• 志趣相投生活方式利·麦克马斯特斯吸引现任丈夫马克·米罗伊的一部分

    Lifestyle like-mindedness is part of what drew Kelly McMasters to her now-husband, Mark Milroy.


  • 坚持投票人喜欢计划尽管他们听到的越多充满疑虑。

    The voters, Mr Cain insists, like his planalthough they may get misgivings the more they hear about it.


  • 博士的假说相类似的担心实际促使卫星发射部门更加注意发射行为。

    Concerns like Dr Kessler's have caused launch agencies to take more care about what they get up to.


  • 目前中国暂停核电项目的审批,汉姆预计中国最终继续实行核计划

    China has currently suspended approvals of new nuclear plants, but Kenningham expects it to go ahead with its nuclear program eventually.


  • 2006年,百年老字号王致和食品集团发现商标德国公司抢注。

    In 2006, Wangzhihe food group discovered its trademark and logos were being pirated by Okai.


  • 博士伦敦南岸大学发表演讲接受英国广播公司《今日节目采访时说:“我们希望引入一个更加公平、结合人们实际偿还能力方案,进行调研。”

    "We want to investigate an option which is clearly fairer and related to people's ability to pay," Dr Cable told the BBC's Today Programme, ahead of a speech at London's South Bank University.


  • 还有几个收购案据说进行包括亚特兰大希尔佛顿银行五月监管机构责令停业,买方包括集团

    Several other deals are said to be in the works, including the possible sale of Atlanta-based Silverton Bank, seized by regulators in May, to a group that includes Carlyle.


  • 万达资源集团确认首次涉足石油行业收购英国石油开采商能源旗下印度公司的大部分股票。

    Vedanta Resources confirmed that it would make its first foray into the oil business by acquiring a majority stake in Cairn India, part of Cairn Energy, a British oil explorer.


  • 1961年,海明威爱达荷自杀年后,他的第四任妻子玛丽编辑了原稿,并为命名。

    The original book was edited and given its title by Hemingway’s fourth wife, Mary, three years after Hemingway committed suicide in Ketchum, Idaho, in 1961.


  • 第三泰国布利,两国分界线桂河穿过

    A third call is made at Katchanaburi in Thailand, where the line crosses the River Kwai.


  • 该州资深参议员·贝利·辛对哥伦比亚特区禁令首当反对者

    Its senior senator, Kay Bailey Hutchison, was a leading opponent of the District's gun ban.


  • 这次兰·尔再次起诉,罪状是2005年安东维内达银行收购案中曾盗用公款

    This time Mr Brancher is accused of alleged embezzlement in the 2005 takeover battle for Antonveneta, a bank.


  • 双职工确定无疑地应该买房。” 甚为诺斯布鲁克执行总裁姐妹公司西美国信贷公司乔治·

    "Dual-income customers should definitely buy a home now," says George Kaiser, vice president of banking operations for Northbrook Bank and Trust and West America Mortgage Co., its sister company.


  • ·佩里宝宝公开的秘密但是全美音乐大奖上可没有闪烁回应了关于她已经怀孕谣言

    It's no secret that Katy Perry wants to have kids, but the singer didn't mince words at the American Music Awards as she shot down rumors that she is already pregnant.


  • 上月部门管辖范围涵盖大学事务自民党商务大臣文思。针对征收学费反对之声现今这样一个经济环境下已经没有市场。

    Last month Vince Cable, the Lib Dem business secretary whose department covers universities, said opposition to fees was unfeasible in the current economic climate.


  • 个性化问题:作者必须身临境,给出个人回应,如:“如果,你怎么?”

    Personalized questions: here the reader has to project herself into the shoes of a character and give a personal response. e.g.'What would you have done if you had been Kes?


  • 安永会计事务所的利润只缓缓增长了2%,但是增长的趋势清晰可见的。

    Ernst &Young’s grew by a more modest 2%, but the trend is clear.


  • 甚至她们的话当地人不一样回忆说:“她们的话也是我们不太说的,有些听起来很,让人莫名妙;有些很短促,给人感觉很冲。

    Even their speech seemed different. “They used words we didn’t,” Kelly recalled; “some long and fancy words, some short and pungent words.


  • 顶由钻石和祖母绿宝石镶嵌的王冠是1900年的时候,德国王子吉多·亨克尔·冯·多纳斯马第二任妻子瑞典公主琳娜定制的。

    The diamond-and-emerald confection was commissioned by German prince Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck for his second wife Katharina around 1900.


  • 集团并不是第一推出人民币基金计划的私募公司,基金1月推出,集团表示,第一个大型外资企业宣布首次交割基金。

    Carlyle wasn't the first to unveil plans for its renminbi fund, which it did in January, but it says it is the first major foreign firm to announce an initial closing for its fund.


  • 德意志银行全球资产管理部门建造了这块21米显示牌部门负责人·帕克:“大气中的含量已经达到80万年来的最高峰。”

    Kevin Parker, the global head of Deutsche Bank's asset management division, which put up the 21-metre sign, said: "Carbon in the atmosphere has reached an 800, 000-year high."


  • 美国地质勘探局(USGS国家地震信息中心(NEIC瑞恩·贝德威尔(CarrieannBedwell,“地震深度非常就是说释放能量地面非常。”

    "The depth of this earthquake in Haiti was very shallow meaning that the energy that was released is very close to the surface," said Carrieann Bedwell of the USGS and NEIC.


  • 文·穆瑞尔(KevinMurrell)是英国国家计算博物馆董事,最近启用了一块456兆字节硬盘,这块硬盘1980年代断电之后就从未使用过。

    Kevin Murrell, a trustee of the UK's national museum of computing, recently switched on a 456 Megabyte hard drive that had been powered down since the early 1980s.


  • 让阿尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino)出演古怪奥兹国巫师或者吉姆·(Jim Carrey)靠身体喜剧饰演稻草人,想想都够疯狂

    Imagine crazy al Pacino as the strange Wizard of Oz or Jim Carrey's physical comedy in the role of the Scarecrow.


  • 瑞恩因为诗歌选集《瑞恩精选集》获得诗歌

    Kay Ryan took the prize for poetry for "the Best of It: New and Selected Poems."


  • Headhunter网站上线时共有2,800个职位空缺许多来自必达旗下的七个小众网站

    Headhunter launched with about 2, 800 job listings, many of them from CareerBuilder or its seven other niche sites.


  • 去年酒店开通Twitter账户作为模拟礼宾部。

    Hyatt Hotels launched a Twitter account last year to serve as a virtual concierge.


  • 史密斯本人第十五楼介入了讨论,电影首周平平的票房做出一个颇为公正的解释,也说了票房潜力不菲。

    Kevin Smith himself stepped in at comment #15 with an even-handed explanation of the movie’s mediocre reception and profit potential.


  • 史密斯本人第十五楼介入了讨论,电影首周平平的票房做出一个颇为公正的解释,也说了票房潜力不菲。

    Kevin Smith himself stepped in at comment #15 with an even-handed explanation of the movie’s mediocre reception and profit potential.


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