• 完成写演讲稿的任务后,演讲者必须练习、练习、再练习。

    After the task of writing the speech is complete, speakers must practice, practice, practice.


  • 组织能力演讲稿之前使用一种技能

    The ability to organize ideas is a skill you will employ before you ever write a speech.


  • 组织能力是在演讲稿之前使用一种技能

    The ability to organize ideas isa skill you will employ before you ever write a speech.


  • 对邮件进行了简短回复40分钟终于开始演讲稿

    She sends brief answers and 40 minutes later gets started on her presentation.


  • 组织过元旦文艺晚会,期间负责演讲稿寻找赞助商。

    Also the new organization responsible for writing, speech, and in the period for sponsors.


  • 喜欢自己写演讲稿但是如果利用就是非常有用链接

    I like to make up my own speeches, but it's a useful link if I want to take advantage of it.


  • 顶级传播者并不需要总是自己演讲稿,因为谈判桌上他们能拿出其他优势

    Top communicators need not always write their own speeches if they bring other strengths to the table.


  • 在刚坐下来决定演讲稿前先检查一下自己的电子邮件一下…她陷入了无数个“请求”当中。

    Slipping into her desk chair, she decides to check here-mail before diving into the presentation she has to write, and whoosh... she's sucked into a ton of annoying little requests.


  • 常常一些客户留下研讨会文集演讲稿要了解更多信息,于是相信本书对于他们是非常有帮助的。

    I believed that writing a book would be beneficial for clients who often left my seminars and speeches wanting more information. And, I'd even made some feeble attempts to get started.


  • "大纲"用于规范,法律条款,产品计划,演讲稿, 电影剧本, 通信,日记,讨论,聊天系统小说等." 大纲处理器"是指使用户能读,,识别"大纲"结构的程序.一些示例OPML文档: 播放列表, 规范, 演讲稿.

    Outlines can be used for specifications, legal briefs, product plans, presentations, screenplays, directories, diaries, discussion groups, chat systems and stories.


  • 演讲回忆对演讲稿帮助巨大因为发现说的话居然都没有记住

    Reflecting on her speech has helped me enormously in writing this one, because it turns out that I can’t remember a single word she said.


  • 可以报告文章或者演讲稿运用上一些甚至全部笔记中的内容

    You may be able to write them in such a way that you can use them in part or in whole for that research project or article or speech you're preparing for.


  • 可以报告文章或者演讲稿运用上一些甚至全部笔记中的内容

    You may be able to write them in such a way that you can use them in part or in whole for that research project or article or speech you’re preparing for.


  • 这个演讲稿时,我不得不保存电脑一个文件夹里

    When I wrote this address, I had to save it into a folder on my computer.


  • 回忆一下演讲这次演讲稿起到很大帮助。因为说过的话字都记得了。这让十分释然。

    Reflecting on her speech has helped me enormously in writing this one, because it turns out that I can't remember a single word she said.


  • 告诉各位家长,我在演讲稿领悟到的一件事你们孩子大学最后位老师将会我。

    I'd like to say to the parents that I realized something while I was writing this speech: the last teacher your kids will have in college will be me.


  • 对于那些上周没有回家作业,或者只准备演讲稿的孩子们来说,迎头赶上的机会,可以一个演讲稿、或者让演讲稿更长些。

    For those students who did not do their homework last week, or who had a very short speech, this is an opportunity to catch up by writing a speech or making it longer.


  • 本周作业他们的结业演讲一个草稿并且确定信息演讲稿还是说服类演讲稿

    Homework this week is to have a rough draft of their final speech written, and to know whether it is an informative or persuasive speech.


  • 假设正在参加全省中学生英语演讲比赛,请你针对有些父母经常翻看孩子日记书包一现象,一篇演讲稿,陈述你的观点。

    How is your life and study? This July, I'm going to attend the English Speech Contest of Middle School Student in Summer held in Beijing.


  • 然而我们也许应当记住:亚伯·林肯底斯堡演讲稿时,实在没有很好的条件来讲求文体修辞

    We might remember, though, that Abe Lincoln was at a stylistic disadvantage when he wrote his Gettysburg Address.


  • 有的同学突出演讲稿十分水平不但表达出自己的思想观念而且语言优美

    Some schoolmates write prominently, writes develops the lecture notes to have the level extremely, not only can express own thought idea moreover the language to be exquisite.


  • 有的同学突出演讲稿十分水平不但表达出自己的思想观念而且语言优美

    Some schoolmates write prominently, writes develops the lecture notes to have the level extremely, not only can express own thought idea moreover the language to be exquisite.


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