• 1979年,第一中国参加篮球比赛·霍金没有想过,有朝一日会以美国大运代表团副团长的身份再次来到中国。

    WHEN Nels Hawkinson made his first trip to China in 1979 to play basketball, he had not expected to return some day as deputy head of the U.S..


  • 1928年,陈列史密艺术工业大厦北厅圣路易精神”是查尔·林白首次创造独自不着陆横渡林西洋飞行时使用过飞机

    Spirit of St. Louis, the plane in which Charles Lindbergh made the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight, was installed in the North Hall of the Smithsonian's Arts and Industries Building in 1928.


  • 新南威尔士州州长内森·瑞一活动成为今后每年历时个月悉尼十月美食节”的一个固定节目。

    New South Wales state Premier Nathan Rees said the event was set to become an annual feature of Sydney's month-long October food.


  • 本周四意大利接受了《环球观点编辑嘉德的专访。

    He spoke with Global Viewpoint Network editor Nathan Gardels in Italy on Thursday.


  • 范佩西不会在不会在与迪·的比赛中引领受到了足联停赛场的处罚。但是在周六利物浦比赛中取回他的袖章

    Van Persie will not lead Arsenal out against Udinese - he serves a UEFA one-match suspension on Tuesday night - but will reclaim the armband when Liverpool visit north London on Saturday.


  • 内森·贾德尔环球视点编辑

    Nathan Gardels is the editor of Global Viewpoint.


  • 沙漠中盖恩房子曼迪遇到了乔纳

    In Gaines' desert house, Mandy meets Jonathan, who has been transformed by plastic surgery to look like Martin Belkin.


  • 根据《报道可能投票选民进行的最新一轮全国范围的电话调查,结果发现奥巴马得到了42%的支持保罗41%的支持。

    A new Rasmussen Reports national telephonesurvey of likely voters finds Obama with 42% support and Paul with 41% of thevote.


  • 今年3月,美国地质勘探局地球物理学汤姆·(Tom Parsons)告诉自然”杂志,坦布尔未来257更高级别地震袭击机率在30%60%之间

    In March, USGS geophysicist Tom Parsons told Nature that the chances of Istanbul being hit by a magnitude 7 or greater quake in the next 25 years are between 30 and 60 percent.


  • 看过克里汀·邓电影《伊丽莎白镇》中扮演的角色后,聪明幽默作家内森·拉宾创造了“精灵”(MPDG)这个词,用以描摹该类人物原型

    The smart and funny writer Nathan Rabin coined the term Manic Pixie Dream Girl to describe this archetype after seeing Kirsten Dunst in the movie “Elizabethtown.”


  • 内森·威廉这个一些担心。

    Nathan Williams had some concerns about this.


  • 新南威尔士州州长内森•瑞一活动成为今后每年历时个月悉尼十月美食节”的一个固定节目。

    New South Wales state Premier Nathan Rees said the event was set to become an annual feature of Sydney's month-long October food festival.


  • 个要面对是冠军杯客场艰难挑战乌迪·之后还要前往特拉福德球场迎战下一个超级联赛的对手,上年联赛冠军曼联

    Arsenal next face a difficult away trip to Udinese in their champions League, before then travelling to Old Trafford to face champions Manchester United in their next Premier League match.


  • 路易威尔发现奔跑睡眠时,老鼠脑细胞活动模式是相同的。

    Louise and Wilson discovered identical patterns of firing during running and during REM.


  • 1979年,第一中国参加篮球比赛霍金没有想过,有朝一日会以美国大运代表团副团长的身份再次来到中国。

    WHEN Nels Hawkinson made his first trip to China in 1979 to play basketball, he had not expected to return some day as deputy head of the U. S.


  • 没等布克讲完那忧郁故事内森亚伦睡着了。

    Nathan and Aaron fell asleep long before Spook had finished his gloomy tale.


  • 这项计划首相奥克森斯蒂耳看来不切实际派出瑞典大使约翰··梅耶回访克里米亚K

    The project seemed unrealistic to Chancellor Oxenstjerna, who however dispatched with a return visit to the Crimea the Swedish ambassador Johannes Mayer K.


  • 阿尔内森吉文·威廉姆尼尔·观看了的表演。

    He is watched by Arnesen, Gwyn Williams and Neil Bath.


  • 这场比赛事实上分钟决定了,达德洛伦进球凤凰的替补席发狂庆祝

    The game was in fact level with five minutes to go, when Dadson Florence scored to send the Black Maidens' bench into delirious celebrations.


  • 曼联经理已经否认俱乐部要签下国米球员,热莫得里奇里八成也要其他球队。

    The United manager has played down the club's interest in signing Internazionale's Wesley Sneijder, while Tottenham Hotspur's Luka Modric and Arsenal's Samir Nasri appear bound for elsewhere.


  • 蕾切尔妍吉60获得第一次射门的机会,当时她在禁区右侧接到威廉姆呢的传球,这位纳队边锋射门稍稍偏出立柱。

    Rachel Yankey had the first effort on goal inside 60 seconds, in space on the left flank and found by Fara Williams, the Arsenal winger's effort sailed narrowly over the bar.


  • 这个失误那不勒国米队都缩小和领头羊的差距现在拉祖里”和“罗里”只有两分之差,然而那不勒仍以3落后米兰

    This slip-up has allowed both Napoli and Inter to close the gap and now 'The Nerazurri' are only 2 points behind 'The Rossoneri' while Napoli are 3 points behind.


  • 广播电视公司需要使用天线雕刻家肯尼思·雕琢地雕塑

    The antenna, to be used by radio and television broadcasters, has been given a more sculptural feel by Kenneth Snelson.


  • 温格承认附加赛遇到一个强大的对手,但是信心回合打败迪·杀入正赛。

    By Giuseppe Muro arsene Wenger admits Arsenal have been handed a difficult Champions League task but is confident his side has the quality to beat Udinese over two legs.


  • 西班牙俱乐部引诱内森一个切尔西做的相同职位,辅助主教练弗洛雷但是他已经拒绝了这个两年合同

    The Spanish club tempted Arnesen with a similar role to that he holds at Chelsea, working alongside coach Quique Sanchez Flores, but he rejected the two-year contract.


  • 为此伊利诺大学艾伦·内森领导物理学家们在恒定条件下对用软木填充的球棒进行了测试

    So physicists led by the University of Illinois's Alan Nathan tested corked bats under controlled conditions.


  • 为此伊利诺大学艾伦·内森领导物理学家们在恒定条件下对用软木填充的球棒进行了测试

    So physicists led by the University of Illinois's Alan Nathan tested corked bats under controlled conditions.


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