• 教皇影响力远远超越了对精神鼓舞

    This Pope's influence goes far beyond the spiritual inspiration of his flock.


  • 然而,在不失的前提下,这本书本可以轻松删去150的冗余内容。

    Nevertheless, the book could have easily been 150 pages shorter without losing its thrust.


  • 目的:编制中文情绪形容词检测(CMACL)度进行初步研究

    Objective: To develop the Chinese mood adjective check list (CMACL) and study the validation of this scale.


  • 分析会话发起协议移动应用中存在的问题,指出令消息进行压缩的重要性。

    By analyzing the problems while implementing SIP in mobile communication system, necessity of Signaling Compression (SigComp) is indicated.


  • 网上交难者反在挑选第三方网上收付时出无斟酌当用的便捷性会斟酌安齐

    While choosing the third-party online payment, online traders will take into account not only its convenience but also credit and security factors.


  • 故意写得含糊

    The letter was deliberately couched in very vague terms.


  • 我们见过所以很难加以评论

    We have not seen the letter, so we can hardly comment on it.


  • 市场份额2015年高点54%下降至37%。

    Its market share is believed to be down to 37% from a 2015 high of 54%.


  • 1755年,英国作家塞缪尔·约翰逊发表一封致切斯特菲尔德勋爵的讽刺,斥责赞助人忽视并且拒绝支持他。

    In 1755 British writer Samuel Johnson published an acerbic letter to Lord Chesterfield rebuffing his patron for neglecting and declining support.


  • 得出答案是:小型银行将占市值8- 13%,瑞银集团瑞士银行份额则微不足道7月24日,瑞士瑞银行公布了恰当结果在进行招聘。

    Answer: 8-13% of their market capitalisation for the smaller Banks, but very little for UBS or Credit Suisse (which on July 24th reported decent results and is also hiring staff).


  • “说不对的远远多于我做得,”写道接着带来了振奋人心的自己校长生涯还是有价值的。

    "I heard more of what I had done wrong than what I did right," he said, adding that my letter had brought him welcome reassurance that his career had been appreciated.


  • ,图这种特别植物一部分已经超过3000了。不过这种植物的了解还不足以确定准确的年龄。

    Some parts of this particular specimen are thought to be more than 3000 years old, though we don't know enough about the plant to estimate its lifespan.


  • 这些只是力劝埃克森公司改变做法

    They were merely urging Exxon to change its practices.


  • 工业是一家族管理企业集团重心偏向化学品能源行业,印度次大陆市值最高的公司,但它只有法国道达尔公司三分之一

    Reliance Industries, a family-run conglomerate with a skew towards chemicals and energy that is the subcontinent's most valuable firm, is only a third as big as Total of France.


  • 最新亚马逊年报再版创始人首席执行官杰夫贝佐斯, 1997年股东们

    IN HIS most recent annual report, Jeff Bezos, the founder and chief executive of Amazon.com, reprints his letter to shareholders of 1997.


  • 项目主要债权人之一集团正在缩减房地产方面贷款规模,考虑重组星耀五洲项目上的债务。

    One of the project's major lenders, CITIC, is also cutting back its property loans in general, and it is looking to restructure Xingyao Wuzhou's debts.


  • 补充作为最后手段明目张胆停止宽带连接

    As a last resort, the letter added, flagrant offenders should face having their connections suspended.


  • 越来越众意识到了一个事实,即现代养殖业的做法我们有必要终止支持,也必得到耶利米式的谴责。

    And more and more people of faith are waking up to the fact that modern farming practices warrant both suspension of our support and Jeremiah-level denunciation.


  • 重申国防部的要求维基揭密网站必须归还所有文件网站库里删除销毁那些已经在维基揭密网站刊登出来的文件。

    The letter also repeat's the department's demand that all the documents be returned, and that those which already have been published be removed from Wikileaks' databases and destroyed.


  • 最后写出来称呼方式无疑正确的,情感上逃和管产业的文书文字不开陈腐气息。

    The resulting style of address was doubtless correct enough, but the sentiments could not have escaped the musty flavour inseparable from literature emanating from an estate office.


  • 争分夺秒攻击此次判决发动红衫支持者寻求公正裁决

    Mr Thaksin lost no time in attacking the verdict and urging his red-shirt supporters to seek justice.


  • 双职工确定无疑地应该买房。” 甚为诺斯布鲁克执行总裁姐妹公司西美国公司乔治·凯瑟

    "Dual-income customers should definitely buy a home now," says George Kaiser, vice president of banking operations for Northbrook Bank and Trust and West America Mortgage Co., its sister company.


  • 我们希腊主权评级下调BBB级别时,收益率维持在比AA债券略低的水平,我们进一步下调至BB级时,收益率一下子飙升至CC C级债券水平

    We lowered the rating on Greek sovereign debt to BBB, and spreads stayed just below levels for AA rated bonds. But when we lowered the rating to BB, we saw spreads hit CCC bond levels.


  • 感觉到律师接手梅森的这扬弃精华之前最初版本要大胆

    You get the feeling that the original draft of Mason's letter was a lot bolder before the lawyers got to it sucked out most of its spirit.


  • 所以了这解释理论,并不是人们所想象得那样糟糕

    And so he wrote a letter trying to explain how the treatise wasn't nearly as bad as people thought it was.


  • 随着泰国最高法院针对财产的处理越来越严厉,曼谷已经开始出现有关“他对手进行秘密会谈”的传言。

    As the legal noose tightens around his assets, there have been persistent rumours in Bangkok of quiet talks with his opponents.


  • 还发誓如果资产证实为非法所得,7日内横死。

    He swore that he would die within 7 days if it were true he gained his assets illegally.


  • 经济的衰退,伴随来求职者遍地求职等同垃圾轰炸招募的人这样的情况,更加重了该公司的问题

    The recession underscored the problems, when desperate jobseekers used Monster to fire off scattergun applications, in effect spamming recruiters.


  • 经济的衰退,伴随来求职者遍地求职等同垃圾轰炸招募的人这样的情况,更加重了该公司的问题

    The recession underscored the problems, when desperate jobseekers used Monster to fire off scattergun applications, in effect spamming recruiters.


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