• 渗透液体透过渗透流向另一种浓度它高液体的流动

    The inward flow of a fluid through a permeable membrane toward a fluid of greater concentration.


  • 流量影响因素依次为:渗透下降程度射孔孔道形状、压实带厚度

    The flow depends on following: permeability decrease in crushed zone, the shapes of perforating tunnel, the thickness of crushed zone.


  • 预测范围渗透预测一个研究较少难度较大又不是油气勘探中急需解决课题

    In the reservoir prediction, the prediction of permeable sands is studied fairly little and has considerable difficulty, but is a problem badly in need of being solved in reservoir exploration.


  • 巴图斯科染色升华传递喷印技术最佳选择因为油墨渗透织物不会乳胶一样容易被刮

    Dye sublimation transfer printing is the best option because the ink penetrates into the fabric and won't scratch off, like latex, he says.


  • 黑暗势力触手已经渗透全球范围强大机构里

    The tentacles of the dark Ones have penetrated most of the great institutions on a worldwide basis.


  • 研究证实渗透调节物质促进体细胞诱导添加甘露醇山梨醇后,由于细胞物质积累愈伤组织生长速率减慢

    The study confirmed the infiltration of regulators can promote the induction of embryonic cells: Add sorbitol or mannitol, due to accumulation of material within cells, callus growth rate slowed down.


  • 此外水剂渗透一定深度因而紫外线照射大气老化影响较小使用寿命

    In addition, the abomination agent can permeate a wall inside certain depth, thus subject to ultraviolet irradiation and atmospheric aging less influence and long service life.


  • 很长的时间通过特别设计微型渗透以及颅骨上很小钻孔药物直接注入肿瘤

    Drugs were infused directly into the tumors over an extended period of time, using specially-designed miniature osmotic pumps and a very small burr hole in the skull.


  • 计算结果表明沥青面层孔隙压力面层渗透系数面层厚度以及车辆行驶速度密切关系。

    Calculation results indicate, pore water pressure in the inner asphalt pavement nearly has close relative to permeate coefficient of surface, thickness of surface and wheel speed etc.


  • 聚合物聚合物凝胶驱后,地层剩余油主要分布渗透进一步提高采收率的潜力所在。

    After polymer flooding and polymer cross link micro gel flooding, the residual oil mainly distributes in middle and low permeable reservoirs. This is the potential area of EOR.


  • 通过显微观察结合强度测试结果表明,蒸汽冷凝水对水溶性PF树脂胶有稀释作用,改变流动渗透性能。

    The results of microscopic observation on the glue line and internal bond testing of the board showed that the condensed water would dilute PF and thus increase its flow and penetration into flakes.


  • 田间土壤容重1.01.4克;立方厘米范围,且具有均匀的孔隙渗透

    Field soils often have bulk densities ranging from 1.0 to 1.4gcc; with commensurate porosities and infiltration characteristics.


  • 渗透不能保持营养平衡(制糖)酵母细胞副产品(乙醇)之外

    The membrane cannot maintain the osmotic balance of nutrients (sugar) inside the yeast cell and the by-products (alcohol) outside.


  • 假设孔隙多孔介质,模拟蒸汽发生器流动引入体积孔隙率,渗透分布阻力模拟管束支撑板对钠流动的扰动。

    The model simulates sodium flow in the steam generator as quasi-continuum. The model USES volume porosity, area permeability and distributed resistance to model the tubes and support plates.


  • 研究中空纤维组件反冲操作时膜管规律考察了膜渗透系数、膜长度压力分布透量因子影响。

    The pressure distribution in hollow fiber membrane model is given and the effects of membrane permeability, length and diameter on pressure distribution and flux factor of the model are studied.


  • 当前随着世界范围信息科学飞速发展教育领域多媒体越来越渗透于学科教学之中。

    Nowadays, with the great speed development of worldwide information science, in the education field, the multimedia technique is more and more permeating in teaching field.


  • 研究表明砂岩层早期成岩作用(实、胶结交代作用)使孔隙度渗透降低

    Researches show that in the early stage of sandstone diagenesis, compaction, pressure solution, cementation and replacement reduce both the porosity and the permeability.


  • 通过CIA渗透古巴的力量进一步扩大空中打击,摧毁古巴全国范围关键桥梁道路

    These air raids would be extended by CIA operatives who had already penetrated Cuba, ready to blow up several key bridges and roadways throughout Cuba.


  • 渗透一个溶剂容积浓度不断平衡趋势这个施加压力使油漆通过滤装置来克服。

    Osmotic force is the tendency of a solvent to equalize concentration throughout its volume. This force is overcome by applying pressure to the paint passing through the ultrafilter.


  • 使保湿成分深层渗透直达改善尽显力士到来柔顺极致闪亮而外焕发润亮泽。

    Make moisturizing ingredients penetrate into hair cores, direct, improve hair quality, alex for your arrival of compliant and perfection, by inside and outside coruscate water shine.


  • 由试井解释得到有效渗透可以认为是油层在测试过程中流动影响所涉及的整个范围渗透率的平均值

    The effective permeability can be regarded as the average permeability over the whole production zone influenced by the fluid flow during the well test.


  • 本文讨论柯西不等式不同领域通性渗透统一性

    In the paper, we discusses the internal cause permeability and unity of Cauchy inequality in the different fields.


  • 通过改变聚合物溶液浓度岩心渗透计算了宽浓度范围渗透率范围衰竭层效应

    The depleted effects in a wider range of concentration and permeability of polymer solution were calculated with variations of polymer concentration and core permeability.


  • 建立用于测量地层平面各向异性渗透率张量方法

    A comprehensive method to measure the formation plane anisotropic permeability was proposed.


  • 方法:利用自制装置猪皮负压处理,去除起泡后的表皮然后利用离子型去污剂的渗透梯度作用去除真皮细胞成分。

    Methods the pig skin was treated with negative pressure by a self-made device to remove the blistered epidermis, then dermal cells were removed by ion detergent with osmotic pressure gradient effects.


  • 培养基方式酒精积累温度渗透因素酵母酒精耐性有关。

    Factors such as mode of substrate feeding, intracellular ethanol accumulation, temperature and osmotic pressure all contribute to the ethanol tolerance of yeast.


  • 本文将聚乙烯醇聚糖混合物丙烯腈中空纤维表面制备用于渗透汽化过程的中空纤维复合

    By coating the blend of poly (vinyl alcohol) and chitosan on the inner surface of poly (acrylonitrile) hollow fiber ultrafiltration membrane, the composite membrane for pervaporation was obtained.


  • 应用模型计算出二维裂隙网络中任意交点结点)的水头等效水力渗透系数、水力梯度参数

    With the model, many parameters can be obtained such as water head, equivalent mechanical fissure width, seepage coefficient, and hydraulic gradient etc.


  • 分析民用建筑舒适性空调负荷计算表面传热系数围护结构负荷、渗透风负荷、设备负荷、热负荷的确定等问题。

    Analyses the determination of surface heat transfer coefficient, interior building envelope load, air infiltration load, equipment load and heat storage load, etc.


  • 分析民用建筑舒适性空调负荷计算表面传热系数围护结构负荷、渗透风负荷、设备负荷、热负荷的确定等问题。

    Analyses the determination of surface heat transfer coefficient, interior building envelope load, air infiltration load, equipment load and heat storage load, etc.


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