• 注重从外界角度评估:主要是从其它教育机构雇主方面。

    This gave the main weight to outsiders’ views—chiefly of other academics and of employers that recruit graduates.


  • 注重从外界角度评估:主要是从其它教育机构雇主方面。

    This gave the main weight to outsiders' views—chiefly of other academics and of employers that recruit graduates.


  • 第一电脑引入课堂可能占用本应用于其它教育方面资金

    First, the introduction of computers into classrooms might have gobbled up cash that would otherwise have paid for other aspects of education.


  • 这些影响中,哪些影响它独特的,是其它教育手段不可代替的。

    Which effects are unique and cannot be replaced by other educational means?


  • 学校20个学院2个直属1个研究生以及其它教育机构

    Shanghai Jiao Tong University boasts 20 academic schools, 2 direct departments and 1 graduate school and other education organization.


  • 但是那些喜欢其它教育方式根本就理解中国教育

    But I want to say: so somebody like other mode as somebody do not understand Chinese education.


  • 精心设计环境教师所扮演角色是蒙特梭利区别其它教育方法的特征。

    The prepared environments and the role of the teacher in the classroom distinguish Montessori from other educational approaches.


  • 白宫一次会议上巴马在今后几个星期阐述美国职业培训其它教育根本变革

    At a White House meeting, Mr. Obama said he will outline fundamental changes in U. s. vocational training and other kinds of education in the next few weeks.


  • 今天沙特阿拉伯全国范围公众教育系统包括8大学超过24,000所学校大量学院以及其它教育培训机构

    Today, Saudi Arabia "s nationwide public educational system comprises eight universities, more than 24,000 schools, and a large number of colleges and other educational and training institutions."


  • 报告强调,生活中的其它方面健康教育家庭生活以及环境状况必须得到应有重视

    It insisted that other aspects of life, such as health, education, family life and the environment, must also be given due weight.


  • 例如白人罗马天主教徒最近几十年中在财富收入教育其它衡量幸福指标方面都在向上流动

    White Roman Catholics, for example, have been upwardly mobile in terms of wealth, income, education and other measures of well-being in recent decades.


  • 最大风险地区未能处理其它长期存在弱点糟糕的教育

    The biggest risk is that the region fails to tackle its other longstanding weakness: poor education.


  • 公约目的减轻耻辱歧视,因为耻辱和歧视通常造成残疾人排斥在教育雇用卫生其它服务之外。

    The Convention also aims to reduce stigma and discrimination, which are often reasons why people with disabilities are excluded from education, employment and health and other services.


  • 人力资本一个挑战美国过去教育成就傲视全球,但是现在其它国家奋起直追,美国倒显得不进退了。

    Human capital is more of a challenge. Americans once led the world in educational attainment, but this is now barely rising while other countries have caught up (see article).


  • 得到OER及其实现技术之前传统价值链教育资料典型教科书其它专业出版资源

    In the traditional value chain prior to the availability of OER and its enabling technologies, educational materials were typically textbooks and other professionally published resources.


  • 或许在将来在阿富汗成为和平繁荣国家,拥有个值得其它国家学习的教育制度

    Maybe one day Afghanistan will become a peaceful and prosperous country and its system of education will serve as an example to be followed.


  • 美国曾一度教育成就领先全球,如今其它国家快速进的同时美国在原地踏步(文章)。

    Americans once led the world in educational attainment, but this is now barely rising while other countries have caught up (see article).


  • 竞选期间,经常引用篇文章中的词语,声称过去年里阿肯色州教育方面取得的进步其它任何一个都要大,还比不上南卡罗来纳州

    In the campaign, I had often cited an article saying Arkansas had made more progress in education in the last ten years than any other state except South Carolina.


  • 南非教育开支GDP中所占份额大于非洲其它国家,但得到的结果糟糕至极

    SOUTH AFRICA spends a bigger share of its GDP on education than any other country on the continent.Yet its results are among the worst.


  • 当地中级教育主要集中省会其它一些行政中心

    Local secondary education is concentrated in the provincial capitals and some district centers.


  • 南非教育开支GDP中所占的份额大于非洲其它国家得到结果却糟糕至极。

    SOUTH AFRICA spends a bigger share of its GDP on education than any other country on the continent. Yet its results are among the worst.


  • 我们尝试通过持续努力通过教育其它方式使妇女掌握她们生活

    It would appear that we're trying, thanks primarily to ongoing efforts to enable women to take control of their own lives through education and other methods.


  • 欧文斯夫妇的其它工作还包括适当资助建立商业设施、实施一项教育儿童保护村庄周围野生动物计划。 这些工作似乎正在收到引人注目的效果。

    The Owensesother workfunding modest businesses, beginning a program to educate children about the wildlife near their villagesseemed to be paying more impressive dividends.


  • 时尚科技已经开始进入校园而且其它重要的实验电视游戏YouTube加速孩子们教育体验的转变已经有了各式结果

    Technological fads have come and gone in schools, and other experiments meant to rev up the educational experience for children raised on video games and YouTube have had mixed results.


  • 调查表明其它容易导致人后悔的前五位分别家庭比如兄弟姐妹过不去),职业教育金融

    The survey shows the other top five regrets are family (such as picking on a sibling), career, education, and financial.


  • 后来演讲中,就德里豪斯在国会同事们最近通过的一项价值260亿美元的面向教育其它岗位援助方案一些听众怒不可遏

    Some in the audience are vexed at the $26 billion package of aid for teaching and other jobs that Mr Driehaus and his colleagues in the House recently passed.


  • 后来演讲中,就德里豪斯在国会同事们最近通过的一项价值260亿美元的面向教育其它岗位援助方案一些听众怒不可遏

    Some in the audience are vexed at the $26 billion package of aid for teaching and other jobs that Mr Driehaus and his colleagues in the House recently passed.


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