• 可以让用户通过关键词搜索收集社交网站中的业务相关数据然后点击按钮将其中一些数据添加CRM系统

    It lets users do a keyword search to collect business-related data from a social-networking site and then add some of that data to a CRM system with a single button click.


  • 此外这个系统具有自适应性,可以根据关键词匹配推荐一些有价值的话题。

    What's more, the fact that this system is adaptive means that based on keyword matching, it might just serve you some unknown gems.


  • 游戏开始后系统会给玩家显示一个页面,如果玩家猜测关键词搜索结果5位出现这个页面,玩家就能获得分数

    Once a game begins, players are presented with a web page and receive points to guess keywords for the pages in the top 5 results.


  • 此外这个系统具有自适应性,可以根据关键词匹配推荐一些有价值的话题。

    What's more, the fact that this system is adaptive means that based on keyword matching, it may just serve you up some unknown gems.


  • Gardner评价道,系统可以接受自然语句作为关键词聊天语句中,自然语句更为准确的。

    Gardner claimed the system can accept natural sentences as well as keywords, which is more appropriate for chat.


  • Google证实这项测试正在进行中,该测试可以提供地理位置扩展(一个可以过滤针对特定搜索关键词搜索的系统)服务的国家中进行。

    Google has confirmed the test is taking place but only in countries where location extensions (a system to filter and target certain keyword searches) are available.


  • 这个系统通过分析文档中的文本信息来识别哪一类关键词短语出现最多这些关键词或短语经常出现不同的文档中。

    The software analyzes the text in documents and then identifies the most significant words and phrases in particular categories--ones that appear often across many different documents.


  • 他们希望大量包含敏感信息数据流能够堵塞关键词过滤系统

    They hope the volume of dirty traffic will clog up the keyword filters.


  • 实际上大多数ATS系统也会计算关键词频率所以重复使用关键词更有帮助

    In fact, keyword frequency counts in many ATS's, so this can work in your favor.


  • 例如,3文件使可以在其中包含更多相关关键词短语将有助于提高系统中的排名

    A 3-page document, for instance, may allow you to include more relevant keywords and phrases, which could move up your ranking in the system.


  • 第二步一步获取关键词通过系统搜索引擎接口送到专门的搜索引擎,由它们执行实际的搜索行为

    Second, send the keywords that obtain from first step to the special search engine through search engine interface of system, they carry out the real search behavior.


  • 由于目前大多数检索系统中,用户需求通过查询关键词来表示的。

    In most retrieval systems, the demand of users is represented by query keywords.


  • 基于连续马尔可夫模型(CHMM)框架非特定人关键词识别基线系统构建

    A baseline system of keyword spotting based on Continue Hidden Markov Model (CHMM) is constructed.


  • 现在许多公司都使用计算机筛选系统错误关键词意味着简历最终只能被丢到数据库中的某个角落,无人问津。”

    " So many companies use computerized screening systems now that the wrong keywords may mean "your resume just ends up sitting in a database somewhere, unseen by human eyes.


  • 对博硕士论文数据集的XML、索引、关键词检索结构化检索分别进行设计实现构建一个基于XML中文博硕士论文检索系统

    It designs and implements XML tagging, indexing, keyword retrieval and structural retrieval on Chinese thesis, and finally constructs an XML-based Chinese thesis retrieval system.


  • 时候必须通过选出来热门关键词找到商品进入商品详情商品的关键词排名上去而且降低淘宝系统检查

    Brush must be selected by the popular keywords to find the product and enter the details of the product page, the key words ranking brush up and reduce the Taobao system check.


  • 因为许多雇主会使用申请人跟踪系统(ats)审阅求职者的材料,然后使用一些关键词来进行简历定位。

    Because many employers use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to screen job application materials, try to use keywords from the application in your resume.


  • 系统开发过程结合理论研究实际应用采用关键词匹配语义分析句法分析结合方法

    The subject combines theory research and practical application to propose the method of integrated keyword matching, semantic analysis, parsing.


  • 分析现有文章推荐系统基于关键词向量用户模型表示方法存在不足,提出了基于聚类兴趣点的用户模型表示方法。

    After analyzing the disadvantages of the user profile based on-keywords vector in the existing document recommendation system, a novel representation of user profile based on clustering was proposed.


  • 方法监测系统资源使用情况,通过调整新闻时间窗口文档向量维度用户模型关键词维度方式来动态调整相似度计算的运算量。

    It monitors the free resource of the system and adjusts a sliding time window on news stream accordingly. This way, the dimensions of document vector and user profile vector change dynamically.


  • 本文就这点针对词汇关键词检测系统提出了基于音节废料模型,它有效的减少系统的检测时间提高系统的检测

    A garbage model based syllable lattice is expounded in the paper for small wordage keyword spotting system, by low detection time and high diction rate.


  • 以此为基础,完成了一个关键词自动标引系统详细描述了系统实现的总体流程功能模块

    The paper constructs a key words auto-indexing system, and introduces detailedly its overall process and functional module.


  • 利用1988年市场自由化以来女性市场目标为核心关键词对跨国烟草公司内部文件进行系统搜索

    Internal documents of transnational tobacco corporations were systematically searched using keywords focused on the targeting of the female market since market liberalisation in 1988.


  • 弹性音节拼接具有较高性能基于特征空间轨迹匹配关键词检测相结合构建识别系统实验结果表明系统具有相当高识别率

    This paper proposes a keyword spotting method based on adjustable syllable joining and feature space trace matching, experiments show that this method has high performance and efficiency.


  • 介绍一种综合各层级分类类对应关键词来构造概念体系用于改进信息检索系统效果方法

    This paper introduces an individualized information retrieval system based on meta-search engine, and advances the method for the design of individualized information retrieval system.


  • 自动答疑现代远程教学系统一个重要组成部分然而目前自动答疑系统大多关键词匹配为基础忽视关键词本身所含语义信息、查询效率结果不能满足用户的需要。

    The question answer system is the important part of the Distant Education. However mostly the current system is just based on matching and ignores the semantic information of the keywords itself.


  • 模式较为系统城市乡村公益(主题)以及旅游关键词有机的衔接一起

    This mode systematically connects the key points of urban and rural areas, public welfare and tourism together.


  • 公理说明每个关系有限元素序列系统同构的。关键词栈;算法?。

    The representation theorem stating that every relational system of stacks is isomorphic to a system of finite sequences of elements is proved.


  • 公理说明每个关系有限元素序列系统同构的。关键词栈;算法?。

    The representation theorem stating that every relational system of stacks is isomorphic to a system of finite sequences of elements is proved.


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