• 重点关注神经元其他兴奋细胞细胞水平上特性

    Emphasis placed on the cellular properties of neurons and other excitable cells.


  • 孔钾离子通道一个蛋白家族,广泛分布于可兴奋不可兴奋细胞中。

    Two-pore(2P)-domain potassium channels are a diverse family of membrane proteins present in both excitable and non-excitable cells.


  • 其中包括兴奋细胞结构生物物理性质突触传递神经化学、神经发育以及简单系统视觉系统资讯整合

    Includes the structure and biophysical properties of excitable cells, synaptic transmission, neurochemistry, neurodevelopment, and integration of information in simple systems and the visual system.


  • 猴子实验探索它们如何运行提供了大量的线索那个实验研究人员记录下引起每个区域神经细胞兴奋的各种因素。

    Experiments on monkeys, in which researchers have recorded what excites individual nerve cells in each of these areas, give strong hints about how it works.


  • 想象一下,使额叶皮层一些细胞兴奋消失可能让人丧失自我意识;

    Just imagine if we could silence a few cells in the right prefrontal cortex and make self-awareness disappear.


  • 一种蛋清中所含蛋白质相类似的混合物质激活了这些细胞引发使人兴奋食素大量释放

    A mixture similar to the protein content of egg whites activated these cells, triggering the release of the stimulant orexin.


  • 自行车赛中,一些做手脚的车手翻越阿尔卑斯山的支脉时,有时通过兴奋剂来提升细胞数量

    Tricky cyclists in the Tour DE France sometimes cheat by upping their red blood cell count for those tough stretches through the Alps.


  • 但还有许多工作有待完成-例如没有能够明白评论家细胞实际上是如何工作的-但令人兴奋有前途的工作。

    Much more work remains to be done - for instance, no one has yet figured out how the critic cells actually work - but it's exciting, promising work.


  • 研究人员小鼠脑内注入某种良性病毒,这种病毒使细胞细胞兴奋有关离子通道对光产生反应

    Researchers have engineered a benign virus that, when injected into the brain, makes the ion channelsthe switches that turn cells on and off—responsive to light.


  • 年前博士科学》杂志上发表论文宣称使用胚胎细胞克隆出了人类胚胎,这在当时激起了兴奋

    Dr Hwang provoked a flurry of excitement a year ago when he published a paper in Science that claimed to have cloned human embryos from embryonic stem cells.


  • 首先科学家发现唐氏综合症小鼠胚胎异常兴奋抑制性神经元比例异常,其中抑制性细胞数量多。

    First, the scientists found abnormal proportions of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the brains of the embryonic DS mice, with a much higher quantity of the inhibitory cells.


  • 细胞培皿中发现细胞样的细胞时,非常兴奋

    I was very excited when I found stem cell-like cells in my culture dishes.


  • 唐格尼这些发现非常令人兴奋因为癌症治疗主要目的就是集中治疗肿瘤为重点,同时损害健康细胞

    Tangney said the findings were very exciting because the main goal of cancer treatment is to focus therapy on tumors without harming healthy cells.


  • 说,将来的研究会TDCS成像技术结合起来,从而巩固作者推测,即细胞兴奋构建神经网络导致了联

    He adds that future studies could combine TDCS with imaging techniques to confirm the authors' speculation that the cells' excitability helps build the networks that result in synesthesia.


  • 兴奋不已是,提取出的组织很旺盛生长并且最终培养环境中的很多细胞都发现神经细胞特有蛋白质存在。

    To his delight, the extracted tissue thrived and grew, and many of the cells in the resulting culture did indeed contain proteins known to be characteristic of neural stem cells.


  • 研究人员确实发现,对好坏经验所有细胞反应件恐怖事件能使25%神经元兴奋分泌出更多多巴胺。

    The researchers found virtually all the cells had some response to a good or bad experience, but a terrifying event excited about 25 percent of the neurons, initiating more dopamine production.


  • 恋爱时,侧盖膜区的细胞产生天然兴奋多巴胺,传输多个

    The ventral tegmental area is a clump of cells that make dopamine, a natural stimulant, and sends it out to many brain regions [when one is in love].


  • 过去十年中科学家已经发现胶质细胞能增加神经痛例如坐骨神经通过兴奋神经传播信号

    Over the past decade, scientists have discovered that glial cells heighten nerve pain, such as sciatica, by exciting the neurons that transmit pain signals.


  • 吗啡通过作用神经突触来缓解疼痛同时兴奋胶质细胞可能也加剧该药副作用嗜睡耐受,疼痛加剧和成瘾

    Morphine deadens pain by acting at nerve synapses, but it also activates glial cells, possibly worsening the drug's side effects, such as drowsiness, tolerance, worsening of pain, and addiction.


  • 补充说这时一个令人兴奋发现因为象是否定了细胞生物学遗传学基本规则遗传物质随机分配

    He adds this is an exciting finding, as it seems to defy one of the basic rules of cell biology and genetics: that genetic material is distributed randomly.


  • 通过T淋巴细胞亚型变化观察,探讨了剂量电离辐射在肿瘤免疫调节中的兴奋效应机制

    Purpose: In order to understand the mechanism of the stimulation effects of low dose radiation (LDR), we observed the immune changes of T-lymphocyte subsets.


  • 细胞之间动作电位兴奋传导称为间传导。

    Intercellular action potential or conduction of excitation termed intercellular conduction.


  • 结论骨髓基质细胞低剂量照射时具有兴奋效应

    The results confirmed the homests effect of LDR on bone marrow stromal progenitor cells.


  • 雌激素兴奋氨基酸毒性稳定细胞离子度。

    Estrogen can resist the excitability amino acid toxicity and stable the solubility of calcium ion in cells.


  • GABA传递抑制信息告诉脑神经细胞放缓停止兴奋的信息。

    The message that GABA transmits is an inhibitory one: it tells the neurons that it contacts to slow down or stop firing.


  • 实际上,这种细胞打造了多巴胺——天然兴奋散发大脑众多地区范围

    Cells that actually make dopamine, a natural stimulant, and spray it to many brain regions.


  • 实际上,这种细胞打造了多巴胺——天然兴奋散发大脑众多地区范围

    Cells that actually make dopamine, a natural stimulant, and spray it to many brain regions.


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