• 参数利用空气动力学方法行分析计算从而这些合理的参数用于生产实践。

    Shot feeding parameters have been analysed and calculated by the aid of air dynamic means, thus we can use these parameters...


  • 这个研究组研究一个牵涉很多老年疾病中的分子机制没有研究显示听力衰退有关。

    The team investigated a molecular mechanism that has been implicated in many age-related maladies but had not yet been tied to hearing loss.


  • 因此首先表明坚定信念我们唯一不得不害怕就是害怕本身--一种莫名、丧失理智的、毫无根据的恐惧人转退所需的种种努力化为泡影

    So first of all let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyses efforts to convert retreat into advance.


  • 这个决心可以非常简单,比如:要健身房锻炼两次办公室好好的看着别人眼睛问候早安或者一个朋友

    It can be as simple as resolving to hit the gym twice this week, actually look people in the eye and great them good morning before you slide into your office, or making one new friend.


  • 他们监狱全都活着星期我们取回13尸体全部受过虐待。空军情报组织因虐待臭名远播,他们野蛮人。我们估计未来数日,馀数十具尸体将会回来

    They were all alive when they went into prison, but we received 13 bodies back this week and all had been tortured. The Airforce Intelligence are notorious for torture, they're barbarians.


  • 旗下许多书店正处理存货,正大甩卖

    Many of its stores are now shedding inventory in clearance sales.


  • 他们猜测原因食品供应充足销售广泛推动作用”,使得肚子垃圾桶多了。

    They suggest what they call the "push effect" of increased food availability and marketing is responsible. The upshot is more food in the waste-bin, as well as more in the stomach.


  • 得益于旗舰店的优越位置,纽约曼哈顿第五大道的苹果专卖店可能全美最高的商店了。

    The company's "Cube" on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue is likely its most-trafficked U.S. store because it is the flagship location, said Ashok Kumar, an analyst with Rodman & Renshaw LLC.


  • 思想程序入口main方法?) ,把服务对应的实例填充服务定位器,单元测试的时候可以混合使用真实模拟的实例来填充。

    The idea is that in a boot-like place (the main method?) it is populated with appropriate instances for the service names, and that unit tests can program it with a mix of real and mock instances.


  • review位于SQLServer 2005上,XML数据通过如下所示的远程视图序列化blob

    The REVIEW table exists on the SQL Server 2005. Its XML data is serialized into a BLOB using the following remote view.


  • CUSTOMER_INFO存储DB 29数据库中XML数据通过如下所示的远程视图序列化blob

    The table CUSTOMER_INFO is stored in a DB2 9 database, and its XML data is serialized into a BLOB column using the following remote view.


  • 可能就是几年数月或者或许已经实现了我们整合药物当中一无所知

    It could be just a few years, months or perhaps it is here and we already unaware of their integration within pharmaceuticals.


  • 不测惊异应当回世界只有这样人生才会完整我看来世界之初就是永恒和不可理解的。

    The unexpected and the incredible belong in this world. Only then is life whole. For me the world has from the beginning been infinite and ungraspable.


  • 然后宙斯每一宝贵的小滴旁边尼龙纸上,弄湿标记再折回玻璃板寻找表格下一个试样

    Then zeus transfers each precious droplet to a nearby sheet of nylon moistens a designated spot and pivots back to the glass plates to find the next sample on its list.


  • 通过阻止罗氏公司竞争性的药品这个结果帮助公司保护数十亿美元贫血药物特许权

    The outcome could help protect Amgen's multibillion dollar anemia drug franchise in this country by blocking Roche's plan to introduce a coming medicine.


  • 燃气轮机性能环境温度有关出力随燃气气温度升高而降低问题通过冷却燃气气来解决。

    The performance of a gas turbine is related to environmental temperatures and its output decreases with the increase of gas inlet temperature, which can be solved by cooling the inlet gas.


  • 自动器重复性测试一般取同一样品溶液至少重复10相对标准偏差不大于1%。

    During automatic sampler repeatability test, a homogenous solution shall be at least sampled and injected for 10 times, and the RSD of results shall not be greater than 1%.


  • 茶叶——茶匙茶叶茶壶,达到容量的三分之二

    Fill with tea-leavesUse a tea spoon to fill the teapot two thirds full with leaves.


  • 提出通过改变条件改善耐磨特性方法

    The ways to improve the anticorrosion characteristic of centrifugal fans with particulates by varying inlet flow conditions were proposed.


  • 各种不同孔隙介质,给出了分形滞指计算机模拟

    The computer simulation of fractal viscous fingering have been studied to various two-dimension porous media.


  • 论述了恰甫海水电站压力钢管人孔边界效应分析具体应力计算

    The paper deals with boundary effect analysis and concrete stress calculation of manhole for steel penstocks in Qiapuqihai hydropower station.


  • 不过,我们看到积极意义同时,还需要明确,人易学堂奥方面存在一定的不足。

    In addition, we need to find out that there are defects in its approach when studying the positive meaning.


  • 施工方案工艺流程、施工方法质量预控安全注意事项详细的阐述。

    The construction plan, process flow, construction method, pre control of jacking quality and matters need attention are elaborated in detail.


  • 提出一种新的最佳相关信号几乎最佳屏蔽序列,研究变换性质存在组合允许条件

    A new perfect correlation signal was proposed, which can be called as almost perfect punctured binary sequence pairs. Its properties and combinatorial admissibility conditions were studied.


  • 提出一种新的最佳相关信号几乎最佳屏蔽序列,研究变换性质存在组合允许条件

    A new perfect correlation signal was proposed, which can be called as almost perfect punctured binary sequence pairs. Its properties and combinatorial admissibility conditions were studied.


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