• 篇文章内容不错只是文字嫌罗唆。

    The article is good in content, only it's a bit wordy.


  • 篇文章内容不错只是文字嫌罗唆。

    The article is good in content, only it's a bit wordy .


  • 某种程度上,虽然课程本身不是那么糟糕其实课程里很多内容讲师们挺不错的。

    In a way, although the course itself isn't really that bad, a lot of it is pretty good, in fact, and the lecturers are fine.


  • 有助于防止用户在浏览网站变得疲惫,它可以内容中划出距离,而且本身也看上去不错

    It helps prevent a user from becoming fatigued while looking at a site, it allows separation between content, and it just looks good.


  • 不错传记作者,所关注一定服从看待世界方式如果仅仅听取对这个人物的批评我们将会错过故事许多其他内容

    To be sure, there is good reason for a biographer to focus on the way his subject saw the world; we would miss much of Deng's story if we only listened to his critics.


  • 代理设计模式添加缓存一些内容验证因此在所有内容均加载同一服务器一种不错解决方案。

    The proxy design pattern also has possibilities for adding caching and some content validation, making it a good solution even when all content is loaded from the same server.


  • 这些短片制作得相当不错而且贴上了“短片样本”的标签,以免我把它们自己内容混淆起来。

    These short clips looked really well-done, and were labeled as 'sample muvees' so as not to be confused with my content.


  • 内容持有人遭遇法院有的时候运道不错赢得了一系列不利于被控盗版者判决

    Content owners have sometimes had more luck with the courts, winning a series of rulings against accused pirates.


  • 虽然已经文档头部显示标题重复是个不错的方法,它将向屏幕阅读器访问者搜索引擎表明这是重要内容

    Sure, you've got your title in your document's head, but repetition is a good thing, and indicates importance, to you, to screen readers, to your audience, and to search engines.


  • 专注地阅读着,并最喜欢的报亭希望找到一些不错的阅读内容

    Rolling your eyes, you still buy it at your favorite kiosk hoping to find good reading material.


  • 正确地使用标记会使内容保持可读性而且需要很多重新样式工作可以建立合理打印媒体输出,从而大多数打印设备上产生不错的效果。

    The proper use of markup makes for readable content and doesn't require much restyling to create a reasonable print media output that should work on most print devices.


  • 版本开局不错无论是浏览网站还是增加新内容各个年龄家庭成员可以应付自如

    The new version of myfamily.com is off to a good start, and family members of all ages will feel comfortable here whether browsing the site or adding content of their own.


  • 虽然内容远远不够完全但它应该一个不错起点参考资料通过另外阅读一些免费获得的源代码修改日志,可以补充这方面的知识

    While this section is far from complete, it should be a good starting reference to be supplemented by additional reading in the freely available source change logs.


  • Fadeyev虽然也觉得菜单不错如果小心鼠标碰到了,菜单会将下面内容遮起来,用户还将鼠标移才能关闭菜单。

    Fadeyev considers the drop-down menus as good but they cover the content below if activated accidentally with the mouse and the reader needs to move the mouse off the area to close them.


  • 工具另一项功能动态内容实时翻译功能GoogleReaderFriendFeed中表现不错

    Another feature of the toolbar translation is real-time translation of dynamic content, which we found worked in Google Reader and FriendFeed just fine.


  • 嵌套object次烹饪一个不错替代品因为遵循标准并且支持替换内容

    Nesting the two object implementations is a good alternative to the twice-cooked method, because it add standards compliance and supports alternative content.


  • 款插件核心这个滚动栏(ticker),而且一个非常不错功能用户鼠标悬停新闻标题上,它会弹出这个新闻的一部分内容摘要来。

    The core of the plugin is the ticker, though, which also features a nice pop-up with a story's excerpt when you hover the mouse over a story.


  • 本文没有涵盖这些重点内容所有相关细节W3Schools网站一个不错起点参见参考资料)。

    For detail about the areas this article doesn't cover, the W3Schools Web site is a good starting point (see Resources).


  • 觉得本书内容分层不错,“书”参考资料”分的非常清楚,如果需要找参考资料的话。

    I liked this separation of material, a separation of the "book" and the "reference material" if you will.


  • 此前我们竞赛参赛者不错水准表明你们中的许多人上一次你们联想再次我们提供标题内容提要

    The excellent standard of entries in our previous competitions suggests that many of you can: last time your Suggestions again provided us with both a caption and a headline.


  • 不错任何人只要有浏览器可以显示html但是混合匹配遵循不同内容和表现模型的HTML很快就会变得难以处理

    Yes, anyone with a browser can display your HTML pages, but mixing and matching HTML that follows different content and presentation models quickly becomes unwieldy.


  • 并非soa项目所需全部内容却是一个不错起点

    That's not everything a SOA project needs, but it's a pretty good start.


  • 一个关于视频游戏以及电影动漫游戏相关周边产品的非常不错网站。 该站点集合所有兴趣内容,包括新闻评测博客、视频以及其他

    It's an excellent site about video games and related geek-culture topics such as movies and comics, with all the elements you'd expect: news, reviews, blogs, video and more.


  • 一个制作的不错小册子内容是介绍反叛运动其中还印有其所有标志性图案。

    It is a neatly done booklet about the rebel movement, including displays of all its insignia.


  • 系列文章一部分提供了一些关于需要学习内容指南以及一些不错学习资料如书籍、博客游戏等)的链接

    This part of the series gives guidelines on important things to learn and useful links to good learning material (books, blogs and games).


  • 质量节目其实相当不错视频内容开始几乎立即

    The quality of the shows are actually quite good and the video content starts streaming almost immediately.


  • 能够离线模式看到所有内容让人感觉不错,但典型应用程序需要服务器Web服务读取动态数据

    It was nice to be able to see everything in offline mode. A more typical application needs to read dynamic data from its server and Web services.


  • 能够离线模式看到所有内容让人感觉不错,但典型应用程序需要服务器Web服务读取动态数据

    It was nice to be able to see everything in offline mode. A more typical application needs to read dynamic data from its server and Web services.


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