• 决心门生意红火

    He was determined to make a success of the business.


  • 磨难会有的,我们必须下定决心继续下去

    There is going to be hardship, but we have to grit our teeth and get on with it.


  • 决心自己摆脱羞耻世俗标签现在可以自己为“马拉松冠军”了。

    Determined to be myself, free of shame and worldly labels, I can now call myself a "marathon winner".


  • 觉得必须下定决心点什么

    He felt he had to make up his mind for either one thing or another.


  • 过去如果决心学习如何这些事,可能会给朋友亲戚打电话上夜校或到当地图书馆查找。

    In the past if you were determined to learn, you might have called a friend or a relative, taken a night class or walked down to the local library for a research term.


  • 决心第一击败这位大师

    He was determined to be the first man to defeat the great master.


  • 决心清晨常规瑜伽练习

    I was determined to make early morning yoga a regular practice.


  • 如果知道自己需要1000块一个新的电脑或者决心存下5000元应急之用,那么明确最终目标能够你保持干劲。

    If you know that you need 1, 000 for that new computer, or if you're determined to reach, 000 in your emergency fund, focusing on the end goal can keep you motivated.


  • 如果知道自己需要1000块去买一个新的电脑或者决心要存下5000元应急之用,那么明确最终目标能够你保持干劲。

    If you know that you need 1,000 for that new computer, or if you're determined to reach, 000 in your emergency fund, focusing on the end goal can keep you motivated.


  • 弗格森的球队仅仅赢得了5客场比赛胜利,这名法国后卫决心在下赛季更好

    Sir Alex Ferguson's men won just five away games in the Premier League and French left-back Evra is determined to do much better in future.


  • 年轻人不解苏格拉底为什么要这样,苏格拉底回答说:“我只想告诉你,什么事都必须绝处求生那么大的决心,才能获得真正的成就。”

    The young man asked Socrates with puzzle why he did that, Socrates replied


  • 另一种类型英雄相信雷吉娜英雄,因为决心比,而且一切作为一个拉比能够的事情。

    Another type of hero, I believe Regina would be, is a hero within because she was determined to be a rabbi and she did everything she could to make it as a rabbi.


  • 这个假期我们必须下定决心他们曾经事。

    This holiday season, we must resolve once more to do the same.


  • 相信我们获得这种能力决心推动方面的研究人性良知负责任地这样

    I believe we have been given the capacity and the will to pursue this research - and the humanity and conscience to do so responsibly.


  • 作为个新年决心我们应该考虑照着发现一个极好的网站 —— 充满生命力的纯素食者 —— 这里食谱许多其它有用资料

    For a New Year’s resolution, we should all consider following suit. I found a great website at [LiveVegan.org] that has recipes and tons of other useful information.


  • 应该问自己如果自己计划没有那么重要为什么开始的时候还要下定决心这件事情?

    Ask yourself this: If changing yourself wasn't so important, then why did you decide to do it in the first place?


  • NHSBT表示,绝大多数新年决心聚焦于个人改善,包括许诺更多水果蔬菜更多的锻炼,戒烟减少饮酒

    Most New Year resolutions focus on self-improvement, the NHSBT claims, consisting of promises to eat more fruit and vegetables, doing more exercise, stopping smoking or drinking less alcohol.


  • 尽管的确没有权利那样,但巴马先生还是决心通知”:BP必须拿出足够的资金放进一个无力管控的第三方代管账户那里满足所有赔偿索求

    Mr Obama decided to "inform" BP that it must put adequate funds to meet all compensation claims into an escrow account beyond its control, although he has no authority to do so.


  • 感觉,我可以任何决心的事情。

    I felt I could do anything I set out to do.


  • 重新定义家务框架:下定决心介意琐碎的家务,就好象脏衣服放到篮子里或是湿毛巾起来

    Re-frame: decide that you don’t mind doing a chorelike putting clothes in the hamper or hanging up wet towels.


  • 经常最后决心开始困难项目吗,还是仅仅刚开始就被打断?

    How often have you finally steeled yourself to start some difficult project, only to be interrupted the minute you get going?


  • 他们通过美国的报纸篇的广告、在电视上插播广告方式,表明其将把质量消费者放在首位决心

    The company has placed full-page ads in newspapers and is airing TV commercials in the U.S., vowing to put quality and customers first.


  • 实际上可以任何的,下定决心

    The reality is you can do whatever you want to do and set your mind to do.


  • 我们决心这样出于多种原因

    We decided to make the handbook available for a number of reasons.


  • 我们不惜任何代价决心这件事。

    We determined to do this at any cost.


  • 每年一月一号似乎悄悄地来临,每年的开始我们都会非常努力决心做一些事情思考如何新的年中完成这些事情

    January 1st seems to sneak up on us every year, and every year we madly try to figure out what our resolutions will be and what we're going to accomplish in the coming year.


  • 下定这个决心现在就是合适时机我们还有时间这样

    If that word is ever to be spoken there never was a more appropriate occasion than the present, and we trust that it will be spoken while there is yet time.


  • 决心更好并且支车队努力战斗

    I'm determined to do well and fight hard for this team.


  • 决心更好并且支车队努力战斗

    I'm determined to do well and fight hard for this team.


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