• 其中第四试验差点没把地球上的生命全部毁掉!

    The fourth test almost extinguished all lives on the earth!


  • 对于中国当时所谓联盟(其中第四俄罗斯,当时因故未能前往开罗)中实力弱的国家这个说法,一笑置之

    She smiled away stories that China was by far the weakest of the so-called Big four Allies (the fourth being Russia, which for its own reasons had not come to Cairo).


  • {2}周日晚上的比赛中,姚明获得34其中第四一节就拿下了14分,帮助休斯敦火箭队以94-72的比分战胜NBA卫冕冠军迈阿密热队

    Yao scored 34 points, 14 in the fourth quarter, to spark Houston past defending NBA champion Miami 94-72 Sunday night.


  • 完成教程,请继续学习第四个教程,其中介绍主要MQI调用

    After you complete this tutorial, continue with the fourth tutorial, which covers the MQI major calls.


  • 华 为曾经入围美国一些投标其中包括VerizonWireless美国电话电报公司(AT&TInc.)第四代网络(4G)建设。

    Huawei has been a finalist in bidding for large U.S. contracts, including the fourth-generation buildouts of Verizon Wireless and AT&T Inc.


  • 其中种在大部分赌场有,第四种在生活中到处都

    Three of them are found in most casinos, and the fourth is found throughout life.


  • 肯尼亚第四部落支配奈洛比坎巴,内部分歧较大,其中,投赞成票的群体暂时占微弱优势。

    The Kamba, Kenya's equal fourth biggest group, who predominate immediately to the east of Nairobi, were more divided still, with a narrow majority saying yes.


  • 协议为债权人提供了债券互换或者展期四种选择其中种选择希腊债务还款期延长30第四延长15年。

    Three of the four options offered to lenders to swap or relend existing debts would extend Greece's repayment terms by 30 years, while the fourth would do so by 15 years.


  • 第四夫妻第五对夫妻开始往上加价其中一个,我加两万,这么了,你不要再看了。

    The fourth and fifth couples started to raise the price with one saying "how about give you two grands more and we call it a deal." You don't need to show it to other people!


  • 澳大利亚录得1211例猪流感感染病例,其中维多利亚省发生1011例,为世界感染人数第四地区。

    The country has recorded 1, 211 infections, with 1, 011 in Victoria, the fourth highest number of infections in the world.


  • 澳大利亚由于珀斯达尔文房价上涨,其中,珀斯去年包括第四季度房价上涨36.9%,达尔文则上涨17.6%,所以澳大利亚官方指数高于八个中心城市的平均价。

    And Australia's official index, a weighted average of prices in eight capital cities, was boosted by booms in Perth (up by 36.9% in the year to the fourth quarter) and Darwin (17.6%).


  • 有趣的事实第四优雅设计办公空间,107个房间饭店面积为5万平方英公共设施其中公共设施都包含酒吧,一个餐馆和一个观景

    Interesting Fact: The Fourth Grace was designed for office space, a 107-room hotel and 50,000 sq ft of community facilities, including a bar, restaurant and viewing gallery.


  • 有趣的事实第四优雅设计办公空间,107个房间饭店面积为5万平方英公共设施其中公共设施都包含酒吧,一个餐馆和一个观景

    Interesting Fact: The Fourth Grace was designed for office space, a 107-room hotel and 50, 000 sq ft of community facilities, including a bar, restaurant and viewing gallery.


  • 其中,说爱尔兰语男性女性青睐法国口音名列第四,排在澳大利亚口音之前

    Men with an Emerald Isle brogue came top in a poll of 5, 000 women worldwide, while the French accent only came fourth, just ahead of Australian.


  • 其中,说爱尔兰语男性女性青睐法国口音名列第四,排在澳大利亚口音之前

    Men with an Emerald Isle brogue came top in a poll of 5,000 women worldwide, while the French accent only came fourth, just ahead of Australian.


  • 其中重要第四拉特兰会( 1215 )召开伟大的教宗诺森三世

    The most important of these was the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) convened by the great Pope Innocent III.


  • 遗憾的是,的确延寿但是无法提升身体因为其中没有正确的人类蓝图创造一个第四维度空间身体

    Alas this could extend the life, but not ascend the form, as there was not a proper human blueprint to create a fourth dimensional body.


  • 2003年第四季度美国在线广告支出激增38%,帮助投下这些资金的公司高管表示他们认为其中大部分增幅并不是以牺牲传统媒体广告为代价。

    US Online advertising expenditure soared 38 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2003, but executives who helped route that money say they doubt much of the rise came at the expense of traditional media.


  • 第四部分分析其他形式企业合并税收政策其中权益结合法做重点论述。

    The fourth part analyses the tax policy for other patterns of enterprise merger, putting the stress on Pooling of interests method.


  • 第四21岁的阿里幅·格加利表示同样也被组织招募成为其中一员。

    A fourth man, 21-year-old Arifeen Gojali, was also allegedly recruited to be part of the group.


  • 其中桌子底下另一个第三个躲在炉子里,第四个躲在厨房。

    One hid under the table, another in the bed, the third in the oven, the fourth in the kitchen.


  • 其中三个孩子长得又高又但是第四就是最小的的儿子长得又

    Three of the children are tall and good-looking, but the fourth and youngest is an ugly runt.


  • 以上四种灾害产生了人间所有罪恶其中第四项尤其是最为恶劣的。

    From these four plagues, of which the fourth is the worst, spring all human evils.


  • 其中个购物中心今年开业米兰那不勒斯罗马第四在那不勒斯,预定明年开业。

    Three of the centers - in Milan, Naples and Rome - are to open this year, and the fourth, also in Naples, is scheduled to open next year.


  • 论文第四部分构建企业文化评价模型其中企业文化指标体系本章的重点

    The fourth part of this dissertation constructs the enterprise culture appraisal model. And the appraisal index system of enterprise culture is the key point.


  • 四颗全都几兆英里之外,其中三个围绕同一恒星周围轨道运行,第四围绕不同的恒星运行。

    All are trillions of miles away - three of them orbiting the same star, and the fourth circling a different star.


  • 第四介绍哈尼族女性传统服饰中的装饰图案,揭示了其中蕴含的文化意义

    Chapter Four introduces the designs of Hani women's traditional dress and personal adornment and reveals their cultural meaning.


  • 其中,“正文部分第一章至第四章构成,它们论文主体部分。

    The text includes four chapters, they are the mains of the whole paper.


  • 第四考察不含数目表达形式其中重点分析约数词约量时间词;

    The fourth chapter inspects approximate quantity expression without number, especially approximate words and approximate time word.


  • 第四考察不含数目表达形式其中重点分析约数词约量时间词;

    The fourth chapter inspects approximate quantity expression without number, especially approximate words and approximate time word.


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