five series, in which the winner is the first team to win three games.


  • 这次成绩决赛考虑

    This result is not taken into account in the final.


  • 14日夜多哈室内田径世锦赛男子60决赛落下帷幕,受脚伤困扰中国"飞人"刘翔7秒65的成绩获得第7名,而4年前项目上夺冠。

    Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang's injury problems continued at the World Indoor Championships in Doha Sunday night as he finished 7th in the 60m hurdles, an event he won 4 years ago.


  • 决赛,一名中国记者采访了傅园慧记者告诉傅园慧成绩59秒以内似乎让傅园慧震惊了。

    Chinese reporter spoke with Fu after the semi-finals. The reporter told her that she swam the race in under 59 seconds. This seemed to shock Fu.


  • 决赛一名中国记者采访了傅园慧。记者告诉游出59以下成绩似乎让傅园慧非常震惊

    Chinese reporter spoke with Fu after the semi-finals. The reporter told her that she swam the race in under 59 seconds. This seemed to shock Fu.


  • 美国队期望星期二决赛取得资格赛更好成绩

    The United States team was hoping to perform better in the finals Tuesday than it had in qualifying.


  • 股东应该满意因为我们现有球员取得非常傲人的成绩希望我们今年可以一直打入冠军杯决赛

    The shareholders can be content because this group of players have had extraordinary results and hopefully we will get to another final this year.


  • 预赛尽力跑出成绩,争取进入决赛

    In the heats, you should try hard to perform well to is qualified for the semifinal.


  • 女士们先生们注意。大屏幕显示男子一万决赛正式成绩

    Ladies and gentlemen, attention please. The result of men 's ten thousand metres final is displayed on the scoreboard.


  • 女士们先生们注意。大屏幕显示男子一万决赛正式成绩

    Ladies and gentlemen, attention please. The result of men 's ten thousand metres final is displayed on the scoreboard.


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