• Capgemini最初试图养老金计划构建通用DSL但是现在使用意图后他们打算他们所有养老金公司客户发布一个领域工作台

    Capgemini initially tried to build a general DSL for pension plans but now using Intentional they intend to release a Domain Workbench as a product for all of their pension firms clients.


  • 雇员选择不参加公司养老金计划

    Employees may opt out of the company's pension plan.


  • 公司曾蓄意诈取他们养老金

    The company engaged in a deliberate effort to cheat them out of their pensions.


  • 我们现在必须依靠我们自己的积蓄,不是公司养老金计划帮助我们退休以后生存

    We now have to rely on our own savings — rather than a company pension planto help us survive during retirement.


  • 需要花费时间的,但是这个人们为了生计而工作的世界(以及相应养老金),公司大把的时间。

    That might take some time, but in a world where people sought jobs for life (and the pensions that went with them) time was in the company's favour.


  • 一家公司试图养老金计划建立一个通用数据模型耗费了他们好几的工夫。

    One company tried to build a general data model for a pension plan and it took them several years.


  • 由于持股计划股票面值骤降公司养老金崩溃了。

    Its pensions crumbled as the value of the stock plan shares plunged.


  • 大多数公司已经拥有养老金计划

    Most companies already have two types of pension scheme.


  • 美国银行存款公司养老金在全部门范围保险制度的保护之下,其基金由参保企业集资而成。

    In America bank deposits and company pensions are protected through sector-wide schemes, funded by a levy on those that participate.


  • 不幸的是,这个私人信息无论是经济学家还是对养老金保险公司被隐瞒了

    Unfortunately, this private information is as hidden from economists as it is from the annuity company.


  • 安吉利迪斯向来都商业界眼中使用加州养老金计划威逼他不喜欢公司老板们就范而且他一直用悲观眼光来看待华尔街。

    Mr Angelides was a perennial thorn in the side of business, using California’s state pension plan to browbeat bosses of firms he disapproved of, and he retains a dim view of Wall Street.


  • 安吉利迪斯向来都商业界眼中使用加州养老金计划威逼他不喜欢公司老板们就范而且他一直用悲观眼光来看待华尔街。

    Mr Angelides was a perennial thorn in the side of business, using California's state pension plan to browbeat bosses of firms he disapproved of, and he retains a dim view of Wall Street.


  • 某个养老金章程可能要求他们卖掉濒临破产公司债权

    A pension fund's rules might require them to sell bonds of companies in bankruptcy.


  • 证券交易委员会确保股东公司选举上更多权力以便投资者养老金持有人如何处置自己毕生积蓄有更多发言权。

    And the SEC will ensure that shareholders have more power in corporate elections, so that investors and pension holders have a stronger voice in determining what happens with their life savings.


  • 私营部门公司正在放弃他们对于固定收益养老金计划(DB)的承诺方案中雇员根据退休时的薪资标准获得收入

    Private-sector companies have been abandoning their commitment to defined-benefit (DB) pension schemes, in which employees receive an income based on their final salary.


  • 公司工人们养老金

    The company's workers said it failed to pay pension benefits.


  • 然而还有其它方式产生默认存款”,公司提供养老金自动扣缴方案

    Yet there are other ways to create "default savings", such as companies offering automatic deductions to retirement plans.


  • 因此全球养老金基金保险公司银行纷纷抛售西班牙和意大利国债使其国债收益率一路飙升,直指灾难性的高位

    As a result, global pension funds, insurers, and Banks are dumping Spanish and Italian bonds, threatening to drive rates to ruinous levels.


  • 相同问题同样出现私有部门采取养老金的固定缴款计划的公司

    These same issues apply to those on private and defined-contribution pensions.


  • 他们提议控制社会保险金养老金发放提高汽油天然气税率大幅削减军备开支取消大部分税收减免政策同时降低个人公司税率

    They proposed curbing Social Security (pensions) payments, raising petrol (gasoline) taxes, slashing military spending and eliminating most tax breaks, while lowering personal and corporate rates.


  • 咨询公司WatsonWyatt调查表明从2003年到2008年运营养老金计划成本增加大概一半

    A survey by Watson Wyatt, a consulting firm, found that the cost of running a pension scheme increased by around half between 2003 and 2008.


  • IBMHewitt Associates(全球外购HR顾问公司)一起一个数百万用户计算养老金建模应用程序构建格网。

    IBM also worked with Hewitt Associates, a global outsourcing and HR consulting firm, to build a grid for a modeling application that performs pension calculations for millions of customers.


  • 像购买信誉收益率公司债券一样,养老金基金承担风险越大,的未来债务额就显得小。

    The more risk the pension fund takes (for example, by buying high-yielding bonds of companies with poor credit ratings), the lower its liabilities appear to be.


  • 相应论坛报却停止实施雇员退休安置计划,另外,养老金也将停止发放,完全由ESOP持有公司股份取代

    And Tribune will stop making matching contributions to employees' individual retirement schemes; instead, pension provision for employees will now consist entirely of shares held by the.


  • 雇主给约翰养老金让其退休,他离开公司

    John is pensioned by the employer and has departed from the company.


  • 人们担心保险公司发放养老金公司利用信息变更保险费付出款项

    There is also the fear that insurance and pension firms could use the information to alter premiums and payouts.


  • 就是说,通用汽车公司问题很清晰:沉重的债务过多经销商子品牌过高劳动力成本以及庞大的养老金负担

    That said, GM has well-known problems: too much debt, too many dealers and brands, high Labour costs, and crippling liabilities to pensioners.


  • 比如通用汽车(GM)的债务养老金负担膨胀公司车已无力偿还时,公司只能申请破产。

    For example, GM's (GM) debts and pension obligations grew so large that the company simply could not sell enough cars to pay the tab. The company had to file for bankruptcy.


  • 比如通用汽车(GM)的债务养老金负担膨胀公司车已无力偿还时,公司只能申请破产。

    For example, GM's (GM) debts and pension obligations grew so large that the company simply could not sell enough cars to pay the tab. The company had to file for bankruptcy.


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