• 33时,嫁给了百万富翁爱德华·格林有了两个孩子内德西尔

    At 33, she married Edward Green, a multi millionaire, and had two children, Ned and Sylvia.


  • 33时,嫁给了百万富翁爱德华·格林有了两个孩子内德西尔

    At 33 she married Edward Green, a multi millionaire, and had two children, Ned and Sylvia.


  • 科克&尔克斯公司1867年起就一直是世界范围内蒸汽生产技术设备领头企业。

    Since 1867, The Babcock &Wilcox Company (B&W) has been the leading worldwide producer ofsteam generation technology and equipment.


  • 于是知道一定内尔了,因为丈夫从不抽烟

    She knew it was Gouvernail, for her husband did not smoke.


  • 然而一年快要结束时突然提议内尔再次前来拜访,而这次完全是她自己的主意。丈夫虽然惊讶,但是却非常高兴听到这个建议。

    However, before the year ended, she proposed, wholly from herself, to have Gouvernail visit them again. Her husband was surprised and delighted with the suggestion coming from her.


  • 回到住宅前,内尔重新点燃了一直雪茄结束了夜晚感叹

    Before she reached the house, Gouvernail had lighted a fresh cigar and ended his apostrophe to the night.


  • 拉尔夫·内德称科尔是“一辆车的车祸”,因为摆动悬挂容易下方变形,导致司机失去控制

    Ralph Nader dubbed the Corvair "the one-car accident" because its swing axle suspension had a tendency to tuck under, causing the driver to lose control.


  • 这次兰·凯尔再次起诉,罪状是其2005年安东内达银行收购案中曾盗用公款

    This time Mr Brancher is accused of alleged embezzlement in the 2005 takeover battle for Antonveneta, a bank.


  • 明早就城里试穿告诉内尔先生何时离开他离开前我将一直住在奥克·塔姨妈家。

    I'm going to the city in the morning to have my spring gowns fitted. Let me know when Mr. Gouvernail is gone; I shall be at my Aunt Octavie's.


  • 老板兰迪-勒内尔透露,这个夏季支出将会“温和”时,警钟上赛季应该敲响

    Maybe the alarm bells should have been ringing at the end of last season when Randy Lerner, Villa's owner, suggested "more modest" spending this summer.


  • 事实上,温先生耶鲁大学同事——理查德·普罗诺德库马尔·萨拉内森——正在研究这种五彩斑斓的“结构进化

    Indeed, two of Mr Vinther's colleagues at Yale, Richard Prum and Vinodkumar Saranathan, are studying the evolution of such iridescent "structural" colours.


  • 2008年,一个17岁墨西哥女孩怀孕玛利亚•伊•瓦斯克兹•吉米内兹,摘葡萄的时候倒在了地上,天后就死了

    In 2008 Maria Isavel Vasquez Jiminez, a 17-year-old Mexican girl who was pregnant, collapsed while picking grapes and died two days later.


  • 关键任何一特定乘客(假设其中有姑妈伊内兹,路易斯尔过来休假的)一定出现图表中的某处只要我们延伸出足够长的横向纵深

    The point is that any specific bus passenger (your Aunt Inez, say, on vacation from Louisville) is sure to appear on the diagram somewhere, as long as we include enough rows and columns.


  • 内尔性格困扰着巴罗·达夫人,不过还是喜欢

    Gouvernail's personality puzzled Mrs. Baroda, but she liked him.


  • 内尔性格困扰着巴罗·达夫人,不过还是喜欢

    Gouvernail's personality puzzled Mrs.Baroda, but she liked him.


  • 得知内尔将要过来时候,期待丈夫一起过二人世界,不被外界打扰

    She was looking forward to a period of unbroken rest, now, and undisturbed tete-a-tete with her husband, when he informed her that Gouvernail was coming up to stay a week or two.


  • 1970年的报告就是最好例子开始提出10年内完成欧洲货币联盟后续政策却很少执行

    The 1970 Werner Report was a prime example: it originally called for an EMU within a decade, but each subsequent effort stalled short of implementation.


  • 此外内尔组织结构构建技术可以有效辅助工程师更换器官

    In addition, her techniques for building three-dimensional tissue structures could ultimately be used to help engineer replacement organs. — Jocelyn rice.


  • HCL的首席执行官内特·雅尔认为没有别的选择,只能这个游戏里投入更多

    That's one reason CEO Vineet Nayar believes there's no choice but to put more of his own skin in the game.


  • 只蚱蜢弗朗索瓦泽尔拉兰内在巴黎制作,20世纪60年代以来妻子克劳德合作展出拉兰艺术品。

    The grasshopper was made in Paris by François-Xavier Lalanne, who, since the 1960s, had exhibited with his wife, Claude, as the Lalannes.


  • 承认以前恩波利时候喜欢·德,但是现在更加了解了,我知道跟我想象中根本不是一回事,”阿尔米隆

    "I'll admit that when I was at Empoli I didn't like Nedved, but now that I know him better I can see that he's a completely different person," said Almiron.


  • 阿尔米隆男孩开始职业生涯,在2001年迪·内斯买走成功青年队毕业

    Almiron began his career at Newell's Old Boys, graduating from the youth side to the pro team before being snapped up by Udinese in 2001.


  • 阿尔右路传中,内马尔后点甩头攻门角度已经十分刁钻全部巴西球迷准备欢呼时墨西哥门将乔亚不可思议扑出。

    Alves cross from the right Angle and shakes Leipzig after Neymar has been very tricky, you prepare when all the fans cheering Brazil, Mexico keeper Ochoa unbelievable saved.


  • 直到内尔离开后回来

    She did not return till Gouvernail was gone from under her roof.


  • 1980年第一次听到时,朋友沃尔特阿尔伯·克基告诉我,他保罗电子仪器工作的保罗·本内·茨。

    I had first heard of Paul Bennewitz in 1980 when my friend Walter called me from Albuquerque and told me he had been working with Paul on electronic instruments.


  • 青年主场以2-1 不敌阿斯顿照顾球队的除了青年军主帅内尔巴斯之外还有青年军教练路德.凯瑟

    The youth team loses 2-1 at home to Aston Villa with Academy manager Neil Bath looking after the side in place of youth coach Ruud Kaiser.


  • 皇马周五训练遭不幸,卡纳瓦罗训练时拉伤内收肌被迫中断训练,因此将错过周六对阵尔瓦的比赛。

    Real Madrid training on Friday when another unfortunate, because Cannavaro training adductor strain forced to interrupt training, will also miss Saturday's game against Recreativo.


  • 繁重的一个频繁往来米兰·内洛尔奇亚诺之间,但是课程自己了解了理论知识

    It was an intense month, I constantly moved between Milanello and Coverciano but the course helped me to understand theoretical things more.


  • 尤文阿根廷中场球员阿尔米隆坚称内德·德之间早已尽弃前嫌,他们在一起配合很好

    Juve's Argentine midfielder Sergio Almiron insists that he and Pavel Nedved have buried the hatchet and play together on good terms...


  • 拉涅利的尤文图斯也缺少了扎内蒂、泽比亚,特别是内德还能依靠则盖德尔。皮耶罗,后着本赛季打进了13个进球了,亚昆塔帕拉迪诺坐在替补席上。

    Ranieri had to do without Zanetti, Zebina, and especially Nedved, but could count on the good form of Trezeguet and Del Piero, who's scored 13 goals. Iaquinta and Palladino started from the bench.


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