• 降低铁路客车噪声,提高乘坐舒适度已经成为铁路客车车辆设计者越来越重视问题。

    The designers of railcars have paid attention to noise inside railcars in order to make passengers comfortable.


  • 近年来生命系统特别是基因表达过程中的噪声引起了人们广泛重视,产生了一大批研究结果

    Recently, the study of intrinsic noise in life system, specially, in gene expression processes has drawn ever-growing interests and a variety of important results were reported.


  • 由于噪声强度随着系统体积变化改变,因此,一现象证明了系统尺度共振,即最佳尺度效应的存在。

    Since the magnitude of the internal noise is changed via the variation of the system size, these phenomena also demonstrate a kind of system size resonance.


  • 系统频率特性进行了分析,表明基于技术的微加速度计系统工作频段噪声能够得到有效消除具有近似的线性相位

    The analyses of frequency characteristic of the system demonstrate that the noise in effective frequency band is eliminated and the phase of the system is approximately linear.


  • 并针对驾驶员耳旁噪声进行实验研究,结果表明:基于神经网络的单一工况噪声预测模型好地预测出特定的车内噪声

    The experiment for the noise at the area around the driver' s ears is conducted, the results show that this model can predict very well the interior noise around particular point in frequency domain.


  • 这种芯片大大超过目前计算机模拟速度,现有设备对细胞范围非线性回路噪声影响建模效率非常低下。

    Such chips would be much faster than computer simulations now, which are highly inefficient at modeling the effects of noise in the large-scale nonlinear circuits within cells.


  • 因此螺杆压缩机蜗杆压缩机相比相同转速单位排气次数气流脉动气流噪声大。

    Therefore, double screw compressor and worm compressor compared, in the same speed of the units inside less number of exhaust air ripple, big air flow noise.


  • 约翰逊噪声宽的频率范围均匀分布所以减小噪声带宽能够有效地降低测量中的噪声

    Johnson noise is uniformly distributed over a wide frequency range, so reducing the noise bandwidth effectively decreases the noise in the measurement.


  • 系统空气可能妨碍正常循环可能导致运行噪声发生

    Air in the system can prevent proper circulation of water and may cause noisy operation.


  • 同时灵敏频带(图象边缘区)引入一定噪声达到整个恢复图象噪声平滑

    Meanwhile, some noises are added into frequency bands where it is less visible in order to achieve noise smooth of overall reconstructing image.


  • 本论文主要研究隧道具有抗滑噪声特性OGFC沥青混凝土路面配合比设计方法、抗降噪性能施工工艺等

    The major research thesis tunnels with low noise characteristics of anti-slide OGFC asphalt concrete pavement mix design methods, anti-sliding noise reduction performance and construction crafts.


  • 油液阻尼器指数高斯噪声激励,活塞在油腔运动可用非线性动力学方程描述

    The motion of plunger of oleo damper excited by colored Gaussian noise with exponential correlation time is governed by first order nonlinear differential equation.


  • 本文中描述用振幅峰值的方法测量接触晶体管OC70OC71点接触型晶体管2N32A频带低频率噪声振幅分布

    The amplitude distribution of narrow hand semiconductor noise in junction type OC70, OC71 and point contact type 2N32A transistors were measured experimentally by the "maximum amplitude" method.


  • 我们观察了神经干细胞细胞是否可以替代耳蜗噪声暴露所致的细胞缺失

    We examined whether cells from a neural stem cell line could replace cochlear cell types lost after exposure to intense noise.


  • 分析了中央空调组合机组离心通风机噪声产生机理介绍了几种降噪措施实际应用取得良好效果

    The mechanism of noise generation of fan for center air-conditioner is analyzed. A few measures of noise reducing is introduced. Good result is obtained in practical use.


  • 放大器采用集成螺旋电感实现噪声单片集成。

    The on-chip spiral inductors were utilized for the low noise performance and monolithic integration.


  • 综合办公楼工程中,减少噪声污染我们采用穿孔铝板离心玻璃隔音棉吸音墙面技术

    For reducing noise pollution, we adopted a new technology of perforated aluminium panel sound-absorbent wall with centrifugally glass-wool inside for a certain office building complex project.


  • 风道设计要求风道气流噪声必须控制允许的范围

    Airflow noise in duct should be controlled within the range of standard during duct design.


  • 滤波器用于抗干扰设备阻止某个频带范围干扰噪声信号通过

    Bandstop filter is also commonly used in anti-jamming equipment to prevent interference within a frequency band and noise signals.


  • 分组判决算法利用检测所有数据广义似然准则相关模板进行联合估计,进一步压制了模板噪声

    The group decision algorithm based on GLRT principle was utilized to estimate correlation template through all data frames in detection window and could offer better noise suppression.


  • 试验频谱分析依据说明汽车动力转向定子曲线影响噪声重要因素

    According to the experiment and spectra analysis, the paper explains that the stator curve of the automobile power turning pump is the important factor of affecting the pump noise.


  • 反映滚动轴承故障特征周期信号处于较低频容易噪声淹没,难以检测。

    The fault characteristic periodic signals of the rolling bearing are in low frequency band and often buried in the noise.


  • 结果噪声刺激期腹膜注射不同浓度洛尔,对耳蜗血流噪声暂时性影响

    Results The cochlear blood flow and noise-induced level of temporary threshold shift were not affected by different concentration of Propranolol during noise exposure.


  • 因此利用非线性随机动力学理论方法细胞钙离子振荡系统噪声效应相干共振”进行研究具有十分重要的生物学意义。

    Thus, based on nonlinear theory and method, the study on the effect of the noise on coherence resonance in a calcium oscillations system is significant in biology.


  • 提出一种基于正弦噪声模型说话转换方法,着重讨论通过修改音素声学参数实现说话人的转换。

    A voice conversion approach with a sinusoidal plus noise model is introduced and a parametric conversion algorithm based on phoneme segments is discussed in this paper.


  • 齿共轭啮合齿轮泵种新型噪声液压元件

    Straight conjugate internal gear pump is a new kind of hydraulic component with low noise.


  • 随机调制技术可以使逆变器输出电压谐波成分均匀分布一个频率范围达到抑制噪声机械振动的目的。

    Random pulse width modulation technique can be used to distribute voltage harmonics over a wide frequency range and to realize the reduction of acoustic noise and vibration.


  • 频率噪声定位装置相位平均技术可以提供振幅假频谐振

    Low noise fixture and phase average technique provide the amplitude and spurious resonance in frequency domain.


  • 频率噪声定位装置相位平均技术可以提供振幅假频谐振

    Low noise fixture and phase average technique provide the amplitude and spurious resonance in frequency domain.


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