• 请先重复索引命名,没有重复后升级

    Rename the indexes to remove duplicates before you upgrade.


  • 升级产品版本之前,先复制的备份之后升级复制,一个明智的做法。

    It is a good idea to make a backup copy and then upgrade the copy before upgrading your production version.


  • 无论哪种方式我们应该准备升级语言作为'金融危机'可能成为一个严重经济衰退

    Either way, we should be prepared for another escalation in language, as the 'financial crisis' perhaps becomes a' severe economic recession '.


  • 何况处境不能更为恶劣,困境到了某种程度无法升级德纳第本人不能使黑夜更黑

    Moreover, the situation could not be made worse, a certain degree of distress is no longer capable of a crescendo, and Thenardier himself could add nothing to this blackness of this night.


  • 校园网建设应用不断完善的过程,是个应用—升级应用再升级循环往复的过程。

    The construction application of the campus net is a continuously perfect process, is an application- upgrade- again applied- again upgrade circulation the process of the back and forth.


  • 这种情况下中国电信中国移动在2009年下半年启动现有3G网络再升级测试工作

    In this case, China Telecom and China Mobile was launched in 2009 in the second half of the existing 3g networks, upgrade testing.


  • 硬盘对于笔记本电脑,通常建议最小160g可以个120g的,等经济好转再升级

    Hard disk: on a laptop, 160 gigabytes is the minimum I usually suggest, but you can get by with 120 gigabytes and upgrade when economic times are better.


  • 之前费尔南德斯女士挥霍着自己声望升级农民之间的冲突直至国会迫使撤销税行动。

    Two years ago, Ms fernandez squandered her popularity by repeatedly escalating her conflict with the farmers until Congress forced her to retract the tax increase.


  • 那个戴尔支持中心自动升级的服务诱惑人了,因为上去,好像这个电脑飞机雅座似的。

    The "Dell Support Center Automatic Upgrade" was the most tempting since it sounded as if the computer wanted to give me a really good seat on a plane.


  • 现有电讯运营商升级手机即可;以后等你进阶为高级初学者考虑在现有运营商其它运营商之间权衡优劣。

    Upgrade your phone with your existing carrier; later, when you are an advanced beginner, you can start weighing the pluses and minuses of your carrier versus another.


  • 决定升级产品以便利用新兴技术时,即使考虑得周到也难免出现问题

    When making the decision to upgrade a product to make use of evolving technologies, problems can arise despite the best of intentions.


  • 之前他们程序,这通常是需要斥巨资进行安装收取不菲的维护升级费用,可以大赚笔。

    Traditionally they have made billions by selling their programs, often demanding hefty sums to install them and then charging an annual maintenance fee for upgrades and technical support.


  • 如果环境中需要测试aix版本并不需要NIM服务器升级最新级别然后安装测试LPAR。

    If you're running an environment where you want to test a new release of AIX, there's no need to upgrade your NIM server to the latest level before continuing with the install of the test LPAR.


  • 当然可以一两一个新版本来,琢磨着捞点升级钱。最终人们:“功能用的好好的,修修补补个劲?”

    Oh sure, you can crank out a new version every year or two, trying to get the upgrade revenues, but eventually people will ask: "why fix what ain't broken?"


  • 如果人们提交操作(免费注册),那么他们肯定会晚点提交一个更大的操作(比如升级高级账户)。

    If you can get people to commit to a small action (sign up for a free membership), then it is much more likely that they will later commit to a larger action (e.g., upgrade to a premium account).


  • 这样方便升级工具程序 包因为需要重新编译重新引导内核

    This makes it easier to upgrade to a newer level of the tools package, as you would not have to rebuild and reboot the kernel.


  • 某些情况下(比如要软件包进行重大升级),希望先试验修改环境所需所有步骤然后修改生产环境。

    On occasion (like a major upgrade to a software package), you may want to work out all the steps needed for a change to your environment before attempting the change in production.


  • 整个升级项目要求100UH - 1y直升机然而海军陆战队目前请求增加23架飞机满足扩军计划

    The total program requirement for the UH-1Y is 100 helicopters; however the Marine Corps is requesting an additional 23 aircraft to meet its Grow the Force initiative.


  • 软件用户设计十分友好即便确定是否需要花钱升级高级版本,下载一个助力本地备份适合不过

    The software is very user friendly, and even if you're not sure if you want to commit to paying for an online backup service, it's worth a download just to automate your local backups.


  • 第二,大力推动并鼓励公司员工接受培训培训,使技术升级

    And secondly, to make a very big push towards encouraging companies and workers to go for training or retraining, skills upgrading.


  • 日方挑起事端错,导致事态升级

    It is Japan that provoked the issue and made mistakes one after another that led to the escalation.


  • 如果需要升级,你可以看看Adam内存安装指南然后决定电脑需要哪一种类型的内存。

    If you need to upgrade, you can check out Adam's guide to installing memory, after determining the type of memory your computer needs.


  • 如果希望它这么做,不要输入“sudoapt - getupgrade”;运行新立得(Synaptic)并单独升级Pidgin,然后(软件)移除getdeb

    If you don't want those, instead of running "sudo apt-get upgrade", open Synaptic, upgrade Pidgin only and then remove the GetDeb repository (from Software Sources).


  • 不过有缺点希望他们能在下一个升级解决就是链接默认不是窗口打开的,所以想在新窗口打开的话记得按住Ctrl点击

    The one weakness, hopefully fixed in an update soon, is that the extension doesn't open links in a new tab by default, so remember to Ctrl-click anything you need to read in its own space.


  • 如果人们提交操作(免费注册),那么他们肯定会晚点提交一个更大的操作(比如升级高级账户)。

    If you can get people to commit to a small action (sign up for a free membership), then it is much more likely that they will later commit to a larger action (e. g., upgrade to a premium account).


  • 我们升级经纪人俱乐部高层讨论未来

    I will only discuss my future with my agent and the club's management after we secure promotion.


  • 市中心购物暂缓以后美国公司如今正在储存供应品升级电脑机器事实正在部分推动行业增长

    The sector's growth is in part being propelled by the fact that U. S. companies are now restocking supplies and upgrading computers and machinery after putting off purchases in the downturn.


  • 变卖或者升级,塔里物品不会消失了

    The items in a tower no longer vanish when selling or upgrading it.


  • 变卖或者升级,塔里物品不会消失了

    The items in a tower no longer vanish when selling or upgrading it.


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