• 通过手持放大镜,看起来确实很蜘蛛虽然一点其林轮胎先生样子,身体部有鼓鼓的

    Through a handlens, it does in fact resemble a spider, although one with a touch of theMichelin Man, body and legs ribbed and puffy.


  • 他28岁时他是赢得其林星级英国怀特年轻的厨师过去二十年来建立一个餐厅连锁为主要产业的成功帝国

    At the age of 28, White was the youngest chef in Britain to win three Michelin stars and over the last two decades has built up a successful empire, backing a string of restaurants.


  • 2007年,F1比赛进入单一轮胎供应商时代(2007年米其林退出F1,使得普斯通成为F1的唯一轮胎供应商),也许使得上面说法稍微有点改变但是就算是现在,对汽车与轮胎之间的平衡进行优化依然像是魔法一样难以掌握。

    The move to a single tyre supplier in 2007 altered that equation somewhat, but, even now, optimizing the car-tyre balance is something of a black art.


  • 在接受聚乙二醇干扰素加利巴治疗情况下,应答高于50%。

    It was higher than the response rate of 50% with the standard of care with peginterferon plus ribavirin.


  • 为此,威特·格博士对养殖的蚂蚁进行了训练它们经过条十米长的沟蚁巢一个饲喂点。

    To test this idea he trained his ants to walk from their nests to a feeding station through a ten-metre-long channel.


  • 作为这个虚拟博物馆数字馆长罗斯注意力转向支撑图像数据

    As this virtual museum's digital curator, Dr Rosling's attention turned to the data underpinning his presentations.


  • 几百年后一位希腊外科医生雅典人解释基础上对进行扩展

    Several hundred years later, a Greek surgeon by the name of Galen would expand upon the Athenian's explanation.


  • 每年维也纳电影节都会邀请大导演创作预告片这次的作品来看,维也纳似乎没有做任何要求。

    Each year, the Viennale asks a respected filmmaker to create a trailer for their showcase, and from the looks of Lynch's, there are no ground rules here.


  • 零售业人员流动总是很频繁,员工离职率也是所有行业最高,”挑战者公司首席执行官约翰·查

    "There is constant churn in the retail industry, which has one of the highest turnover rates of any business," says John Challenger, CEO of Challenger Gray.


  • 简单起见依据人工种植类型确定三种不同组别生物技术,复杂的先进的。

    For simplicity, three different groups of biotechnologies can be identified according to the type of planted forests, ranging from the least sophisticated to the most advanced.


  • 到那时卡罗可能会发现竞选参议员服务不同的。

    That, Caroline Kennedy may discover, is the difference between running for the Senate and serving there.


  • 对于英国世界扮演角色卡梅伦直觉或许可以引导方向

    Mr Cameron's gut feelings on Britain's role in the world may herald a change of direction.


  • 文章作者对宫是否采纳建议毫无信心,因为现在是普京而不是梅德韦杰夫全权掌握决策权

    The authors have little faith that the Kremlin will take up their Suggestions. Mr Putin, not Mr Medvedev, pulls all strings there.


  • 如果说贝利巴西人奉为有史以来天赋球员那么查则藉勇猛灵气世人铭记

    If Pele is regarded by Brazilians as the most technically gifted player of all time, then Garrincha will always be remembered for his impudence and inventiveness.


  • 博伊斯罗伯特赛写畅销书雪人”的灵感来源,也是电影版的启发者。 博伊斯通过朋友安德鲁多尔顿列为机密的公报出卖苏联

    Boyce, who was inspiration for Robert Lindsey's best seller The Falcon and the Snowman as well as the film adaptation, sold classified communiqués to the Soviets through his friend Andrew Dalton Lee.


  • 吾辈不可败北”,斗伯君言,“吾辈工作所用之药品,为前人地下工作之所证实乃成功者也。”

    We don't have failures”, says Mr Doblin, “because we're working with drugs that have been tested in the underground, and work.


  • 得到了比登登糕饼模具石膏模型,做了全面研究

    Mr Clich had obtained plaster casts of the moulds for the Biddenden Cakes and studied them thoroughly.


  • 这些私人信件吉卜写给女的女家庭教师的。

    The private letters are from Kipling to his children's governess.


  • 一直没有意识平台潜在力量,没有操作更加简便

    Linden hasn't been able to realize the potential of the platform or to make it easy.


  • 如果一项名为REDD国际交易”计划采纳内省境内的一小残存的原始成为首块试验

    A small area of Riau's remaining forest will become a test case if an international carbon-trading plan called REDD is adopted.


  • 今晨日偏食使得太阳呈现新月状,景象就像波兰卢布间拍下的照片一样。

    This morning's partial solar eclipse had the sun masquerading as a crescent moon, as seen in a picture taken through trees in Lublin, Poland.


  • 这些选举的赢家总是统一俄罗斯党,它是为了巩固权力而设计一种特殊媒介物。

    They are always won by United russia-a special purpose vehicle designed by the Kremlin to consolidate its power.


  • 这些当做女性力量系列一部分发行,此前系列已经出版了莎拉·、米歇尔·奥巴马希拉里·卡通传记

    The books are being published as part of its Female Force series, which has already featured biographies of Sarah Palin, Michelle Obama and Hilary Clinton.


  • 当时扎克伯格起诉萨维,称冻结公司银行账户公司造成损害。

    Zuckerberg has filed a lawsuit, claiming Saverin jeopardized the company by freezing Facebook's bank accounts.


  • 宣布将离职后周内关于董事会成员中谁将接替他的职位引起了一阵骚动,这也导致了这家全球银行集团两位高管的调整。

    The double changeover at the head of the global banking group follows a turbulent two weeks of jostling for position among board members, following Mr Green's announcement.


  • 令人担忧的是:普京执掌俄罗斯期间,已经向世人证明了作为供应国的不可靠性,只要惹恼了宫,燃气供应就会被切断,正像对待乌克兰白俄罗斯一样。

    That is a worry: under Vladimir Putin Russia has proved itself an unreliable supplier, cutting gas to countries such as Ukraine and Belarus that have incurred the ire of the Kremlin.


  • 完成的90监禁90康复中心缓刑将开始电影拍摄。在缓刑期间,曾酒后驾车违反相关规定。

    Lohan starts filming after finishing her 90-day jail term and 90 days in rehab for breaking drink-driving probation terms.


  • 估计,单独针叶蒸发面积大约相当于一个40英亩湖泊

    It has been estimated that a single large rainforest or coniferous tree has an evaporative surface area roughly equal to a 40 acre lake.


  • 估计,单独针叶蒸发面积大约相当于一个40英亩湖泊

    It has been estimated that a single large rainforest or coniferous tree has an evaporative surface area roughly equal to a 40 acre lake.


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