• 所知目前平台JSR规范许可ritckJCP发布的,但许可条款GPL冲突

    As you know the current platform JSRs have licenses for the spec, ri and TCK published by the JCP under terms that are in conflict with the GPL.


  • 印度美国全球贸易协定条款发生冲突

    India has also clashed with the US over the terms of the global trade deal.


  • 第四十二条甲方依法制定规章制度均属合同附件效力与合同条款相同冲突,则以制定时间在后者为准。

    The rules and regulations enacted in accordance with the law by two sides are attachments to the contract and with the same effect, the later-maker should be followed if meets conflict.


  • 任何冲突情况下中的条款认购表格盛行

    In case of any conflicts, the terms in the Subscription Form prevails.


  • 合同任一条款附加条款冲突,则附属条款最终裁决对双方约束力

    If any other clause in this contract is in conflict with the supplementary conditions the supplementary conditions should be taken as final and binding.


  • 然而不过如果该仲裁条例条款前述规定包括仲裁人的指定冲突,则以本条规定为准。

    However, if such rules are in conflict with the provisions of the previous paragraph of this Article, including the provisions for appointing arbitrators, the provisions of this Article shall prevail.


  • 计划书这些条款条件产生任何冲突情况下,以本计划书为准。

    In the event and to the extent of any conflict between the Plan document and these Terms and Conditions, the Plan document shall control.


  • 正如可能随着最终用户许可协议协议条款产生了冲突认识

    As you may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement.


  • 如果全合同正文条款附录[以及附件]的条款冲突,以合同正文条款为准

    In the event of any conflict between the terms and provisions of the main body of the Contract and the Schedules or Annexes, the terms and provisions of the main body of this Contract shall prevail.


  • 法律遭遇道德、法律条款与道德准则相冲突时,谁力量大?。

    Which should be more powerful when a conflict occurs, the law or morals?


  • 本《章程》的规定合同条款存在任何冲突差异以《合同》为准

    Should there be any conflicts or discrepancy between the JV Contract and these Articles in any aspect, the JV Contract shall prevail.


  • 使用条款接受中国法律管辖之解释,排除法律冲突原则

    These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China, without regard to its principles of conflict of laws.


  • 法律系统对自己周围系统现实建构那些系统的运行现实之间冲突通过诚信一般条款协调

    The conflict between the legal constructs of the systems surrounding law and actual operation of those systems can be reconciled through general articles of law such as "good faith".


  • 倘若商业条款《金融服务管理局规则任何冲突之处,以《金融服务管理局规则》为准

    If there is any conflict between these Terms of Business and the FSA Rules, the FSA Rules shall prevail.


  • 即使卖方知道条款条件有所冲突或偏离情况下,仍然毫无保留的交货,或即使卖方在未来交易的特殊情形下没有附加这些一般条款条件,这些一般条款和条件仍然适用。

    Separate agreements that are made in individual cases with the Purchaser shall prevail with regard to the stipulated regulations over these General Terms and Conditions unless otherwise stated.


  • 协议订立解释均适应纽约州法律没有和法律条款冲突的内容。

    This Agreement is to be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York without giving effect to its conflicts of laws provisions.


  • 如果合同正文条款附录以及附件的条款冲突,以本合同正文条款为准

    In the event of any conflict between the terms and provisions of the main body of the Contract and the Schedules or Annexes, the terms and provisions of the main body of this Contract shall prevail.


  • 所居住国家法规发生冲突的情况下,这些服务条款的实施解释将遵行中国法律规定

    These Terms of Service will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China, without giving effect to its conflict of laws provisions or your actual state or country of residence.


  • 如果协议条款条件规章制度发生任何冲突一致,则以本协议条款为准。

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the rules and regulations, the terms of this Agreement control.


  • 这些服务条款加以管理解释按照韩国法律考虑冲突规定实际国家居住国

    These Terms of Service will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Korea, without giving effect to its conflict of laws provisions or your actual state or country of residence.


  • 协议所有条款适用寄售产品除非本协议其他条款冲突

    All other provisions of the Agreement apply to Consignment Products, except to the extent this section conflicts with any other provision of the Agreement.


  • 这个协议不能应聘者当地服务机构签订的《劳动合同中的条款冲突

    It is commonly understood that the provisional agreement may not be in conflict with and is subject to the terms of the Labour contract between the candidate and the local service unit.


  • 发生任何冲突这些条款条件任何文件看来实行不同条款,这些条款与条件占上风

    In the event of any conflict between these terms and Conditions and any document purporting to impose different terms, these terms and Conditions will prevail.


  • 发生任何冲突这些条款条件任何文件看来实行不同条款,这些条款与条件占上风

    In the event of any conflict between these terms and Conditions and any document purporting to impose different terms, these terms and Conditions will prevail.


- 来自原声例句

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