• 研究了碳化作用灰砂内部孔隙强度等相关性能影响。

    The article studies the effects of carbonization on the performance of lime-sand brick including pore and strength.


  • 内部孔隙压力压力参数不适合作为崩岸监测预测指标

    The parameter of the pore water pressure and soil pressure are unfitted as the monitoring and forecasting index for bank collapse.


  • 激活创建快速内部孔隙网络赋予一定表面化学(功能组别)每一个粒子

    Activation creates a fast internal pore network and imparts certain surface chemistries (functional groups) inside each particle.


  • 研究结论:耐腐蚀辅料能够有效的改善混凝土内部孔隙结构特征水泥骨料界面结构。

    Research conclusions:It is effective to improve interface structure between cement and aggregate and cavity structure in the concrete with the anticorrosive mixture.


  • 清楚地识别岩心内部孔隙分布特征其进行定量描述,有助于深入研究岩心渗流特性

    Recognizing core's porosity distribution feature clearly and characterizing it quantitatively is very important when studying core sample's seepage feature.


  • 结果表明木材内部孔隙分形维数定量反映干燥过程木材内部孔隙复杂程度新的有效指标

    The results showed that the fractal dimension is an effective index to quantitatively characterize the complexity of wood interior porosity during the drying process.


  • 然后根据高压油气藏地质构造特征,设计模拟高压油气藏内部孔隙压力变化条件岩石力学特性测试方案

    Then test scheme has been designed to simulate rock mechanical behaviors under the altering pore pressure of high - pressure oil and gas reservoir according to the geological structure.


  • 这样温度下粉末内部起反应去除孔隙得到十分致密的物品

    At such temperatures, the powders react internally to remove porosity and fully dense articles can be obtained.


  • 然后将能够显示岩石孔隙岩石内部毛孔间通道图像用计算机分析。

    This image, which shows the porosity of the rock, and the channels between the pores.


  • 岩石内部具有一定孔隙压力条件下,岩石骨架应力状态就起到主要作用

    In the condition of pore pressure existing within rock, rock framework's effective stress plays an important role.


  • 结论HA可以作为细胞培养的贴壁底物软骨细胞可以长入多孔ha内部孔隙中。

    Conclusion the porous HA can be used as cell cultured substrate and chondrocyte can adhere and proliferate inside the porous HA block.


  • 梯度塑性理论用于研究韧性断层内部应变、应变分布规律、断层带错动位移带内孔隙度分布规律,韧性断层带定量分析提供新的手段

    The theory can be used to study the distributed strain, strain rate, porosity and plastic shear displacement in fault band, which presents a new method for quantitative analysis of ductile shear zone.


  • 声波入射离心玻璃棉上时,声波顺着孔隙进入材料内部引起空隙空气分子振动

    When sound waves on the incident to the centrifugal glass cotton, sound waves can follow the material internal, cause pore voids the vibration of air molecules.


  • 采用冷冻干燥法可以制得表面致密结构,表面为孔隙率较小的多孔结构,内部孔隙率较大的多孔结构的丝素

    A porous silk fibroin membrane could be prepared through freeze-drying process, with dense top surface, porous bottom surface in low porosity and porous inner portion in high porosity.


  • 原丝经过预氧化仍保持原来微原纤结构,纤维外部表层石墨微晶较大孔隙较少,内部的微晶较小且含有大量孔隙

    The (graphite) crystallites in the outer layer of the carbon fibers are large with few pores, while the inner crystallites are small with many pores.


  • 声波入射到离心玻璃棉上时,声波顺着孔隙进入材料内部引起空隙中空气分子振动

    When sound waves transmits centrifugal glass cotton, sound waves can follow pore into material interior, cause voids air molecules vibration.


  • 岩石孔隙内部填充流体分别无汞两种介质不同结果

    This is the result of the different medium with or without mercury, when filling the fluids into porous body of rocks.


  • 建立剪切带内部最大孔隙平均最大孔隙增量、平均最大孔隙比及平均最大孔隙度的解析式

    The analytical solutions of maximum void ratio, average value of increment of maximum void ratio, average value of maximum void ratio and average value of maximum porosity were derived.


  • 这样开放式接缝封闭式接缝之间形成最大对比透过不同孔隙的光线塑造诗意般的内部墙壁

    This produced a maximum contrast between the open and the closed joints and allowed the light to model the interior walls poetically.


  • 检测结果分析和验证表明, 其内部主要孔隙缺陷,产生原因可能烧结厚度太厚所致。

    The analysis of ultrasonic testing result indicated that main defects in the alloy were porosities likely caused by sintering thickness.


  • 由于孔隙存在,岩石内部应力分布出现对称性,导致劈裂裂纹偏离纵向对称轴

    The stress distribution of rock is asymmetric due to the presence of pores existing. The failure cracks deviate from vertical axis of symmetry.


  • 利用数值运算结果研究油层内部微粒,外部微粒共存时孔隙渗透率变化动态特征

    And a number of runs were used to study the dynamic characteristics of porosity and permeability changes caused by the migration of external particles and in situ fines.


  • 岩石孔径,岩石孔隙内部磁场梯度越强磁共振测井计算的孔隙明显偏低

    The more smaller pore size, the more stronger internal Magnetic field gradient. The nmr porosity is significantly lower.


  • 计算表明,单基弹药内部最高温度比双基内部最高温度上升的快。讨论对流换热系数堆积尺寸孔隙率等对弹药内部最高温度的影响

    Convection heat exchange coefficient, stack size and porosity's influence to the highest temperature in porous media are also discussed in this paper.


  • 火成岩具有磁化率,导致火成岩孔隙内部产生强磁场梯度,使火成岩的核磁测井T2发生前移、核磁孔隙减小

    Igneous rock with strong magnetic susceptibility, leading to strong internal magnetic field gradient, and to T2 spectrum forward and NMR porosity decrease.


  • 研究结果表明本区砂岩岩样内部表现孔隙结构储集孔隙结构复杂,孔隙半径变化比较

    The results show that the sandstone rock of the area has three internal pore structure, reservoir rock pore complex structure, pore throat radius relatively large variation range.


  • 网络模型模拟孔隙内部结构最为重要一种方法

    The pore-network model is one of the most important methods for modeling porous media pore space.


  • 孔隙表征中高纸浆多孔介质特性研究纸浆内部结构重要参数

    Porosity is one of the important parameters in medium and high consistency pulp porous medium characterization and pulp internal structure study.


  • 离子吸附量由过程首先聚集孔隙入口处逐渐孔隙内部空间。

    The ions gather in the pore entrance at the start of the adsorption process. Then the ions move into the inner pores and gradually fill the pore space.


  • 离子吸附量由过程首先聚集孔隙入口处逐渐孔隙内部空间。

    The ions gather in the pore entrance at the start of the adsorption process. Then the ions move into the inner pores and gradually fill the pore space.


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