• 结果说明本文提出的算法简单可靠可供研究液力变矩特性时应用。

    The results show that the algorithm is simple and reliable, it can be used to study the internal properties of hydraulic torque converters.


  • 本文再一次用内特性法针对现场各种试验情况进行校核计算获得了与实测值一致结果

    This paper conducts the check calculation for various field tests and get the results which are found to be coincided with the actual measures.


  • 通过不同风压条件下,测量各开度时气体流量,获得了自动控制系统应用提供建模依据特性

    The interior characteristics that provide gist of modeling in autocontrol system is got. Application conditions of the valve are expounded.


  • 作者曾在改型前采用水轮机装置过渡过程基于特性解析方法(简称内特性法)改型可行性进行了计算论证。

    The author calculated and proved the feasibility of this improvement based on the internal characteristic analysis method for the transition process of turbine unit.


  • 为基础,从理论上直线段码的生成、直线段码的特性以及直线的识别进行了探讨,最后给出了一个直线识别的算。

    Considering the segment code, the generation and internal performance of straight line code as well as straight line identification are discussed in this article.


  • 而且除了转换之外的任何其他需求意味着要ESB引擎开发另一相关特性,这不是ESB使用者所期望的,应该是ESB所期望的。

    Moreover any other need besides transformation would imply developing another set of specific features within the ESB engine, and that can't be expected from ESB users, nor should it.


  • 但是,尽管如此,很多时候需要现有页面添加新的交互特性

    Many times, however, you want to add new, interactive features to an existing page after the fact.


  • 引人注目特性大概就是改进搜索功能以及翻页的新方式

    Maybe the two most noticeable new features are the improved search within books and the new way to turn pages.


  • 本文展示了PHPV5.3特性,有助于提高php创建国际化了应用程序能力

    This article presents the new features of PHP V5.3 that improve your ability to create internationalized applications in PHP.


  • 使用粒度文件更新特性可以集群范围拥有灵活应用程序文件,避免引入新的故障

    Using the fine-gained file update feature, you can have a more flexible application file across the cluster, and avoid introducing a new single point of failure.


  • DB 2 9.7中的新的在线模式修改特性帮助DBA应用程序开发人员显著减少计划有关数据库机。

    The new online schema change features in DB2 9.7 help DBAs and application developers significantly reduce the database downtime associated with planned outages.


  • 服务一个总线特性它接受soap请求发送总线的SOAP消息

    An inbound service is a bus feature that accepts a SOAP message sent from a SOAP requestor into the bus.


  • 通常有限时间有限的次数完成一次从事唯一的特性

    Usually it is something that is done a limited number of times within a limited period of time, with unique characteristics every time it is pursued.


  • ConsoleAPI其他有用特性还有堆栈跟踪对象检查字符串格式化

    Other useful features in the Console API are stack traces, object inspection, and string formatting.


  • mock一个“伪”对象它让我们能够集中精力测试Rails项目范围重要特性而不必关注无法控制外部系统的交互。

    A mock is a "fake" object that allows you to focus on testing important features within the scope of the Rails project, rather than on interactions with external systems that you have no control over.


  • 使用Usershare一步全局范围启用这个特性

    The first step to using Usershare is to enable the feature at the global level.


  • 使用这些特性使用一个模型多个文件

    Use this feature to use multiple profiles in one model.


  • 了解了如何检测新的特性以及如何将这些特性添加应用程序

    You learned how to detect the features and to progressively add them to your application.


  • 没有使用自动创建特性因为这里开发方法,数据表已经就绪了。

    You are not using the automatic table creation feature, because in this development approach the tables are already in place.


  • 现在分歧在于重点转移测试这个系统各种特性是否发布可接受极限

    The difference now is that your focus shifts to testing whether the various qualities of the system are within acceptable thresholds for release.


  • 购买这些产品这些产品作为SOA基础企业可能很快就发现自己限制在了供应商服务组件专有特性

    Enterprises that buy into these products and use them as the foundation for their SOA can soon find themselves locked into the proprietary nature of the vendor service components.


  • 提供了一个基于平均失效时间信息和数小时的失效恢复信息的可用性特性

    This provides an availability figure based on mean time to failure information in days, and mean time to recover information in hours.


  • 应用范围资源开发者可以使用特性指定资源,JDBC资源等,应用部署时创建这些资源。

    Application Scoped resources: This feature allows the developers to specify the resources, such as JDBC resource, to be created as part of the application deployment.


  • 同样编辑器编译源代码也是不错特性

    Similarly, compiling sources from within the editor is a nice feature to have.


  • 相反操作输入输出名字会标上范围背景标识符(拥有活动类)中的参数变量或者结构性特性

    Instead, the names of the input and output pins on the actions are labeled by a parameter, variable, or structural feature in the context classifier (the class owning the activity) that is in scope.


  • 一个已经存在特性测试没有相应更新的前提下,添加或者更改代码也是常见

    Within an existing feature, it is common for code to be added or modified without a corresponding update being made in the tests.


  • 测试显现有益特性之一真正方法

    One of the beneficial characteristics that tests surface is really cohesive method.


  • 很多浏览器都会性能问题限制,而且语言自身的特性通常导致所编写的代码结构不佳晦涩难懂。

    In many browsers, it suffers from performance problems, and the nature of the language can often lead to obscure and unstructured code that is difficult to understand.


  • 具备通用表达式语言若干特性旨在提供种轻量型语言,用于XML系统应用程序无关的处理

    It includes some features of a general-purpose expression language and is designed to be a little language that can be used for application-neutral processing within XML systems.


  • 具备通用表达式语言若干特性旨在提供种轻量型语言,用于XML系统应用程序无关的处理

    It includes some features of a general-purpose expression language and is designed to be a little language that can be used for application-neutral processing within XML systems.


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