• 当然发现制造,就是一种元素周期表使得我们期待存在的元素。

    Of course, it was an element the periodic table let us to expect existed before anyone had found it or made it.


  • 本文综述天蚕素抗菌肽结构来源生物作用,重点介绍了天蚕素抗菌肽的应用存在问题未来发展前景进行分析

    This paper reviews the structure, source, biological function of cecropins and their application in plants and animals, and discuses their existing problems and perspectives.


  • 一个能存在两千多年事物必定存在理由

    The existence of a thing more than two thousand years, will have its raison d'etre.


  • 每个社会总有为存在彻底奉献的时候

    There are times when every society needs this full devotion for its very survival.


  • 通过暗物质发光星球星系施加引力可以推测存在

    The existence of dark matter has been inferred through the gravitational pull it exerts on luminous galaxies and stars.


  • 服务必须追溯到一个多个业务目标证明存在的必要性。

    Services must be traceable to one or more business goals to prove the reason for their existence.


  • 各国都感到问题紧迫性无论存在结核病问题与否

    Every country should feel the urgency, whether it is suffering from TB or not.


  • 要求公司组织不仅考虑存在表面目标思考深层目的

    And he asked companies and organizations to think about not only the explicate purpose for which they exist but also the explicated purpose.


  • 但是乐观情绪迫使银行股价上升,这种更乐观情绪是其存在基础的。

    But the optimism that has prompted bank shares to soar (see chart) has a foundation.


  • 这个电子下载盛行年代书店图书馆能够保持其存在的意义吗?

    Can the bookstores and libraries of this world stay viable and relevant in this age of e-downloads?


  • 由于可以作为业务流程中的步骤进行标识,因此每个存在的意义。

    Since the use cases might be identified as steps within a business process, every single use case has a purpose for existence.


  • 如果没有相信任何存在都有其存在理由,那么就没有别的方式看清自已的潜能。

    If you haven't already, adopt the belief that everything happens for a reason. There's no other empowering way to see it.


  • 距陨石形成地1.4亿里远的地方观测,继而推测出其存在整个星球非常困难的。

    To look at a rock 140 million miles from where it formed and turn it into a whole world is tough.


  • 数据实际上采用特定方式格式化的具体信息——存在形式包括数字文本字节事实等等

    Data is essentially specific pieces of information formatted in a particular wayit can exist as Numbers, text, bits, bytes, facts, and so on.


  • 现在一致看法是-如果存在的话,似乎提高最低工资坏也就是一点点消极效果罢了。

    Today's consensus, insofar as there is one, seems to be that raising minimum wages has minor negative effects at worst.


  • 困难之一没法直接观测到系外行星,只能通过它们所环绕恒星所施加的影响推测存在

    Part of the difficulty is that we can only observe exoplanets indirectly, inferring their existence by the way they affect the stars they orbit.


  • 问题量子力学中,时间保持牛顿式超然性,提供物质赖以舞动从不其存在的影响舞台

    The snag is that in quantum mechanics, time retains its Newtonian aloofness, providing the stage against which matter dances but never being affected by its presence.


  • 你们确实起源于银河系而且你们同时存在多维度里,就像这些所否认存在的特别种族们一样。

    You are indeed of Galactic origin, and you coexist in multidimensionality, as these very races you deny exist.


  • 德国高级官员指出存在障碍比如完善儿童抚养方案,这个方案使得很多女人脱离工作

    In Germany senior figures point to the barriers, such as patchy child care, that keep too many women out of the workforce.


  • 由于某种原因感官知觉ESP之所以排名无法解释现象前十名,皆因人们普遍相信存在

    Psychic powers and extra-sensory perception (ESP) rank among the top ten unexplained phenomena if for no other reason than that belief in them is so widespread.


  • 受到社交网络最大威胁中层管理人员他们不再需要机构上下传递信息时,其存在变得多余。

    The biggest threat presented by social networks is to middle managers, who may become obsolete when they are no longer needed to convey messages up and down the organization.


  • 如果高盛承认其存在欺诈——,承认它存在恶意不是仅仅错——原告方律师现在会在准备起诉了。

    Had Goldman admitted to fraud - that is, admitted to having a bad intent rather than just having made a mistake - the plaintiffs bar likely would be preparing their suits right now.


  • 如果孩子必须一个分流癫痫存在长期问题风险变大,就像那些不论何时患有脑部感染孩子一样。

    If a child has to have a shunt or has seizures, their risk for long-term problems go up, as do those children who have an infection of the brain at any point in time.


  • 但是超出这种原始情感可预见行为反应需要思维过程复杂动物情感存在可能性难以证明的。

    But beyond such instinctual emotions and their predictable behavioral responses, the possibility of more complex animal feelings — those that entail mental processingis difficult to demonstrate.


  • 过去个月期间,就有超过25家纽约上市的中国企业要么披露存在会计问题,要么看到审计师辞职

    In the past six months alone, more than 25 New York-listed Chinese companies have disclosed accounting discrepancies or seen their auditors resign.


  • 几个哈马斯领导人声明说,如果巴勒斯坦人全民公决中投票接受认可以色列存在那么他们也承认存在

    Several Hamas leaders have also stated that if Palestinians agree in a referendum to accept Israel's existence, so be it.


  • 社会公众存在直接置之不理忽视赋予了地下乐团”独特个性,而不是什么大众知道摆哪好这种荒唐的原因。

    The distinct willingness of the general public to either turn away or ignore its existence in the first place is what gives underground its identity, not some farcical public inability to locate it.


  • 社会公众存在直接置之不理忽视赋予了地下乐团”独特个性,而不是什么大众知道摆哪好这种荒唐的原因。

    The distinct willingness of the general public to either turn away or ignore its existence in the first place is what gives underground its identity, not some farcical public inability to locate it.


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