• 就是说,这本为了帮助他们自己写作修改成为地道的英语,就受过教育的以英语为母语的人写的一样。

    In other words, this book is intended to help them turn their work into real English such as might have been written by an educated native speaker of the language.


  • 写作真正重要阶段修改

    The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision.


  • 30分钟的时间构思写作修改文章

    You would have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay.


  • 写作时间还剩一半时,停下来修改的初稿,让它更接近终稿。

    Halfway through your available time, stop and rework your raw writing into something closer to the finished product.


  • 写作时间进行到一半时,停下来修改的初稿,让它更接近终稿。

    Halfway through you available time, stop and rework your raw writing into something closer to finished product.


  • 试图匆忙修改写作内容可能我们大多数写作遇到最大障碍

    Trying to criticize writing on the fly is possibly the single greatest barrier to writing that most of us encounter.


  • 未出版文本,读者搜索,写作层次出现,的例如尼采,写过得个词名字然后,删除修改

    Furthermore the reader will also be able to search word present in only one writing level, for example the cases where Nietzsche wrote a word or a name and then deleted or modified it.


  • 修改写作一部分。

    Revising is part of writing.


  • 本篇讨论技术帮助开始写作,回应文章的缺陷所提出挑战修改完善文章,写作继续下去

    This handout discusses techniques that will help you start writing a paper and continue writing through the challenges of the revising process.


  • 大学本科申请文稿三步,和高中时候写作一样的:首先腹稿(prewrite)然后草稿最后修改

    To write a college essay, use the exact same three-step process you'd use to write an essay for class: first prewrite, then draft, and finally, edit.


  • 因为三种语句都会修改数据,所以用这个首字母缩写作它们统称

    Since all three statements modify data, it's useful to have an acronym for referring to all of them.


  • 能够通过RSS订阅文档修改通知功能协同写作任务变得有条不紊。

    You can subscribe to documents via RSS to be notified of changes and keep your writings organized with Backpack integration.


  • 慕克先生习惯方格纸笔记本上手写创作,在写作留下下一页用来修正,常常会修改部分画上气球形的对话框。

    Mr. Pamuk writes by hand, in graph-paper notebooks, filling a page with prose and leaving the adjacent page blank for revisions, which he inserts with dialogue-like balloons.


  • 幼儿园结束时候,孩子们应该可以文字图画编纂故事老师帮助修改自己写作同学分享自己的作品

    By the end of kindergarten, children should have had opportunities to create stories with words and pictures, revise their writing with a teacher's help, and share with their work with the class.


  • 保持笔记本上手写写作的习惯,奥斯特逐段逐段修改作品直到满意为止。 (他补充道黑暗中的男人修改,比其他作品来得。)

    Writing by hand in notebooks, he'll revise paragraph by paragraph until he's happy with what he's done (there were fewer corrections for Man in the Dark, he adds, than in his other novels).


  • 写作速度快,且很少修改,一共出版了20本诗集

    Wrote quickly, with little revision, and produced more than twenty collections.


  • 学期课程中,在你们收到来自指导教授以及同学们回应修改你们写作每一份作业。

    Over the course of the semester, you will revise each of your pieces after you receive feedback from the instructor and your classmates.


  • 时间简史写作霍金修改书名镜头笔带过——现实中出版商主意而不是的想法。

    The writing of "A Brief History Of Time" is consigned to one shot of Hawking revising the title—and in reality that was the publisher's idea, not his.


  • 第四每周一篇英语作文老师修改提高写作水平

    Fourth, write an English composition every week and ask teacher to revise that for me to improve the writing level.


  • 修改写作本质

    Rewriting is the essence of writing.


  • 传统大学英语写作教学基础上,揉合写作过程互动修改现代写作理论从而不断提高大学生英语写作水平。

    On the basis of traditional English writing teaching, together with modern writing theory of writing process and mutually correcting, to improve the college students English writing.


  • 写作工作坊文章1草稿修改技巧

    Writing Workshop, Draft Essay 1; The Craft of Revision.


  • 取出了第一谈论这个主题写作例子的表达式计算器,之后修改一点代码增加实时性,字节码编译

    I took the ExpressionEvaluator I wrote as example for the first post about this topic, and then I edited a bit the code adding just in time AS Bytecode compilation .


  • 通过48名大学生英语写作同伴作文修改实证研究评价同伴作文修改作文定稿影响

    The study seeks to assess the impact of peer revision and teacher comments on EFL writers' final drafts in narrative writing among 48 tertiary learners.


  • 写作个人简历大学申请(用于指定申请文的大学使用),老师帮助修改

    Write personal resume and essay (used for applying universities without specified topics), and ask teachers to help modify paper work.


  • 整个学期,我们课程将会专注在被视为是主动塑造过程写作以及修改上,以为广大的读者创造出生动清晰感人有意义作品

    Throughout the semester, our class will focus on writing as a process of initial crafting and revising to create works that are lively, clear, engaging and meaningful to a wider audience.


  • 整个学期,我们课程将会专注在被视为是主动塑造过程写作以及修改上,以为广大的读者创造出生动清晰感人有意义作品

    Throughout the semester, our class will focus on writing as a process of initial crafting and revising to create works that are lively, clear, engaging and meaningful to a wider audience.


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