• 以后摸索着前进你们每个人都形成,自己内部规划

    I felt alone from that point forward, but I think each of you is going to have your own internal clock.


  • 作为一个高级管理团队人员没有戴尔内部职业发展规划进行沟通。

    You have not communicated with me as a senior management team member on my career development plan in Dell.


  • 其他内部应用程序需求版本发布计划相协调,可降低项目应用程序版本发布的规划安排复杂性

    Coordinating with the requirements and release schedules of the other internal applications contributed to the complexity of planning and scheduling releases for the project application.


  • 使用软件跟踪包裹执行内部资源规划执行许多其他任务

    It USES software to track luggage, do internal resource planning, and perform many other tasks.


  • 高级规划项目经理连同内部软件过程小组成员容易就达成共识:使用方法提供准备就绪活动清单

    The senior program and project managers, together with members of the internal software process group, rather easily reached consensus: Use the set of readiness checklists the method provides.


  • 与此相反规划技术活动通常包括来自不同来源(内部外部)大量员工和不同的技术背景

    Program technical activities, in contrast, usually include large Numbers of staff from a variety of sources (internal and external) and various technology backgrounds.


  • 第三作为涉及整个企业的改变,必须内部做好动员谨慎地规划实施

    Third, as in any enterprise-wide initiative, internal buy-in, coupled with proper planning and execution, is crucial.


  • 这家快递服务供应商拥有在线招聘工具职业中心”,员工可以借助这一工具公司内部寻找新的工作机会自己职业生涯进行规划

    The delivery service provider also has an online recruitment tool, career Hub, which allows employees to track new job opportunities within the company and plan their careers.


  • 应用程序行为内部修改云环境需要预先进行规划解决应用程序迁移仍然保持行为修改主动性的问题

    Changing application behavior from in house to the cloud requires planning ahead to resolve the issues of remaining proactive in making behavior changes after the applications are migrated.


  • 首先识别内部程序交付机构规划IT 动机。

    The first is to identify internal IT initiatives that are underway or have been planned by the application delivery organization.


  • 作为熟悉组织及其数据结构内部工作原理的数据专业人员,DBaaS规划一个阶段提供了用武之地。

    The next stage of DBaaS planning gives you the chance, as an experienced data pro with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of your organization and its data structures, to shine.


  • 基础工作应该作为内部规划项目来对待相对于一个外部的项目,其提交了客户组件结果)。

    This infrastructure effort should be treated as an internal program project (as opposed to an external project, which delivers components or results to clients).


  • 如何组织内部营造快乐氛围呢? 可以从培养基层员工做起——培养那些通常会支持战略规划团队成员不是负责设计实施这些规划的人。

    One way to get started on building happiness at your organization is to nurture your junior staff, the members of the team who usually support the strategic plan rather than devise and implement it.


  • 场所规划人员资源经理必将自定义内部绘制工具获益,因为这些工具可以帮助他们形象化地了解建筑物使用情况而无需购买昂贵第三方软件

    Site planners and resource managers will certainly benefit from custom interior plotting tools to help them visualize the usage of their buildings without expensive third-party software.


  • 通过合理运营规划内部外部协调执行跟踪帮助推动完成部门目标计划项目关键业绩指标

    Through rational operational planning, internal and external coordination, implementation and following up, help to dive and achieve department Mission, BP, project and KPI.


  • 并通过一个设施规划实例,来说明本文提出的基于流程分析车间内部的设施规划方法

    Through an example of facilities planning, it expatiates the method of the facilities planning inside of workshop based on flow analysis.


  • 除了外部内部交通规划我们网状视线分层产生多样化空间关系

    In addition to the flow planning on the exterior and interior, we layered a network of sight lines to inspire diverse spatial relationships.


  • 办公塔楼反映出山区海岸线轮廓塔楼布局经过精心规划,塔楼群围绕的内部中心则布置一个下沉广场和水景中央公园

    The office towers reflect the outline of the mountains and seashore with curved edges, while the layout is carefully planned to include a central park with a sunken plaza and water features.


  • 据此笔者提出区别药物费用控制药物使用控制,实施区域卫生规划加强医院内部管理等建议。

    Finally, the authors suggested that we should distinguish between medicine expenditure controlling and medicine order controlling, implement regional health planning, and strengthen inner management.


  • 内部管理功能包括规划指定决策领导者能力管理以及组织设计

    The internal functions of management include: planning and decision-making, leadership and control and organizational design.


  • 重点描述了公司产品规划销售市场竞争以及内部机构变革中所面临困难挑战

    The focus is to describe the difficulties and challenges faced by GTE in its product planning, sales and marketing, internal restructuring.


  • 管理会计主要企业管理部门提供信息主要涉及成本核算、规划控制业绩评价内部会计职能

    Management accounting mainly provides information to management of a firm, and it is related to the internal accounting functions of cost determination, planning, control and performance evaluation.


  • 原因就是企业内部企业之间电子网络极大提高生产规划信息收集以及数据交换效率

    The reason for this transformation is that intra and inter-business electronic links greatly increase the efficiency of production, planning, the collecting of information and data exchange.


  • 信息技术电缆安装第2部分:建筑物内部的安装规划操作规程

    Information technology - Cabling installation - Part 2: installation planning and practices inside buildings.


  • 建筑环境规划布局绿化等方面图书馆流通书库内部环境营造进行了探讨

    This paper probes into the construction of the internal environment of library from aspects of architectural environment, planning and layout, greening and the rejection of old-books.


  • 熟悉内部培训外部培训组织作业流程培训规划有一定经验

    Familiar with internal training and external training processes, have experience in training plan.


  • 因此,这样规划失去根基,脱离了实际,难以达到外部环境内部条件企业目标三者的协调一致,可能企业引向歧途。

    They can hardly make the three of the outside environment, the interior conditions and the enterprise aim to be coordinated, and even may result in the enterprise' s failure.


  • 澳大利亚大学战略规划视为内部管理一项重要举措

    Australia universities regard strategic planning as an important measure in university management.


  • 经过内部办理构造,停止内网规划设计

    By managing structure to its inside, the plan carrying out the inner net designs that.


  • 经过内部办理构造,停止内网规划设计

    By managing structure to its inside, the plan carrying out the inner net designs that.


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