• 引用改写中国古典诗句抒发印尼华文诗人本土乡愁冯世诗歌创作的特点之一。

    One of the characteristics in the poems of Feng Shicai is to express the Indonesia-oriented nostalgia in the way of quotation and adaption of the Chinese poetry.


  • 卫组织周三已有超过208个国家地区报告了实验室检测证实甲型H1N 1流感病例。陈富珍说,至少有12,220一疾病。

    Cases of H1N1 flu confirmed by laboratory testing have been reported in more than 208 countries and overseas territories, the WHO said Wednesday, and at least 12,220 people have died.


  • 组织总干事富珍博士说,气候变化极为不利方式影响健康一些基本决定因素食物空气

    Continuing climate change will affect, in profoundly adverse ways, some of the most fundamental determinants of health: food, air and water, according to WHO Director-General Dr Margaret chan.


  • 在谈到宣布认捐一事时,组织总干事富珍:“盖茨基金会疫苗承诺前所未有的仅仅是满足了需要一小部分。”

    Commenting on the announcement, WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said, "the Gates Foundation's commitment to vaccines is unprecedented, but just a small part of what is needed."


  • 卫生系统必须得到加强,以便神经障碍患者提供更好保健,“组织总干事富珍博士。”

    Health systems need to be strengthened to deliver better care for people with neurological disorders, "said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General."


  • 由于可以人际间传染,因此有着大流行潜力”,卫组织总干事富珍北周末日内瓦表示。

    "It has pandemic potential because it is infecting people," Margaret Chan, the director general of WHO, said from Geneva over the weekend.


  • 宣布会议开幕时组织总干事富珍博士提到1896年撞车造成一例死亡

    Opening the meeting, WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan referred to the first death that resulted from a car crash, in 1896.


  • 组织总干事富珍博士强调正在发生变化:“报告结果过去十年所看到最好的成果。

    The WHO Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan, highlighted the transformation that is taking place, "The results set out in this report are the best seen in decades.


  • 一成就归功于东地中海区域各国防治麻疹所辛勤努力承诺,”组织总干事陈富珍博士

    "This achievement is a tribute to the hard work and commitment of countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region to combat measles" said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General.


  • 今年会议上组织总干事富珍博士做有关一主题主旨发言。

    At this year's meeting, WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan will present a key-note speech on this subject.


  • 富珍表示据统计有不到5%患了新型耐药结核病不到3%的患者接受了治疗达到卫组织的标准

    Chan said less than 5% of estimated cases of drug-resistant TB were being detected and fewer than 3% of sufferers received treatment that reached WHO standards.


  • 时间就是生命,”组织总干事大流行型流感问题代表富珍博士

    "Time is of the essence," said Dr Margaret Chan, Representative of the WHO Director-General for Pandemic Influenza.


  • 公共卫生方面一项重大突破在今后多年中使数百万受益,”组织总干事富珍

    "This is a major breakthrough for public health that will benefit many millions of people for many years to come," said WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan.


  • 觉得卫组织干事富珍博士特别有勇气能够开始会员国讨论如何重振初级卫生保健

    I find it exceptionally courageous of WHO's Director-General [Dr Margaret Chan] to have started the discussion with Member States on how to revitalize primary health care.


  • 一些使人虚弱疾病有时会很可怕。这些疾病往往看作贫穷带来部分苦难,”组织总干事富珍博士

    "These are debilitating, sometimes horrific diseases that are often accepted as part of the misery of being poor," says Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General.


  • 今天委员会组织总干事富珍博士呈交了调查结果

    Today, the Commission presents its findings to the WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan.


  • 组织总干事大流行性流感问题代表富珍博士说:“这个病毒非常变化莫测。”

    "This virus is very treacherous," says Dr Margaret Chan, Representative of the WHO Director-General for Pandemic Influenza.


  • 公共卫生取得的巨大成就,”组织总干事富珍博士

    "This represents a remarkable achievement for public health," said WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan.


  • 决定性考验我们方面不及格,”组织总干事富珍博士星期二热带病研究和培训特别规划联合协调委员会会议开幕式上讲话时说

    This is the acid test, and this is where we are failing," said WHO Director General Dr Margaret Chan, speaking Tuesday at the opening session of the TDR Joint Coordinating Board.


  • 卫组织总干事富珍博士大会致辞指出面临多重危机包括目前金融危机全球经济衰退

    In her address to the Health Assembly, WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan noted that the world was facing multiple crises, including the current financial crisis and global economic downturn.


  • 卫组织总干事陈富珍博士预防管理耐药结核病一项紧急全球卫生工作。

    WHO Director General Dr Margaret Chan said preventing and managing drug-resistant TB was a global health imperative.


  • 富珍博士流行性流感方面代表致力于卫组织帮助各国流感流行做好准备的途径。

    Dr Margaret Chan is my representative for pandemic influenza and is working on ways that WHO can help countries prepare for a flu pandemic.


  • 博士发言人强调博士指责并不反映卫组织官方看法

    A spokesman for Dr Chan insists the charges attributed to Dr Kochi do not reflect her organisation's official views.


  • 个月卫组织再次呼吁耐多药结核病作为一项紧迫公共卫生优先事项,”卫组织总干事陈富珍博士。“今天我们拥有了可用指导应对行动的证据。”

    "Five months ago, WHO renewed its call to make MDR-TB an urgent public health priority," said WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan, "and today we have evidence to guide our response."


  • 卫组织有幸加入组委会富珍干事亲自参加了2007年会议。

    WHO was proud to be part of the organizing committee and to have Dr Margaret Chan the Director-General participate in 2007.


  • 这些作品包括伦敦交易商艾玛纽··拜耳提供乔万尼-保罗-西莫里尼16创作的幅名为“死亡之”的素描幅素描描绘了死神忙碌时的景象(底部幻灯片)。

    Among these works Emanual von Baeyer, a London dealer, will show "The Aviary of Death", a 16th-century etching of the Grim Reaper busily at work, by Giovanni Paolo Cimerlini (see slideshow below).


  • 可预防手术损伤死亡现在日益成为一个令人关切的问题”,卫组织总干事富珍博士

    "Preventable surgical injuries and deaths are a growing concern," said Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO.


  • 这份报告展示全球应对艾滋病毒/艾滋病方面取得的巨大进展”,组织总干事富珍博士表示。

    "This report shows tremendous progress in the global HIV/AIDS response," said WHO Director-General Margaret Chan.


  • 组织总干事富珍:“一些国家来说这种状况可以毫不夸张地称之为场影响健康社会国家经济灾难即将来临。”

    WHO Director-General Margaret Chan says: "For some countries it is no exaggeration to describe the situation as an impending disaster ... a disaster for health, society and national economies."


  • 组织总干事富珍博士默克公司首席执行官ElmarSchnee先生签署这项协定

    The WHO Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan, will be signing this agreement with Merck KGaA CEO, Mr Elmar Schnee.


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