• o把需要处理文件文档归档或者删除。

    File or trash any old files and documents that don't require any more action.


  • 显示了档案文件,它存储处理过的事件还有一个事件阶段表,存储需要处理的事件。

    The figure shows an archive table that archives processed events and an event staging table that stores events that require reprocessing.


  • NSG的损害防控努力重心是制定一项新的条例禁止向NPT之外任何国家出售用于铀浓缩处理成套设备。

    The NSG’s damage-control efforts now centre on a new rule to bar the sale of kit for uranium-enrichment or plutonium-reprocessing to any country outside the NPT.


  • 建立保持程序确保返回公司按规定要求进行处理的产品识别,且任何时刻正常生产的产品区分开来。

    Establish and maintain proper procedure to ensure the returned products can be identified and isolated from the normal products at any time.


  • NSG的损害防控努力重心是制定一项新的条例禁止向NPT之外任何国家出售用于铀浓缩处理成套设备。

    The NSG's damage-control efforts now centre on a new rule to bar the sale of kit for uranium-enrichment or plutonium-reprocessing to any country outside the NPT.


  • 投诉放到一边时间充裕些再处理

    I put his complaint to one side until I had more time.


  • 如果没有事件处理程序处理这个单击事件,沿着同样路线返回元素,这时根元素默认的单击处理程序将忽略事件。

    If no event handlers processed the click, the event will travel back up the same path until it comes back to the root element, where the default click handler will ignore it.


  • 因此他们可能会巴勒斯坦人保证,得到公正处理结果消除以色列遭遇过度要求担心

    They might thus reassure Palestinians that they will get a fair deal, and assuage Israeli fears of being confronted with excessive demands.


  • 业务逻辑决定将要处理数据是否签名

    The business logic may then decide if the data about to be processed has been signed or not.


  • 而如今销售额涨势起,员工130Acme公司考虑今年扩招20处理不断增多的订单量。

    Sales are back up, the head count is now up to 130, and Acme reckons it will hire 20 more people this year to handle the growing order book.


  • XPath专用的处理已经完成因此需要担心了。

    The XPath-specific processing is done, so you no longer need to worry about it.


  • 可以首先恢复生成事件所有应用程序,然后恢复这些事件处理工作。

    You can recover all of your applications that generate the events prior to recovering the processing of those events.


  • 一步通常代码完成需要的处理之后执行,但是出于调试目的开发过程中这样方便。

    This step is generally done after your code has finished processing, but you might find it helpful during development and for debugging purposes.


  • 经过标准检测处理成为饮用水,这些处理过的最终进入家庭

    After standard testing and treatment for drinking water, this reclaimed water ends up in houses.


  • 如果执行了此操作并且活动失败,则异常传播流程错误处理程序,并且该活动不会停止。

    If this is done and the activity fails again, the exception is propagated to the fault handling of the process and the activity is not stopped again.


  • 能让不用手工处理异步调用过程中发生异常

    This relieves you of manually handling exceptions that occur during an asynchronous call.


  • 分析事件预期工作负载确保处理简单的事件再处理复杂的事件。

    Analyse your event flows and expected workload and ensure simpler event processing occurs before more complex event processing.


  • 他们担心一贯以来都古板爱尔兰能否处理这件事情上能够精明一点能够重获投资者的信任并且能够偿还债务

    They worried whether Ireland, having looked dodgy for so long, could cope with this politically, could ever regain investors’ trust, and would ever be able to repay its debts.


  • 我们首先圆滑方形它们需要小的圆角半径之后我们处理其他

    We will first round off the small rectangles, as they need a smaller radius, and then progressively do the others.


  • 同样目标永远不要留下任何空白完整的地方,所以只要完成文本较为容易部分,你就可以处理复杂部分

    Again, your goal is to never leave anything blank or incomplete, so as soon as you have finished with the easier layers of the text, you can move on to the more complex ones.


  • 关键之处在首先实现xml文件格式的xml化,然后使用相应的XML技术进一步处理生成的XML文件

    The key point here is to XMLize the non-XML file format first, and then further process the generated XML files with a corresponding XML technology.


  • 为此选取列表第一元素 — 列表头部元素执行处理然后递归式地将列表其余部分传递自身

    To do so, it will pick off the first element of the listthe headto do the processing on that element, and recursively pass the rest of the list to itself again.


  • 一个经授权的持有人购买东西时,收银员商店档案中找到卡片,然后处理交易

    When an authorized user made a purchase, a clerk retrieved the plate from the store's files and then processed the purchase.


  • 问题的重点在于如果UI线程运行代码应用程序无法处理来自OS的UI事件

    The point here is that if your code is running on the UI thread, the application can't handle UI events from the OS.


  • 德国只能低声下气地乞求他坚持的《稳定公约》能够对其宽大处理欧盟同意了

    Germany had to ask, humiliatingly, for lenient implementation of the Stability Pact it had insisted upon, and the European Union agreed.


  • 有了好的资源之后,最好基础开始积累(地址城市),然后添加旅游景点健壮异常处理

    Given good resources, it is best to build up from the basics (address, city, state) and then include places of interest and robust exception handling.


  • 传统经杀虫剂处理蚊帐需要经常进行再处理长效杀虫蚊帐则蚊帐整个使用期都有效无须进行再处理

    Conventional insecticide treated mosquito nets need to be re-treated regularly, while long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are designed to be effective without re-treatment for the life of the net.


  • 传统经杀虫剂处理蚊帐需要经常进行再处理长效杀虫蚊帐则蚊帐整个使用期都有效无须进行再处理

    Conventional insecticide treated mosquito nets need to be re-treated regularly, while long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are designed to be effective without re-treatment for the life of the net.


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