• 具有多环球松树属种,其花孕育期会延续长的时间

    In species of Pinus which are polycyclic flower initiation must occur over a wide time range.


  • 姿优美颜色华丽,为热带中的珍品,有“兰中皇后之美誉

    The flowers beautiful pose, beautiful colors, the treasures of tropical orchids, the "queen of blue" reputation.


  • 可是现在看来呢,事情可能1980年代那样,越久,纳税人更多的钱。

    Still, it seems more likely that — again, just as in the 1980s — the longer we delay, the higher the eventual taxpayer cost will be.


  • 鼠曲草属中的任何一种植物生长美洲温热地区沙土岩石斜坡上呈多穗状

    Froelichia found in sandy soils and on rocky slopes in warmer regions of America; grown for their spikes of woolly white flowers.


  • 近年对籼粳F1和光温敏不育系培养成为研究热点其花培后代因所用材料不同而不同。

    Hybrid F1 from Indica crossed with Japoniac as well as Photoperiod and Temperature Sensitive Genic Male-Serile(PTGMS) rice lines were the hot materials used in anther culture in recent years.


  • 通过分期播种试验新育成小麦雄性不育13s - 1的育性进行研究,同时观察了形态

    The male fertility of wheat male sterile line Zhou 13s1 was studied by means of sowing date tests, at the same time, the anther morphological characters also were investigated.


  • 孤挺几种主要生长美洲热带球茎植物,因绚丽的漏斗形的多作为观赏植物来种植,其花伞状序。

    Any of several chiefly tropical American bulbous plants of the genus Hippeastrum grown as ornamentals for their large, showy, funnel-shaped, variously colored flowers that are grouped in umbels.


  • 公司重金最强势品牌做广告。

    The company is spending heavily to advertise its strongest brands.


  • 用西马同时添加蜂蜜进行饲养,研究蜂蜜水对它生长发育影响

    It was fed with Frankliniella occidentalis and hydromel to study effects of hydromel on its development.


  • 蜗牛藤又豇豆卡拉卡拉(Vigna caracalla),这一普普通通的名字取浓郁的芳香和蜗牛状的型。是豆类家庭的一名成员,生长在南美地区。

    Vigna caracalla takes its common name from its highly fragrant, snail-shaped flowers.


  • 如果所有这些内容作为课程核心,那么你在为了课程的广度牺牲深度并且你只走马观的扫过这几个世纪的历史。

    But if you make this context the core element in the curriculum, you are sacrificing depth for breadth, and you will end up with a superficial gallop through the centuries.


  • 购买新款轿车——为什么有人为了世上很快被贬低的认可,愿意相当于半年薪金全额支付零售价呢?

    Buy Brand New Cars - Why would anyone pay the full retail price worth half a year's salary for the fastest depreciating assent on Earth?


  • 红色谷仓四周农场种植了不计精选蔬菜香草,谷仓上爬满了沃特爷爷美不胜收紫色牵牛

    The farm grows a glorious profusion of select vegetables, herbs, and flowers around an old red barn that is covered in Grandpa Ott's stunningly deep purple morning glory blossoms.


  • 风格还是一样——无论是这里衣服饰品还是鞋子在都是以不是普通材料制成的。

    The sense is the same - apparel, accesories, shoes are created not from ordinary materials but this time from flowers.


  • 风格还是一样--无论是这里的衣服、饰品还是鞋子在都是以不是普通材料制成的。

    The sense is the sameapparel accesories shoes are created not from ordinary materials but this time from flowers.


  • 我们或许得想办法这种单调的沟通媒介上极为有型的签名,我们完全清楚工作原理

    We might still grapple with the right stylistic flourishes for this flat medium, but we understand the principle perfectly.


  • 大部分收入来自直销市场垃圾邮件以及诸如红酒维生素片书籍等五八门的商品销售

    Most of its money comes from direct marketing (that is, junk mail) and sales of things as varied as wine, vitamins and books.


  • 如果打算挑选分钟苹果,你并不需要一个梯子,因为果实更多时间小时少,你选择苹果。

    If you are only going to pickapples for a few minutes, you don’t need a ladder because the fruit is low onthe tree; the more time spent, the fewer apples per hour you will pick.


  • 圣约翰草(贯叶连翘)是一种灌木野生植物黄色提取物已经用于许多偏方治疗草药治疗数世纪

    The extract from St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), a bushy, wild-growing plant with yellow flowers, has been used for centuries in many folk and herbal remedies.


  • 男士国际商务调解员等等可能大而的刻玻璃酒杯大口大口地喝苏格兰威士忌,喝时只是在酒里稍加点水以减轻烈性

    Real men, international business trouble-shooters and the like, may still gulp Scotch from heavy cut-glass tumblers with nothing more than a drop of water to blunt the harshness of it.


  • 专科医生耗时30分钟进行某个手术收入要比比一名初级护理医生同样多的时间讨论一个病人病情的收入高3

    A specialist who performs a procedure in a 30-minute visit can be paid three times more than a primary care physician using that same 30 minutes to discuss a patient's disease.


  • 穿着平民开着没有什么明显特征的汽车目标五八门,包括乱丢垃圾乱发传单者,还有愿将爱犬的排泄物地上捡拾起来巴黎

    Dressed in civilian clothes and driving an unmarked car, he tickets everyone from litterbugs to people handing out unauthorized flyers to Parisians who don't pick up after their dog.


  • 吲哚-3-甲醇——十字蔬菜富含吲哚-3-甲醇,可以促进激素协调

    Indole 3 carbinol -- A nutritional compound found in cruciferous vegetables that helps hormone regulation.


  • 土豆员工飞机送至上海参加年会发言人称。

    Tudou will fly employees to Shanghai for an annual gathering, said spokeswoman You Hanghua.


  • 说:“公司一直致力于美国市场的壮大无论多长时间。”

    The company is committed to growing in the U.S., "no matter how long it takes," he said.


  • 蛋黄搅拌前秒钟的时间溶解卵黄系带,待卵黄系带溶解后使之缓缓流过(蛋黄)黄色表面(然后再进行搅拌)。

    Egg-yolks were to be beaten until an egg-ribbon, trickled over the pale yellow surface, took five seconds to dissolve.


  • 但是对冲基金近期灾难几乎个水也没有激起,比如能源市场上赌、尔后败下阵来艾玛拉司(意为不)期货对冲基金,不幸遭遇就是一例。

    But recent hedge fund disasters, such as the misadventures of Amaranth Advisors, which gambled heavily and lost in the energy markets, have barely caused a ripple.


  • 但是对冲基金近期灾难几乎个水也没有激起,比如能源市场上赌、尔后败下阵来艾玛拉司(意为不)期货对冲基金,不幸遭遇就是一例。

    But recent hedge fund disasters, such as the misadventures of Amaranth Advisors, which gambled heavily and lost in the energy markets, have barely caused a ripple.


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