• 这个游戏兴趣减少了。

    Interest in the game has dropped off.


  • 德安东尼从来不吝啬谈到加里内利,但是最近好像这个二年级新秀的兴趣减少了。

    D'Antoni has never been shy to talk up Danilo Gallinari, but he recently showed less optimism in the second-year player.


  • 我们谈一下TZD罗格列酮格列酮,它们均使人们防治糖尿病兴趣减少问题

    Let us say that at first the TZDs which is the rosiglitazone and the pioglitazones had problems which I think will decrease the interest yet on the protection of diabetes.


  • 这种紧迫感增加人们对捕捉储存二氧化碳兴趣政府间气候变化专门委员会表示可以使排放量减少50%以上,人们认为这是缓解全球变暖所需的。

    That sense of urgency has increased interest in capturing and storing CO2, which the IPCC says could provide the more than 50% reduction in emissions thought needed to reduce global warming.


  • 取决于兴趣爱好生活方式,可能意味着减少电视音乐时间尽管有些可以音乐写作

    Depending on your interests and your lifestyle, that might mean spending less time watching television or listening to music, though some people can write while they listen to music.


  • 出于环保者公园管理者警告美国年轻人似乎减少户外活动兴趣

    To the alarm of environmentalists and park managers alike, interest in the great outdoors seems to be tailing off among young Americans.


  • 随着超市兴趣不断减少农民们还是把注意力转移出了有机农业上。

    Farmers have begun to turn away from organic food production in the face of waning interest from the big supermarkets.


  • 如果有任何一无名氏对攻击目标不感兴趣的话,便可以自己计算机志愿者僵尸网络中脱离出来,减少这次攻击的效力

    If any anon fails to be inspired by the target, she can remove her own computer from the volunteer botnet, reducing its effect.


  • 减少元素兴趣等级会关闭编辑器且反之亦然关闭一个文件也会减少兴趣等级。

    Reducing an element's interest closes its editor and, conversely, closing a file reduces its interest.


  • 可以去掉那些兴趣更改减少窗格目标窗格所显示deltas

    You filter out changes that you are not interested in to reduce the deltas shown in the source and target panes.


  • Fever网站整个目的就是减少兴趣博客之间的距离。

    Fever's entire purpose is to reduce the barrier between you and blog posts you're interested in.


  • Fed降息减少投资者持有美元短期存款收益从而降低了投资者持有美元资产的兴趣

    The Fed's cuts reduced the return that investors receive on shorter-term dollar deposits, making the dollar a less-attractive currency in which to park cash.


  • 可能改进生产力兴趣项目经理会对会议被提议时间计划产品缺陷减少兴趣

    You may be interested in improving productivity, whereas a project manager will be interested in meeting the proposed schedule and reducing the number of product defects.


  • 照看孩子的夫妇也许会减少晚上需要你看护的时间,他们兴趣雇佣作为课外看护

    The couple you babysit for might cut back on evenings out, but they could be interested in hiring you for after-school care.


  • 这个限定符有用的原因在于通过同时查看企业包括服务减少查找兴趣企业的步骤

    This is useful because it reduces the steps in finding a business of interest by looking in both the business and its constituent services at the same time.


  • 除非火星或者其它不曾想到的地方出现生命件事情公众兴趣正在减少正是公众一切买单。

    Unless life turns up on Mars, or somewhere even more unexpected, public interest in the whole thing is likely to wane. And it is the public that pays for it all.


  • 即使切实奖励作为表现优秀一种指示他们也会减少兴趣活动内在动力

    Even when tangible rewards are offered as indicators of good performance, they typically decrease intrinsic motivation for interesting activities.


  • 虽然努力减少讲话时间认为一个恰当的故事对于鼓励增加学生对所教学科兴趣可以产生奇妙的作用

    Although I strive to minimize talking, I still believe that an appropriately timed story can work wonders in encouraging and increasing interest in your subject.


  • 供应商必须通过私有扩展实现这些必需的特性私有扩展往往减少用户兴趣

    Vendors had to implement these necessary features with proprietary extensions; and proprietary extensions tend to limit user interest.


  • 通过减少毫秒精度可以使用单向散列风险,风险的估计就留给兴趣读者吧。

    One-way hashes could be used by eliminating some of the precision in the microseconds values, but this is best left to the reader with a desire to evaluate the risks on their own.


  • 为了继续坐享丰厚利润这些公司的管理者们进行了游说,拿一些政客们感兴趣主题说事儿——减少利润可能引发裁员罢工它们将可能雇佣更多亚洲劳动力云云

    To preserve their comfortable position, the incumbents have lobbied using themes which resonate with politicians-that lower profits could trigger job cuts, strikes and more outsourcing to Asia.


  • 数字显示增长高度从事SecondLife基地用户正在增强虚拟世界兴趣甚至Second Life呼吁,要求用户减少

    The Numbers suggest that a smaller, highly engaged base of Second Life users is intensifying its interest in the virtual world even as Second Life's appeal to new users fades.


  • Forrester研究报告显示Informix有助于减少管理应用程序需要分散药店员工零售商一点特别兴趣

    The Forrester study showed that Informix would help reduce the need for distributed, store-level staff to manage the pharmacy applicationa point of particular interest to the retailer.


  • 不会因为英文困难减少学习兴趣

    I do not like to study English the less for its difficulties.


  • 为什么我们一件这样“弊”(压力失望家庭冲突、占用其他活动时间减少学习兴趣风险)远远大于“”的事情呢?

    So why do we do something where the cons (stress, frustration, family conflict, loss of time for other activities, a possible diminution of interest in learning) so clearly outweigh the pros?


  • 减少英语学习中的迁移必要培养学英语的兴趣克服思维定势了解英语文化背景

    For reducing negative transfer it is necessary to cultivate interest in English learning, overcome set thinking, acquaint English culture.


  • 减少英语学习中的迁移必要培养学英语的兴趣克服思维定势了解英语文化背景

    For reducing negative transfer it is necessary to cultivate interest in English learning, overcome set thinking, acquaint English culture.


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