• 积极扩大进口重点增加先进技术装备重要原材料关键零部件元器件的进口。

    We will energetically increase imports with the focus on advanced technology and equipment important raw materials and key spare parts and components.


  • 加强基础研究前沿探索突破关键核心技术填补了多项重大产品装备的空白。

    We boosted basic research and research in frontier areas, made breakthroughs in a number of core and key technologies, and filled in gaps in many important products and equipment.


  • 针对测试设计辅助决策工具装备测试性设计水平提高关键技术

    Aid decision making tool is the key technology for improving the level of design for testability of equipment.


  • 搜索波束稳定技术相关坐标系转换装备车载搜索雷达的自行防空武器系统关键技术之一。

    The search beam stabilization technique and the concerned coordinate system conversion are key techniques of self-propelled antiaircraft weapon system equipped with the vehicular search radar.


  • 觉得装备技术都是很关键两个也是可以互补的。

    I think the equipment and technology are the key to the two can be complementary.


  • 通过质子交换膜燃料电池现有通信电源装备对比分析讨论了质子交换膜燃料电池作为军事通信电源关键技术发展前景。

    Through comparison and detailed analysis, this article discusses the key technology of PEMFC and its prospects as the military power supply equipment.


  • 本文密切结合开发新型数控加工装备需要种五轴机床若干关键技术进行了系统的研究。

    In this paper, combining closely with the need of the development of the new numerical machining furnishes, some key technology of a new typed hybrid machine tool are systematically analyzed.


  • 介绍无缝生产工艺技术,无缝化的理论依据关键技术装备产品特点应用前景

    To introduce the seamless process of welded pipe, the basis of theory, the key technology and equipments, the characteristic of products and its applicable prospect.


  • 从各自的比较优势看,发达国家关键技术装备先进成套装备产品价格较高、销路受限

    Talking about comparative strengths, developed countries have advanced key technologies and equipment, but the demand for their products and equipment is limited due to high prices.


  • 惯性敏感器误差补偿技术提高武器装备性能具有重要意义,而误差补偿关键在于误差模型的辨识

    It's important to improve the performance of weapon for compensating the errors of inertial sensors. Identification of error model is the key to compensating errors.


  • 数控机床先进制造技术关键组成部分,也是重要数控装备设备

    Nc machine tool is a key component of the advanced manufacturing technology, and the important numerical control facilities, too.


  • 讨论了数控装备协同售后服务系统体系结构、服务流程关键技术给出了系统运行实例

    This paper discusses the architecture, the service flow and the key technologies of the system, and then gives the running instances.


  • 交互式电子技术手册IETM作为实施CALS战略基础和关键技术提高武器装备系统后勤保障水平发挥着越来越重要作用

    As the core technology of implementing CALS strategy, Interactive Electronic Technical Manual, IETM, plays more and more important role on improving the logistics guarantee level of weaponry system.


  • 针对老年人障人士辅助康复需要,设计开发一种装备机械臂的助老助残服务机器人智能轮椅样机,介绍了样机的功能关键技术

    A prototype machine of intelligent wheel chair equipped with a manipulator, which can aid the aged and the physically disabled, is designed and developed.


  • 项目研究解决国家战略必争先进动力装备重型燃气轮机设计制造基础理论关键技术

    The project is to resolve the basic theory and key technology of designing and manufacturing advanced heavy gas turbine that is part of national strategy.


  • 实施国家科技重大专项,突破一些关键核心技术填补了多项重大产品装备空白

    We carried out major national research and development projects, made breakthroughs in a number of core and key technologies, and filled in many gaps in important products and technologies.


  • 讨论了数控装备协同售后服务系统体系结构、服务流程关键技术给出了系统运行实例。

    This paper discusses the architecture, the service flow and the key technologies of the system, and then gives the …


  • 陶瓷陶瓷工业装备中生产陶瓷砖的关键设备也是机械液压计算机控制技术陶瓷压制工艺技术于一体的专用设备。

    Tile press is special equipment for the ceramic industry, also key equipment set of mechanical, hydraulic, computer control technology and ceramic technology.


  • 阐述智能制造装备特点基础上提出一种基于CORBA规范的智能制造装备数字化设计验证系统的体系结构,并探讨了实现该系统关键技术

    On the basis of expounding the features of intelligent manufacturing equipment, a CORBA-based system of the digital design and verification for the intelligent manufacturing equipment is presented.


  • 多芯片组件实现电子装备小型化轻量化、高性能、成本专用集成电路不可缺少关键技术

    MCM is the necessary technique to realize the equipment smaller, lighter, more excellent performance and lower cost.


  • 作为煤炭直接液化技术中煤制备单元关键装备—媒浆混合作用也显得越来越重要

    As the key equipment of coal slurry preparation unit coal slurry mixing tank plays a significant role in coal direct liquefaction.


  • 研究软件维护性评估等关键软件保障技术,目的在于减少软件寿命周期费用提高软件质量,最终解决中软件难于保障问题

    The aim is to reduce the software life cycle cost of software, to improve software quality and at last to solve the difficult problem of software support in the weapon system.


  • 课题来源于国家技术研究发展计划课题所属专题——数控关键技术装备产业化支撑技术应用

    This essay is a part of the Hi-Tech Research and Development (863) Program of key reliability technology development and application of CNC device and system.


  • 课题来源于国家技术研究发展计划课题所属专题——数控关键技术装备产业化支撑技术应用

    This essay is a part of the Hi-Tech Research and Development (863) Program of key reliability technology development and application of CNC device and system.


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