• 中国其中提出不久前作为

    China still has pieces of paper which were made as long ago as that.


  • 篇论文已经看过其中提出问题值得重视

    I have read that paper. The questions it raises deserve serious attention.


  • 其中提出了领域学习消除重复摘要方法

    The paper presented the method of automatic learning about type word stock and the method of erasing duplicated abstract sentences.


  • 这里讨论第二版本因为其中提出第一种版本中所没有挑战

    Only the second variant is described here, since it provides a challenge where the first does not.


  • 其中提出一些计算机网络系统通信系统融合一些意见看法

    And in which a number of computer network systems and communications systems integration of a number of opinions and views.


  • 报告提供大量指导想讲其中提出的一项减少浪费的直截了当的办法

    From the wealth of guidance in that report, let me single out one clear way to reduce waste.


  • NewProject向导处理请求时将看到一个提示其中提出以下问题

    As the New Project wizard processes your request, you see a prompt that asks the following.


  • 1964年他们仅仅只有三十多岁,便发表了一份替代规划方案其中提出最重要任务是营建港口区

    In 1964 the trio, all in their thirties, published an alternative plan that suggested, first and foremost, the building of a new city across the harbour.


  • 理论纲要就是克里普克关于语义悖论的研究成果。他其中提出了“定点真理理论,给出了具体形式建构

    "Outline of a theory of truth" is about the logical paradox, in which Kripke put forward a theory of truth of "fixed point", and gave concrete formal construction.


  • 其中提出自己四面八方,虽然几乎没有资格称为盛大风景一个关于的难以言表的,凄凉落寞美味方面

    The scenery which presented itself on all sides, although scarcely entitled to be called grand, had about it an indescribable and to me a delicious aspect of dreary desolation.


  • 十二月,《科学杂志发表论文其中提出了一种新的观点,认为云层加重了地球这个“温室变暖而不是削弱之。

    On Dec. 9, the journal Science published a paper providing a new ar gument that clouds are more likely to amplify greenhouse warming than counteract it.


  • 其中提出一种基于FFT谐波迭代清除算法估计谐波信号参数,并根据“谐波图”的值来确定谐波信号的个数。

    In this algorithm, a "iterated harmonic-group clean algorithm" is presented to obtain the estimates of the parameters of the harmonic signal based on FFT.


  • 新书中发表了“长寿秘密上百方法100岁”,也也实现了他在其中提出结合东方传统西方先进科技承诺

    He is making good on his promise with a new book, Secrets of Longevity: Hundreds of Ways to Live to Be 100, which combines traditions from the East with scientific advances from the West.


  • 狼群使者羊群那里送去一份缔结永久和平建议书其中提出,只要羊群放弃牧羊犬看护,并把他处死,狼群便愿意与羊群和平相处。

    The wolves sent a deputation to the sheep with proposals for a lasting peace between them, on condition of their giving up the sheepdogs to instant death.


  • 就是美国律师近期发表文章中提出的一场论证,其中包括MituGulati

    That is the argument made by a group of American lawyers, including Mitu Gulati, in a recent paper.


  • 为了解释其中理由先回答斯坦福大学教授约翰·泰勒最近华尔街日报》发表的文章提出反问

    To explain why, let me answer a rhetorical question posed by Professor John Taylor of Stanford University in a recent op-ed article in The Wall Street Journal.


  • 选举中提出耗资巨大的1983宣言其中反战主义多次宣布放弃

    The pacifism of its electorally ruinous 1983 manifesto was renounced at every turn.


  • 文中提出了系统总体结构分析了数据库接口访问优化技术,描述了船舶调度模型其中关键问题解决方法。

    In the paper, the overall structure is presented, the database access interface and technicals are analyzed, the dispatching mode and solution of the key problems are described.


  • 文中提出一种实时群组编辑器模型并且详细描述其中操作组播原则以及实现方式

    This paper proposes a model of real-time group editor and describes principles and design methods of the operation multicast in detail.


  • 罗尔斯正义》中提出社会正义理论其中包含关于社会最低保障的观念。但是,罗尔斯的社会最低保障观念与功利主义的社会最低保障观念不同的。

    In his a theory of justice, John Rawls proposes a theory of social justice that has a conception of social minimum, which is different from the conception of utilitarian social minimum.


  • 一种争端解决框架其中可能包括一些条款这些条款对于双方如何第一点接触中提出分歧点给出了详细说明。

    A dispute resolution framework might include provisions that spell out the first point of contact either side would reach out to in initially raising a point of dispute.


  • 建立了伺服感应电动机DTC控制模型其中速度观测器采用文中提出学习模糊速度观测器。

    Then, a DTC induction motor servo control simulation model is established, which adopts the self-learning fuzzy in velocity observer.


  • 其次,介绍效益费用原理成本效用原理,本次研究所运用到基本原理其中,在成本效用原理中提出乘客出行成本和车辆运营成本这两个成本概念

    Then, the two basic theorems are introduced-benefit cost Theory and cost Utility Theory, where the concept of total passenger travel cost and the concept of vehicle operation cost are come up with.


  • 其中,“如何成为无知者”是邱志杰创作教学提出一个重命题。

    Of these, the idea of "how to become an empty man" has become an important proposition in Qiu Zhijie's creative works and teachings.


  • 项目其中一个环节就是面对讨论会中提出的规模和执行时所需要资源之间存在的巨大矛盾

    One of the principles of the project stems from confrontation to a definite paradox between the meeting of the dimension of the problem and the resources available to carry out the proposal.


  • 项目其中一个环节就是面对讨论会中提出的规模和执行时所需要资源之间存在的巨大矛盾

    One of the principles of the project stems from confrontation to a definite paradox between the meeting of the dimension of the problem and the resources available to carry out the proposal.


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