• 很多接受2013年梅雨关于教育决定

    Many people didn't accept Meiyu's decision on education in 2013.


  • 尽管很喜欢这本书,但很多认为马可关于中国故事离奇了,不像是真的。

    Although people enjoyed reading the book, many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true.


  • 这个工程的消息传开了,很多人都知道了。

    The news about the project spread and many people knew it.


  • 很多人帮忙告诉其他关于派对的事情,布置派对,最后在派对结束后打扫卫生。

    Get plenty of people to help tell others about the party, set up the party, and finally clean up after the party.


  • 这个很多多有的关于非凡的主意怎样构思出来浪漫概念阻止他们释放他们自己

    The romanticized notions that so many people have about how brilliant ideas are conceived are keeping them from unleashing their own.


  • 由于缺乏关于健康状况的资讯造成很多士(无论友)都以为发生坏状况。

    The lack of information on his condition led many, both friend and foe, to assume the worst.


  • 而突然之间他们中的很多人有钱旅游了,关于旅行限制开始松动

    Suddenly, many of these can afford to travel, while travel restrictions have begun to ease.


  • 正当关于气候变化国家间的谈判正步履维艰实现新的具有决定性意义的协议的时候很多怀疑一个庞大国际条约是否已经超出了它的销售期限。

    As the international negotiations on climate change struggle to deliver a new and decisive agreement there are those wondering if big international treaties have exceeded their sell-by date.


  • 很多人咨询关于食的问题,所以在facebook创建了一个名为SandysSalad页面,以便把我的纯素生食经历贡献给大家。

    I have received so many inquiries about my raw lifestyle I created a Facebook page called Sandy's Salad dedicated completely to my raw journey.


  • 最近关于Jamis Buck将停止Capistrano开发工作消息令很多部署工具未来产生了忧虑,好在Vlad 1.3的发布给了他们新的希望

    The recent announcement Jamis Buck is ending development of Capistrano has left many wondering the future of this deployment tool. The release of Vlad 1.3 gives others hope as an alternative.


  • 正如很多了解那样,状态一种关于系统状态的数学表达式

    As many of you know, a state machine is a mathematical expression of a system's state.


  • 先前2001年关于全球化探讨过程脆弱可逆性当时很多认为其进程是不可改变的。

    His previous book about globalisation, in 2001, was about the fragility and reversibility of a process that many at the time believed to be inexorable.


  • 现在国会里很多讨论这个问题,我们需要思考关于,能用来保护权益的新法规房主贷款公司联邦住宅管理局制度

    We need — and there's a lot of talk in Congress right now -we need to think about new regulations that protect individuals, much like the regulations that the HOLC and the FHA made.


  • 很多更多书,无论是关于工作教育还是娱乐

    A lot of us want to read more - whether that's for work, education or pleasure.


  • 同时,关于系统风险监管好处很多也提出了疑问

    But there are many questions over the merits of a systemic-risk regulator.


  • 很多巧克力对抗消极情绪以及压力关于方面的研究汗牛充栋到如今几乎没有任何巧克力能够确实改善情绪的明证。

    There has been plenty of research suggesting that many people eat in response to negative moods and stress, but there is less evidence that eating actually improves mood.


  • 但还是很多担心资金通过到达时候可能将不足以弥补国会关于艾滋病项目削减掉的的预算。

    Many worry, though, that when the money comes through it will not be enough to compensate for the cuts to AIDS programmes that states have already made.


  • 很多人她们姐妹聊天次数更多并且聊的内容更深入,关于问题的话题也更多。

    Most said they talked to their sisters more often, at greater length and, yes, about more personal topics.


  • 平均来说,参与调查错了一半问题很多甚至关于他们自己信仰的问题也无。

    On average, people who took the survey answered half the questions incorrectly, and many flubbed even questions about their own faith.


  • 如果论坛出现关于客户的恶评,很多人他们是不是真的有问题啊’- - -事实上,只是这个论坛要价较高而已

    If one of my clients gets negative posts on certain online forum, everyone would say, 'Oh, they are in trouble' - but only because this forum charges more than the others.


  • 这儿有点儿关于心情沮丧的事儿很多不知道他们开车有危险。

    Here's something that most people don't know about folks battling depression: they are really bad drivers.


  • 然而一些关于的谣传并未因荒唐本质们唾弃,甚至于很多信以为真

    There are however several myths that have not been publicly chastised for their ridiculous nature, and often are still believed to be truth rather than fiction.


  • 这里民意测验(信多少,多少了),说明了一个问题,国内很多人开始相信各种关于巴马传说

    And here the polls-to the extent that they can be taken as hard fact-tell a disturbing story, in which no small part of the country has believed in a variety of tales about Barack Obama.


  • 我们很多都鄙视一些关于阴谋诡计的电视,觉得了,很容易看穿个中端倪。

    Most of us look down upon some tricks played in some teleplays because they think that those tricks are too fake and easy to be seen through.


  • 所以最近关于退休言论紧张很多的神经。

    So his recent talk ofretirementhas unnerved many.


  • 一定要记住:不仅仅了解是否很多用这个搜索,你还要了解关于这个词有多少竞争排名

    Keep in mind that you're not only checking to see if enough people are searching for a particular word, you're also trying to determine how competitive that phrase is in terms of rankings.


  • 一定要记住:不仅仅了解是否很多用这个搜索,你还要了解关于这个词有多少竞争排名

    Keep in mind that you're not only checking to see if enough people are searching for a particular word, you're also trying to determine how competitive that phrase is in terms of rankings.


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