• 选择安宁必须帮助邻居得到安宁。

    Those who choose to be at peace must help their neighbors to be at peace.


  • 俄国新一轮帝国主义邻居来说可不是好事。

    This new Russian imperialism is bad news for all its neighbours.


  • 有序化过程随机选取单个原子邻居控制。

    The ordering process is controlled by randomly selecting a single atom with its neighboring atoms.


  • 邻居江苏省周日时,无锡市房子倒塌16名工人埋。

    In neighboring Jiangsu province, 16 workers were buried after a house collapsed on Sunday morning in Wuxi city.


  • 即便如此中国邻居承诺保证繁荣昌盛能扩大影响

    Even so, China's engagement with its neighbours has allowed it both to prosper and to spread influence.


  • 克拉克于今年73日被逮捕的,邻居当时向警方报案说他们听到哀号声

    Clark was arrested July 3 after neighbors reported hearing the dog's cries and police found the injured animal.


  • 提出一个社会网络舆论形成演化模型,模型考虑网络个体受其邻居影响的概率

    This paper proposes an evolutionary model of opinion formation through the social network in which individuals are embedded.


  • 其邻居魁北克研究发现麋鹿径直走向路边,而路上降低对麋鹿的吸引力

    Research in neighbouring Quebec has found that putting less salt on roads makes them less attractive to moose, who make a beeline for salty roadside pools of water.


  • 令人震惊的是,将自己重新改造奢侈之乡迪拜(尽管有点俗气),已经邻居阿拉伯联合酋长国注资支持。

    More shocking, Dubai, which has reinvented itself as a luxury destination (albeit of a somewhat tacky sort), has been bailed out by its neighbours within the United Arab Emirates.


  • 苏援和苏联理念索马里有着深远的影响力美国邻居——世仇埃塞俄比亚的大量军事援助火上浇油。

    Powerful influence of Soviet aid andideology, which was assisted greatly by U.S. military aid to hostile neighborEthiopia.


  • 方会谈本来意味着使更难利用邻居互相制衡从中获利,但是这种情况收到的各方意见完全一致时才会产生。

    The six-party process was meant to make it harder for him to play his neighbours off against each other. But that is true only if he gets the same agreed message from all.


  • 网络边缘路由器邻居路由器支持OS PF平稳重启情况下,即使控制平面失效,数据平面也能够继续处理转发报文。

    With OSPF Graceful Restart enabled on an edge device and its peer, the data plane can continue to process and forwarding packets even if the control plane fails.


  • 我们追求以色列巴勒斯坦和平的过程中,我们推进以色列黎巴嫩、以色列和叙利亚的和平,以及以色列和邻居之间广泛的和平。

    As we pursue peace between Israelisand Palestinians, we will also pursue peace between Israeland Lebanon, Israel and Syria, and a broader peace between Israeland its neighbors.


  • 媒体指出其邻居密西西比州14,623名符合资格申请者中大约89%人所要求的住房援助已经到位了。 78%的收到了他们支票

    Critics point out that in neighbouring Mississippi, 89% of the 14,623 applicants deemed to qualify for homeowner aid have reached “closing”, and 78% have received their cheques.


  • 而且,以色列避免杀害平民有着一个特别理由就是今天轰炸的民众正是迫切需要与和平共处邻居

    And Israel has a particular reason to avoid killing civilians, since the people it is bombing are the neighbours with whom it so much needs to live in peace.


  • 普什图人一样,许多塔吉克也会在死遭受一些轻微痛苦,同普什图人不同是,他们恼怒邻居不会害怕需要城堡里程度

    Many Tajiks, like Pushtuns, would die before they suffered a slight. But, unlike Pushtuns, they do not fear their peeved neighbours to the extent of living in castles.


  • 中国快速海军建设引起邻居们对未来攫取领土担心

    China's rapid naval build-up has stirred fears among neighbours of a future territorial grab.


  • 想象一下,波斯湾拥有私人小岛形状宛如一个国家块大陆环绕温暖海水,还有平起平坐的“世俗邻居

    Imagine owning a private island in the shape of a country or continent, surrounded by the warm waters of the Persian Gulf - and your equally "worldly" neighbors?


  • 因此,斯威士兰国王不得不富有邻居南非摇尾乞怜。

    So the king has had to go cap in hand to his rich neighbour, South Africa.


  • 赫勒观察到,随着生活安定富国变得软弱衰落”——最终,变得不能克服野蛮邻居威胁

    As the settled, wealthier nation becomes soft andsenile, ” Khaldun observedand ultimately either unwilling or incapable of overcoming the threat from their more savage neighbor.


  • 而拉美各国发泄怨愤北方邻居怨愤时,委内瑞拉常常充任急先锋角色

    Venezuela has often served as the locus of this region's resentment toward its northern neighbor.


  • 似乎联赛创纪录第19个冠军仅仅在“吵闹邻居”貌似发挥潜力之前刚刚抵达。

    It would also seem that United's record 19th league title has arrived just before the "noisy neighbours" look set to fulfil their potential.


  • 1例严重呼吸疾病造成的死亡85发生1名20岁邻居目前已知堂兄。

    Another death from severe respiratory disease occurred on 5 August in a 20-year-old neighbour, who is also now known to be a cousin.


  • 记住电脑世界还有用户想象得到各种各样的电脑所组成的,个人电脑苹果电脑,再到Linux工作站,甚至还有你的邻居库里组装而成的电脑。

    Remember, the world (and its users) is made up of every kind of computer imaginable, from PCs to Macs to Linux workstations to the one your neighbor assembled in his garage.


  • 比方可以邻居作为交换让帮你照顾小孩这样你就可以爱人看电影享受烛光晚餐了。

    For example, you could mow a neighbor's lawn in exchange for her babysitting your child for an evening so you and your spouse can enjoy a movie or a quiet dinner.


  • 这个今天占据伊斯帕尼奥拉三分之一面积,(邻居相比)相对贫困拥挤国度,曾经世界上富庶蔗糖殖民地中心,它18世纪末宗主国法国提供了四分之一的财富。

    The poorer, more crowded third of the island of Hispaniola, it was once the heart of the world's richest sugar colony, providing France with a quarter of its wealth in the late 18th century.


  • 婚姻中,重要的是自己不对邻居的绿产生幻想也不受诱惑

    In marriage, it's important to guard yourself against greener grass fantasies and temptations.


  • 另一个例子邻居他们生活单独子女很少探望

    Another example is my neighbor who lives all alone and whose children rarely visit him.


  • 高层移动低层创建连续走廊提供相对邻居隐私并且保护免受夏日阳光的暴晒。

    The upper level shifts north to create a continuous veranda for the lower levels, providing privacy from neighbours and protection from summer sun.


  • 高层移动低层创建连续走廊提供相对邻居隐私并且保护免受夏日阳光的暴晒。

    The upper level shifts north to create a continuous veranda for the lower levels, providing privacy from neighbours and protection from summer sun.


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