• 公证事项有关的其它证明材料

    Other evidentiary materials related to notarial affairs.


  • 章节。5.4这里大部分证明要给大胆尝试人看的,也就是说除了上课强调的内容之外,其它证明都是自由选读的。

    Sec. 5.4 Most of the proofs here are for the adventure minded, i. e. optional, except for any I stress in the lectures.


  • 其它方面还没有找到证明参与此非法交易确凿证据

    The search for other kinds of evidence tying him to trafficking has not produced a smoking gun.


  • 尽管中国证明善于许多其它领域扩大市场份额,但在机床销售领域却并不容易。

    While China has proven adept at growing its market share in many other areas, machine tools will be a tougher sell.


  • 室内残留喷洒证明如同其它疟疾预防措施一样经济有效并且滴滴涕正确使用健康风险

    IRS has proven to be just as cost effective as other malaria prevention measures, and DDT presents no health risk when used properly.


  • 例如安静可以证明个“地”资源,因为如果打破安静,那么其它任何人都不能享有

    Silence, for example, should arguably be seen as a Commons, because if one person interrupts it, there is less of it for others to enjoy.


  • 除了其它好处他们证明了,甚至数据传输率提高100的情况下,交换技术降低互联网功耗

    Among other things, they've shown that even with a 100-fold increase in data rates, flow switching could still reduce the Internet's power consumption.


  • 理解环境,不理解那游戏规则,不熟悉陈述方法以及其它累计起来有罪无罪证明有罪宣告无罪

    She had no sense of context, of the rules of the game, of the formulas by which her statements and those of the others were toted up into guilt and innocence, conviction and acquittal.


  • 实际上这种外表像黑豹的动物,目击报告始终不断,其它神秘野兽不同,现代技术确实帮助证明存在

    Indeed, sightings of the panther-like creature continue apace and, unlike other mysterious beasts, modern technology is actually helping to prove its existence.


  • 除非法医学分析其它有力证据证明我来说阴谋成立——尤其是非常好的扬声器最终专辑版本后。

    Until a forensic analysis or some other concrete evidence proves otherwise that conspiracy theory doesn't hold up for me--especially after hearing the final album versions on very good speakers.


  • 那么这个证明只需出线积分路径无关的,其它的也是同样方法

    OK, so the proof, so just going to prove that the line integral is path independent; the others work the same way.


  • 也补充道这些对应关系不能证明任何事情而且有许多旱灾降温以及其它气候事件并不能和什么重大文化事件联系起来

    Correlations don't prove anything, he added, and plenty of droughts, cold snaps and other climate events are associated with no major cultural events at all.


  • 事实证明人体能产生一种独特脂肪组织,它的表现明显不同于其它任何脂肪——不是储存过剩能量,而是实际上燃烧它们

    But it turns out that our bodies also make a unique form of fat tissue that behaves remarkably unlike any other: Rather than storing excess energy, this fat actually burns through it.


  • 但是抵押拖欠激增时高盛价签证明其它公司的精确

    But as mortgage delinquencies ballooned, Goldman's marks were shown to be more accurate than those of the other big houses.


  • 但是研究工作逐渐排除其它因素可能性并且统计数字证明这些因素无关的。

    Gradually, however, research is isolating all other possible factors and proving them to be statistically irrelevant.


  • 科学家们已经证明两三汤匙可可粉氧化剂含量就要远远高于其它食品绿茶红酒

    Scientists have proven that the antioxidant content found in just two or three tablespoons of cocoa powder is much stronger than those antioxidants found in other foods, such as green tea or red wine.


  • 事实证明扩大自己品牌方面,花花公子其它杂志做得更好

    It has proved rather better at extending its brand than most magazines.


  • 科学家杂志》(New Scientist magazine)上的文章说其它研究报告证明安眠药治疗患者能够减轻他们抑郁程度

    Other studies have shown that treating patients with sleeping pills can alleviate their depression, according to the article in New Scientist magazine.


  • 那时起,总部设在华盛顿特区盖洛普(Gallup)民意调查机构以及许多其它研究学者努力证明拉姆斯·菲尔德的说法不对

    Ever since then the Gallup polling group, based in Washington, DC, and many other research pundits have tried to prove Mr Rumsfeld wrong.


  • 始终热衷于直接克隆其它服务上述脚本应用程序证明要开发个web2.0网站费用极其低廉的。

    While I'm still not too keen on straight clones of other services, what the above scripts and applications prove is that the cost of entry for web 2.0 sites is extremely low.


  • 包括一封来自华盛顿克里斯汀格雷格尔(ChristineGregoire)的推荐信一起其它证明此地需要特殊划分的各种活动

    The efforts included a letter of recommendation from Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire and a campaign to demonstrate the area was worthy of the special designation.


  • 部长到了7月份,农场主其它农民不能提供任何文件证明土地所有权终止补贴信贷最高额度

    As of July, says the new minister, ranchers and other farmers who fail to present any kind of documents backing up their claims to ownership of land will have lines of subsidised credit suspended.


  • 其它抑郁筛选测试一样,结果证明其中有些错误判断

    Like other depression screening tests, it turns up lots of false positives.


  • 项目证明其它方面价值

    But the project has proved its worth in other ways.


  • 所以自己家人证明行的冲动,向其它像我一样年纪老人表明单独旅行还是有可能的,而且是一种恢复生机的有用经历

    So an attempt to prove to myself and to my family that I can hack it? And to others of my age that solo travel remains possible and an enlivening experience.


  • 即使考虑到所有其它证据证明幸福收入之间绝对关系这个问题仍旧让人困惑

    Still, this result remains something of a puzzle, given all the other evidence on the positive relation between reported happiness and income.


  • 之后世行其它援助机构根据该国自身战略调整援助工作——这是一个证明可以提高援助效果方法

    The Bank and other aid agencies then align their assistance efforts with the country's own strategya proven way of improving development effectiveness.


  • 之后世行其它援助机构根据该国自身战略调整援助工作——这是一个证明可以提高援助效果方法

    The Bank and other aid agencies then align their assistance efforts with the country's own strategya proven way of improving development effectiveness.


- 来自原声例句

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