• 这个故事非常人性化,讲述作者成为一名“成熟癌症学家”经历,而且历史性叙述慕克吉眼下所面临的困境冲断

    It is a personal story, too, an account of the author's own "coming-of-age as an oncologist," and its historical narrative is crosscut with Mukherjee's present predicaments.


  • 冲断作用控制沉积物分布扩散型式;

    The thrust faulting controls the distribution, migration and diffusion of sediments.


  • 陆壳构造薄弱带控制盆地分布;冲断作用后效、异常地幔壳、温度-弹性效应剪切扩张重力均衡主要成盆作用;

    The main factors of the basin formation are the after effects of thrusting, invading crust of abnormal mantle, temperature elastic effect, shear spread and gravitational equilibrium.


  • 断弯褶皱断展褶皱冲断中的两种典型构造形式

    Fault-bend folds and fault-propagation folds are typical structural styles in the foreland thrust belts.


  • 塔里木盆地库车褶皱冲断克拉苏构造古近系膏盐岩之下发育克拉苏三角带。

    The Kelasu triangle zone occurs under the Paleogene evaporites in Kelasu anticline zone of Kuqa thrust-and-fold belts, Tarim basin (Northwest China).


  • 盐岩层存在使库车前陆褶皱-冲断发育-系列相关构造其中引人注目盐推构造。

    A variety of salt-related structures have developed in the Kuqa foreland fold-thrust belt, in which the most fascinating structure is the salt nappe complex.


  • 玄武岩弄槐熔岩为代表性火山岩,原为古特提斯洋盆中的夏威夷洋岛,现保存支期前褶皱冲断带的一个外来岩席中。

    The oceanic island basalt is represented by the Nonghuai pillow lava, which is, originally Hawaii type one in the Paleotethyan ocean, an allochthon in the Indosinian foreland fold and thrust belt.


  • 在褶皱冲断负载作用,岩石圈通过区域性均衡调整流变挠曲形成的。

    They were formed through regional isostatic adjustment and Theological flexure under the load of fold-thrust belts.


  • 塔西南山前冲断及其前陆盆地系统一个油气勘探前景较好的地区目前对地区的研究程度勘探程度比较低。

    The overthrust fault zone and foreland basin in Southwestern Tarim is favorable areas for petroleum exploration. But the research and exploration degree here are still low.


  • 洪日豪(1994)台湾西部三义逆冲断磺坑背斜变形组构分析。台湾石油地质,第29号,第105 - 126页。

    Hong, R. H. (1994) Analysis of deformation fabrics in the Sani thrust sheet and the Chuhuangkeng anticline of western Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 29, 105-126.


  • 深部—浅部系列冲断构造块体不对称扇形构造形变体组成区内“华南造山带”一个重要的构造单元。

    A group of deep-shallow thrusting sheets and asymmetric deformationfan-tectosomes is a key tectonic(division)domain in S. China orogenic zone.


  • 构造包括盐上滚动背斜、断弯-断展背斜、背冲断块、逆冲断层遮挡构造推覆构造等

    The suprasalt structure includes suprasalt rolling anticline, fault-bending anticline, suprasalt pop-up, thrust screened structure and salt nappe.


  • 乌夏断裂带位于准噶尔盆地西北缘东部西北缘冲断一个重要组成部分

    Wuxia fault belt in the eastern part of northwestern margin of Junggar basin is an important part in the thrust belt of the northwestern margin.


  • 模拟结果表明库车盆地是以断层相关褶皱作为滑动机制的前陆冲断带。

    The results indicate that fault-related folding is the basic deformation style in this foreland basin.


  • 冲断普遍具有构造分段特点

    The foreland thrust belt has a characteristic of structural segmentation in general.


  • 大别与苏鲁山带周边出现了强烈前陆褶皱冲断带。

    The intensive foreland fold-and-thrust belts occurred on the both sides of the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt.


  • 马家滩地区主体鄂尔多斯盆地西南冲断构造中段,见有显示具有良好油气勘探前景

    Mainly lying in the central section of the thrust tectonic zone of the south-western Ordos Basin, the Majiatan area has a promising oil-gas prospect, for its gas shows.


  • 这些冲断构造不同于常说落基阿尔卑斯山山前冲断构造,而具有独特冲断形式。

    These thrusts have their special thu- rsting features, being different from the well-known overthrust belt in the premountain regions of Rocky and Alps mountains.


  • 酒泉盆地南缘山前冲断构造油气藏凹陷构造—岩性油气藏为该盆地两个主要勘探领域

    The structural reservoir in piedmont thrust zone and structural-lithologic reservoir in oil-rich sag of southern margin of Jiuquan basin are two main exploration fields in the basin.


  • 分析认为新生代形成隐伏冲断构造龙门冲断带前锋油气勘探新领域。

    We suggest that the blind thrust structures in the Cenozoic can be a potential for hydrocarbon exploration in the front of Longmenshan fold-thrust belt.


  • 可划分为伸展变形冲断褶皱变形、拆离滑脱变形等3构造变形样式

    The deformation style includes 3 types: stretching deformation, thrust fold deformation and decoupling slip deformation.


  • 库车褶皱冲断秋里塔格构造发育断坡有关的位移转换构造。

    In the Kuqa fold-thrust zone, a lateral ramp-related displacement transfer structure is developed in the eastern Qiulitag structural belt.


  • 冲断前陆盆地油气聚集主要场所,也是油气勘探最难领域

    Foreland thrust belt is the primary region for the petroleum assemble in the foreland basin, which is the most difficult fields in the petroleum exploring.


  • 褶皱-冲断盐相关构造十分发育秋立塔克地区构造极其复杂,该地区新生界内部存在两起滑脱层作用的膏盐层。

    Fold-thrust belts and salt-related structures are very prevalent in the Kuqa foreland fold-thrust belt of Tarim Basin in Northwest China.


  • 江西北部地处欧亚大陆板块东南沿海前陆推覆冲断带,扬子华夏古板块结合带叠加部位。

    North Jiangxi area is located in the superimposed part of foreland nappe thrust zone of the southeast coast of Eurasian Contiental Plate and Yangzi and Precambrian Cathaysia Plates.


  • 第三系构造变形主要表现区内下第三系红层冲断褶皱变形。

    The structural deformation of the Paleogene is characterized evidently by thrust block and broad folds.


  • 有利勘探区带包括大巴山冲断、川北凹陷川中低隆起带。

    The favorable plays include the thrust belt in Dabashan area, sag in the north Sichuan province and uplift in the central Sichuan province.


  • 剖面冲断位于三角带构造前缘下方,平面上重叠分布

    On the section, the imbricate thrust zone is situated below the front margin of the triangular-zone structure, and they are overlapping distributed on plane.


  • 罗城矿区处于九岭南缘大型覆构造突出前锋NNE向走滑冲断复合部位

    The Luochen Copper Mine is situated at the composite part of the protruding south front of the large scale thrust( slip) nappe and the NNE-trend strike-slip thrust fault in the south edge of Jiuling.


  • 石峡凹陷山前发育冲断构造,侏罗系烃增厚有利于油气成藏。

    In the piedmont belt of Washixia sag developed thrust nappe which leaded to incrassation of Jurassic source rocks, being favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation in this area.


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