• 这里工厂这个地区雇佣了17000,而这个地区几乎没有其他就业机会

    The factories here employ 17,000 people in an area where there is very little alternative employment.


  • 超过75万航天中心毕业其中许多人工程航空教育医学其他各种专业上寻求就业机会

    More than 750,000 have graduated from SAC(Space and Aviation Center), with many seeking employment in engineering, aviation, education, medicine and a wide variety of other professions.


  • 资本投资带来就业机会就业机会又将带来其他间接经济活动......认为将是一个巨大成功

    The capital investment that would bring, the jobs that would bring, the other indirect economic activity...Well, I think that would be a terrific success.


  • 尽管失业率有了小幅上扬,每月都在增加数千就业机会任何其他州府都多。

    The state added thousands of jobs each month, more than any other state, although unemployment kept inching upwards.


  • 佩洛西刺激措施组成部分适当,其中包括保存创造就业机会、刺激经济减税还有其他措施目的是推动经济运转

    Pelosi says that stimulus has the right components in the form of steps to save and create jobs, stimulative tax cuts, and other provisions, to get the economy moving again.


  • 虽然那些希望着跟大陆达成期盼已久协议的人们,达成经贸协议会有巨大收益,但其他担心将减少大量就业机会

    While those in favor of the much-anticipated deal with Taiwan’s giant neighbor say there will be massive gains, others fear it will wipe out jobs on a huge scale.


  • 你们可能其他任何人都更加清楚,建立一个完善稳固金融体系促进经济增长减轻贫困、创造就业机会保持经济稳定重要基础。

    You know, probably, more than any other group, that a sound and robust financial system is fundamental to growth and poverty alleviation, employment creation and economic stability.


  • 中国已经成为世界第二进口国全球最大新兴市场其他国家地区创造1400多万个就业机会

    China is now the world's second largest importer and largest emerging market, and has created over 14 million job opportunities for other countries and regions.


  • 本周门诺教派其他地主为自己的毁林行为进行辩护强调这种做法创造了就业机会

    Mennonite and other large landowners this week defended the deforestation, arguing that it created jobs.


  • 虽然更多治安工作需要加强,但Juan Manuel Santos认为缺乏就业机会其他问题相比,治安议题目前并不是当务之急。

    Although more needs to be done on security, he thinks this is now a less important issue than the lack of decent jobs and other socioeconomic problems.


  • 2010年,沟通天才通讯专家变得非常明显其他将寻找新的就业机会

    It will become very obvious in 2010 who the truly talented communicators and messaging mavens are. The rest will be finding new jobs.


  • 印度相较于其他经济部门纺织业提供就业机会仅次于农业

    Textiles provide work for more Indians than any other sector, bar agriculture.


  • 认为潜在就业机会是由其刺激产生效果因为其他参议员的分析,三个单独的州立赌场可以提供15000个就业机会

    She likens the potential influx of new jobsas many as 15,000 for three Bay State casinos, according to another state senator – to a stimulus effort.


  • 然而Alatech的行政人员其他仍坚持,不仅仅美国就业机会受到威胁同样也存在健康质量问题

    Alatech officials and others, however, maintain there is more than just American jobs at stake. There is a health and quality issue, too.


  • 还有一些人最近才来这里攻读商学科学工程学他们拿到学位我们便他们回国其他地方去发明产品创造就业机会

    Others came more recently, to study business and science and engineering, but as soon as they get their degree, we send them home to invent new products and create new jobs somewhere else.


  • 不是其他国家偷走了美国就业机会你们战略问题你们没有合理分配资金

    It t's not that other countries steal American jobs. It is your strategy - that you did not distribute the money in a proper way.


  • 事实上美国经济某种程度上变为旅游姐妹型经济上层女性离开进入劳动力市场创造了家庭就业机会,由其他女性来填补

    Indeed, the U. S. economy is in some ways becoming a kind of traveling sisterhood: upper-class women leave home and enter the workforce, creating domestic jobs for other women to fill.


  • 我们不能把制造就业机会行业技术让给其他国家,我们必须明确承诺

    We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries – we must claim its promise.


  • 况且好意还有可能产生事与愿违的结果:通常情况下,“企业以及其他区域税务刺激只是将工作岗位那些得不到补贴地区转移出去并非创造新的就业机会

    And good intentions can backfire: "enterprise zones" and other regional tax incentives often shift jobs away from places that don't get the subsidy, rather than create new ones.


  • 不是其他国家偷走了美国就业机会你们的战略问题,你们没有合理分配资金

    It's not that other countries steal American jobs. It is your strategy-that you did not distribute the money in a proper way.


  • 不是其他国家偷走了美国就业机会你们战略问题你们没有合理分配资金

    It's not that other countries steal American jobs. It is your strategy - that you did not distribute the money in a proper way.


  • 美国收入档次其他国家工人更高时,美国创造出更多的就业机会并不一定意味着消费者面临更高的物价。

    While Americans earn a higher standard of pay than workers in other countries, bringing jobs back to the United States would not necessarily mean higher prices for consumers.


  • 我们不能把制造就业机会行业技术让给其他国家,我们必须明确承诺

    We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries we must claim its promise.


  • 我们不能把制造就业机会行业技术让给其他国家,我们必须明确承诺

    We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries we must claim its promise.


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