• 该方法是基于最小相位滤波器的复倒谱系数迟延函数以及系统函数之间关系,通过一个非线性方程求解分母多项式的系数。

    Based on the relationship between the group delay function and the cepstral coefficients, the denominator polynomial coefficients can be determined through a nonlinear recursive difference equation.


  • 米勒参观了一家德州天然气公司,该公司成功地应用基于行为公式优化工厂卡车路线”。

    Miller visited a Texas gas company that has successfully applied formulas based on ant colony behaviour to "optimise its factories and route its trucks".


  • 拥有全球性阶级要素,成员彼此许多共同之,就他们自己国家穷人彼此相似一般。

    This group has the makings of a global class whose members have as much in common with each other as with the poor in their own countries.


  • 惠普参与进来几乎不可能竞争对手已经开始在用户中开始手机业务

    HP not getting in on that is unthinkable, particularly since practically all of its major competitors in the consumer space have some sort of mobile strategy.


  • 潘多拉这个建立于2000年广告获得90%利润网播台,已经凭借独特的发现新音乐服务培养了一忠实的听众

    Pandora, which was founded in 2000 and generates more than 90 percent of its revenue through advertising, has cultivated a devoted fan base by offering a music discovery service.


  • 然而作为行为就变得相当复杂建造一条高级的通道系统用来找到最好食物来源

    However, the colony as a collective is behaving in quite a complex way: creating a sophisticated highway system that leads to the best food sources.


  • 渣打银行计划18个月内消费者银行业务招聘850名客户关系经理,以求在亚洲富裕消费者中取得市场份额

    Standard Chartered intends to hire about 850 relationship managers for its consumer banking business over the next 18 months, to gain a larger market share of affluent customers in Asia.


  • 僵尸企业夜间大行道,少量阳光企业则在清晨舞步蹁跹

    A mob of zombies will stalk the night, and a handful of zesty firms will dance at dawn.


  • 当然,某物种某一物种进化不一定增加复杂性。

    Definitely. Evolution within a species or family of species does not have to increase in complexity.


  • 王子杰虐待下一妻子,自身备受抑郁症折磨,这抑郁症得[雇请]年轻人专门每日殴打三次得以缓解。

    The prince abused his next wife, and was subject to fits of melancholy that could be lifted only by thrice-daily beatings from a team of young men retained for the purpose.


  • 隶属机构提供的网易在线网络社区个性化增值服务已经网易网站建立巨大稳定用户

    NetEase's online communities and personalized premium services have established a large and stable user base for the NetEase websites which are operated by its affiliates.


  • 知识分子官僚也许能在不畏强权人民面前耀武扬威,事实上他们只是利欲熏心的小人,一心为了构建利益帝国

    Intellectuals and bureaucrats might pose as champions of the people against the powerful. But in reality they were empire builders who were motivated by a noxious mixture of envy and greed.


  • 减少实施使公司继续得到更好服务持续产品改进日益增长客户支持同时节约现金

    The reduction implemented will allow the Company to continue support of its growing customer base with improved service and continued product enhancements, while at the same time conserving cash.


  • 许多贫困农民来讲,扑染病依然一个很大经济损失因此他们不大愿意放弃

    Killing an infected chicken is still a big economic loss for many poor farmers and they are therefore often reluctant to abandon their flocks.


  • 这些设计理念如痴如醉的并不是鹤立鸡的光线外形,而是正面摄像头。

    The thing that excites me most about these concepts, however, is not the aesthetic aspect of it.


  • 新的应用程序可以已有网络设施平台上直接增加用户

    New applications simply grow their user bases on top of the existing network infrastructure.


  • 这样的情况下,推销胡萝卜农民如何好?

    So what are a bunch of carrot farmers who are trying to boost sales supposed to do?


  • 大堡礁实际上一个独特珊瑚礁由于纯粹美丽独特内涵以及微妙的生态系统指定世界遗产地

    The reef, which in actuality is a collection of thousands of distinct coral reefs, has been designated a World Heritage site for its sheer beauty and uniquely complex and delicate ecosystem.


  • 专门研究金融监管管理者中央银行家们组成的金融稳定论坛扩大成员数量

    The membership of the Financial Stability Forum, a group of regulators and central bankers charged with the technicalities of financial supervision, is to be broadened.


  • 了解一切情况之后公司请求IBM特别服务器提供压缩支持而且IBM团队同意这样

    With this in mind, the company made a request of IBM to support compression for its server farm as a special case, which the IBM team agreed to.


  • 最终位研究员只得他们的批评发表一个统计刊物上,读者自然跟医学杂志的不一样

    Eventually, the two researchers resorted to publishing their criticisms in a statistical journal, which would be unlikely to reach the same audience as a medical journal.


  • 2009年入狱后,律师英国皇家军团”取得了联系,自此前海军战士们便默默无闻坚持不懈帮助走出生活的阴影。

    While he was in prison in 2009 his solicitor made contact with the RBL, where a quietly persistent ex-navy man helped him sort out his life.


  • 因为她们大多数人希望找黑人丈夫——96%已婚黑人妇女配偶黑人——结果是都同一中择偶

    Because most seek husbands of the same race-96% of married black women are married to black men-they are ultimately fishing in the same pool.


  • 分布范围减少领地,孤立生存基因上使虎总数更为降低。

    Today, their range has been reduced to small patches, isolating many of the animals in genetically impoverished groups of dozens of cats or fewer.


  • 至于重要性在最开始被认定自成一类视为无关紧要——但是它们释放甲烷的特性现在已被纳入气候变化的考察因素

    As to importance, when originally identified as distinct, the archaea, too, were regarded as marginal-yet their methane-generating properties are now a factor in climate-change calculations.


  • 熟知的人称,雅虎网络巨头继续寻觅转型之路正在酝酿消费产品事业部门进行裁员

    Yahoo Inc. is evaluating job cuts in its consumer products group, according to people familiar with the matter, as the Internet giant continues to search for ways to turn around its business.


  • 熟知的人称,雅虎网络巨头继续寻觅转型之路正在酝酿消费产品事业部门进行裁员

    Yahoo Inc. is evaluating job cuts in its consumer products group, according to people familiar with the matter, as the Internet giant continues to search for ways to turn around its business.


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