• 军山中国一部电影片

    Ding Jun Shan was China's first film.


  • 将军取得此山,军山掌中也。

    If we gain control of it, Dingjun is as good as in our hands.


  • 中国电影发轫于1905年摄制的《定军山》。

    Chinese cinema originates from Dingjun Hill which was produced in 1905.


  • 两湖蚌属密度生物量为零青岚其余各生物量明显大于军山湖;

    Both the density and biomass of Solenaia in the two lakes were zero, but the biomass of the other genera in Qinglan Lake obviously exceeded that in Junshan Lake;


  • 按照联合导演部计划17日凌晨,红方第1编队护送商船(军山模拟)演习区域航渡。

    According to the plan of the drill, the 1st naval fleet of the red team would escort a merchant ship (simulated by Junshanhu ship) while moving to the exercise area before dawn on September 17.


  • 中国电影发轫于1905摄制《定军山》。20世纪30中国电影文学现实主义萌芽时期

    Chinese cinema originates from Dingjun Hill which was produced in 1905. The first 30 years of the 20th century is the rudimentary stage of Chinese cinematic literary realism.


  • 另一个不寻常景观东岸救世个由混凝土手工混制的泥砖堆砌的100英尺上面覆盖丙烯酸涂料

    Another unusual sight near the lake's eastern shore is Salvation Mountain, a 100ft-high hill of concrete and hand-mixed adobe, covered with acrylic paint.


  • 汽车山转,不断向上爬升到达卡拉。切弗利尓十字军城堡

    And so we purred round the hillside, climbing ever upwards towards the crusader castle of Krak DE Chevaliers.


  • 布尔本山白色方石一样,湖中也会涌出仙

    Out of this lake, as from the white square stone in Ben Bulben, issues an unearthly troop.


  • 日本西部方面军司令—木崎俊三中将表示除了加强双方军事合作,军演有助于提高日本防御作战灵活性。

    AdvertisementIn addition to improved military relations, the Yama Sakura exercise is contributing "to the implementation of Japan's new dynamic defense capability," said Lt.


  • 耶和华如此说,现在回到锡安耶路撒冷中。耶路撒冷称为诚实,万军之耶和华的必称为圣山

    Thus saith the LORD; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.


  • 昂山1943年10月开始英国(Lord Mountbatten)谈判于1945年3月带着重新命名缅甸国家正式加入联盟国。

    Aung San began negotiations with British (Lord Mountbatten) in October 1943 and officially joined the Allies with his renamed Burma National Army (BNA) in March 1945.


  • 1775年5月10日马萨诸塞州BenedictAr nold加入了EthanAllen佛蒙特州的绿清晨奇袭,震惊并且活捉睡梦中的英国守备军

    On May 10, 1775, Benedict Arnold of Massachusetts joined Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys of Vermont in a dawn attack on the fort, surprising and capturing the sleeping British garrison.


  • 1775年6月17日距离波士顿不远不理智(也就是著名克山)上,大陆军击退英军两次进攻,然而撤退之际却遭遇困难

    On June 17, 1775, at Breed's Hill (known as Bunker Hill) near Boston, colonial militia were able to hold off British troops for two charges, but hard to retreat when they ran out of ammunition.


  • 著名太行陉中,居庸关排列第八,即控扼军都山都陉。

    In the famous mountain in shansi eight Xing arranged in eighth, namely, the juyongguan KongE JunDouShan Xing the army.


  • 因为耶路撒冷而出,逃脱的人将由雍山来:万军上主热诚必要成就事。

    For a remnant will come from Jerusalem and survivors from Mount Zion. The zeal of Yahweh of hosts will accomplish this.


  • 了解电力牵引双线铁路运营隧道空气污染状况,选择军都山隧道进行现场测试

    For investigating the air pollution in double line railway tunnel by electric traction, we tested the air condition in Jundushan tunnel.


  • 事不宜迟狄公手下化装追查邙山深处已废弃找到辆崭新的乌马车

    Without further ado, di Gong rate of men disguised military head out of the city to trace, in the depths Mangshan abandoned village on the spirits to find five new Ukrainian Punta carriage.


  • 耶路撒冷称为诚实万军之耶和华必称为圣山

    Then Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth, and the mountain of the LORD Almighty will be called the Holy Mountain.


  • 在军都山既可以滑雪健身又可以办公开会商务团队冬天里的的最佳选择

    Coming to Jundushan is the best choice for a business team which is going to have meetings and ski fitness.


  • 军都山建成多功能会议大厅可以接待100以下的公司会议以及产品发布冷餐会各种商务活动

    The newly built Jundushan multi-functional conference hall can accommodate company meetings, product launches, buffet and other business activities that are less than 100 people.


  • 如果还是垂钓爱好者,那么军都山别墅区室内鱼池还可以享受冬季垂钓的乐趣

    If you like fishing, you can enjoy the fun of fishing in the indoor pond in the villa area in winter.


  • 攻击豪山的八路军时,“使用瓦斯瓦斯筒”。

    "gas shells and gas canisters were used" when attacking the Eighth Route Army in Haoshan;


  • 攻击豪山的八路军时,“使用瓦斯瓦斯筒”。

    "gas shells and gas canisters were used" when attacking the Eighth Route Army in Haoshan;


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