• 这位固执了不接受任何对教育方式批评

    The tiger mother is too stubborn to take criticism of her parenting method.


  • 开始学习设计网站的时候,每当发现一个喜欢网站,我都会驻,然后开始狼吞地阅读代码

    When I first started learning to build websites I would stop whenever I found a site I liked and start pouring over the code.


  • 缪尔,也叫东北1930年的时候差点灭绝了,那时数量急剧下降只剩20只。

    The Amur tiger, or white Siberian tiger, flirted with extinction in 1930, when numbers fell to roughly 20 remaining animals.


  • 福特卖掉捷豹和陆仅仅因为北美市场运营危机需要专心致志的面对,同时还要珍惜每一分钱

    Ford is selling JLR only because the crisis in its North American operations requires its undivided attention-and every spare dollar.


  • 金融危机后的疲软恢复这些措施无法“点石成金”,让强劲如

    They can’t transform a sluggish recovery from a financial crisis into a vibrant one.


  • 分布范围减少领地,孤立生存基因上使总数更为降低。

    Today, their range has been reduced to small patches, isolating many of the animals in genetically impoverished groups of dozens of cats or fewer.


  • 第三每天23小时都任由狼吞那些不健康食物

    The third group was allowed to pig out on the unhealthy foods for up to 23 hours a day.


  • 警方相信凶手杀死刘晨后驾驶蓝色05年揽胜四轮驱动越野车河边弃尸。

    Police believe Mr Liu was killed then driven to the river in his blue 2005 Range Rover Sport 4wd.


  • 这些幸存者24只雌繁衍而来,繁殖能力明显减退,并且由于近亲繁殖死亡率超出平均水平。

    These survivors are all the progeny of just two males and four females, and display the lowered fertility and above-average infant mortality that goes with inbreeding.


  • 阿曼皇家空军需要更换老化美洲战斗机批战斗机上世纪70年代引进

    The Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO) needs to complete the replacement programme for its ageing Jaguar aircraft fleet, which was first introduced in the late 1970s.


  • 最近已经出现拐点:去年盈利15亿美元,但是捷豹福特手中的18年间,亏损了100亿美元,销量逐渐减少

    Land Rover has recently turned a corner (it made a profit of about $1.5 billion last year), but Jaguar cost Ford some $10 billion during its 18-year stewardship and its sales were in decline.


  • 严酷冬季西伯利亚大衣失去部分颜色

    In the harsh Siberian winter the tiger's coat will lose some of its color.


  • 通过捕食野猪鹿海龟、水凯门鳄甚至美洲它们可以达到巨大体型

    They reach their monumental size on a diet of wild pigs, deer, birds, turtles, capybara, caimans, and even jaguars.


  • 信丰县:玉带桥位于信丰县山河建于清代,玉带崇山峻岭中,凌架于滔滔激流之上

    Xinfeng: Jade Belt Bridge is located in Xinfeng Hu mountains and rivers, and was built on behalf of, the shape of a jade flying in the mountains, the surging rapids in the above dominate.


  • 任一主要生活温暖沙带活跃且色彩鲜艳的食虫甲科甲虫幼虫行动迟缓并生活在垂直地洞里

    Any of numerous active, brightly colored, predatory beetles of the family Cicindelidae, chiefly of warm, sandy regions, having large jaws and sluggish larvae that live in vertical burrows.


  • 头鞋我国民间流传典型一种童鞋样式,形式特点地区不同审美习俗而迥异,中蕴含的文化相通的。

    Though their form or characteristics differed in every area because of dissimilarity aesthetic standards, custom etc, but the tiger culture is interlinked.


  • 图片显示处车库里,一名男孩做出各种拍照动作身后背景摆放整齐越野车。

    Pictures showed in a garage, a little boy to take pictures of action, the background behind the car is placed in order for the land rovers.


  • 方法建立伤害性疼痛动物模型通过化学荧光,测定下丘脑组织中5-HT、5-HTAANE含量观察斑游蛇不同浓度提物对含量影响

    Methods: Establishing ache models, observe on the content of 5-HT, 5-HTAA, NE in hypothalamus of rats by chemical methods to study effect of extraction of natrix tigrina lateralis by alcohol to which.


  • 最早一只》,《萌中的》、《老金黄》、《》、《最后的老》,这位美洲图腾的崇拜者不厌烦。

    From the earliest The Other Tiger, The Golden of Tiger, The Blue Tiger to The Last Tiger, the adorer of American tiger-totem has devoted much.


  • 同样不同于太阴循环周期,农历为先因为春天的第一动物

    Again unlike the cycle of the lunar years, which begins with the Rat, the agricultural calendar begins with the Tiger as it is the first animal of spring.


  • 本文通过对一一席谈中的礼貌现象研究,旨在发现主要的礼貌策略语言形式如何节目中进行运用

    The present thesis studies the politeness phenomenon in Tiger Talk to analyze how the main politeness strategies and linguistic means are applied in this program.


  • 第二部分介绍译者宾纳创作生平合作者江亢,以及他们翻译中国诗歌的进程

    The second part introduces the translator Witter Bynner and his collaborator Jiang-Kanghu and the process of their translating work.


  • 第二部分介绍译者宾纳创作生平合作者江亢,以及他们翻译中国诗歌的进程

    The second part introduces the translator Witter Bynner and his collaborator Jiang-Kanghu and the process of their translating work.


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