• 我们共同迎接一伟大时代到来

    Let us together embrace the arrival of this great era.


  • 能够共同迎接蓝牙链路这些重要任务

    You will be able together to meet these important missions on the BlueTooth link.


  • 通过政策引导共同迎接外墙保温材料另一个春天”的到来

    Through the policy guidance of exterior wall thermal insulation materials, common to meet another "spring" coming.


  • 美研究人员更加积极热情心态公司共同迎接新的挑战

    All Hanmi people will meet new challenges with more active and enthusiastic attitude.


  • 因此接受此项殊荣并以此作为号召,号召世界各国共同迎接21世纪挑战

    And that is why I will accept the award as a call to action, a call for all nations to confront the common challenges of the 21st century.


  • 我们应该相互指责要携手共同迎接挑战,使双方局面有所改善

    We cannot blame each other any more but combine our efforts in tackling challenges and improving the situations at both sides.


  • 未来美好的,特斯人携手共进、奋勇向前,共同迎接美好明天

    The future is bright, Australia Corrientes will join hands with you and further, to usher in a better tomorrow.


  • 未来美好的,特斯人携手共进、奋勇向前共同迎接美好明天

    The future is bright, Australia Matutes will join hands with you, and further, to meet a better tomorrow.


  • 我们共同分享喜悦共同挥洒汗水共同迎接挑战、共同创造美好未来……谢谢

    Let's enjoy and share the happiness, try hard and face the challenge, create a bright future together... Thanks!


  • 期待明天啦。QQ和大家一起跨年,我们共同迎接美好2009

    You look forward to tomorrow's New Year. QQ will join the New Year, we have to meet the common good of the 2009 Oh!


  • 亲爱的朋友已联通威仕达我们真诚的伙伴共同迎接每天第一阳光

    Dear Friends, Thank you for calling Wistar. We are your sincere partner, enjoying the first bound of sunshine together with you.


  • 龙源四方”人改善人们生活环境己任我们绿色节能产品回报社会共同迎接美好未来

    "Longyuan Sifang" take improving people's living environment as it's own duty. We are glad to requite society with our green energy-saving products, to meet the beautiful future together!


  • 竞争我们作出努力有力地诠释着我们产品质量客务服务我们可以相互合作共同迎接挑战。

    What will define our efforts above those of the competition will be quality of product and customer service. We can work together to excel with both of these challenges.


  • 个月之后,两人又怀特海滨度假区(在帕丁森位于西伦敦南边八十英里)共同迎接了2010年的到来。

    Less than two months later, they quietly welcomed 2010 together at the seaside resort of the Isle of Wight, 80 miles south of Pattinson's family home in west London.


  • 我们希望于中国加强合作,希望中国不仅适应过去一个世纪来逐步形成国际规则而且我们其他国家共同迎接新世纪的挑战

    We hope to intensify work with China that not only adjusts to the international rules developed over the last century, but also joins us and others to address the challenge of the new century.


  • 我们希望于中国加强合作,希望中国不仅适应过去一个世纪来逐步形成国际规则而且我们其他国家共同迎接新世纪挑战

    We hope to intensify work with a China that not only adjusts to the international rules developed over the last century, but also joins us and others to address the challenge of the new century.


  • 汽车行业来说是个警示,它表明世界正在发生改变,而且我们共同迎接一个千载难逢机会从而围绕而不是汽车重新设计我们城市

    This is a wake up call to the auto industry that the world is changing and together we have this once in a lifetime opportunity to redesign our cities around people instead of cars.


  • 毫无疑问许多分歧仍然继续存在,我们国家目前正处在困难之中,今夜承诺,我全力帮助领导我们共同迎接目前面临的许多挑战。

    No doubt many of those differences remain. These are difficult times for our country, and I pledge to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face.


  • 正如本周早些时候纽约所言,所有国家都有责任迎接挑战,通过共同努力我们在履行此项责任方面向前迈出了一大步

    As I said earlier this week in New York, all nations have a responsibility to meet this challenge, and together, we have taken a substantial step forward in meeting that responsibility.


  • 我们抓住机遇迎接挑战加倍努力携手合作,共同迈向新的世纪

    Let us seize the opportunity and redouble our efforts to meet the challenges and march together towards the new century.


  • 双方都认识我们共同责任迎接我们这个时代面临的各项挑战,应对气候变化制止核扩散重新平衡全球经济等。

    But we recognize that we share a responsibility for meeting the challenges of our time, from combating climate change to curbing nuclear proliferation and rebalancing the global economy.


  • 如何提高未成年人安全意识能力勇敢地迎接外界挑战世界各国面临一个共同课题

    How to improve the safety awareness and ability of minors, and courageously meet the challenges of the outside world is a common issue facing the world.


  • 如何提高未成年人安全意识能力勇敢地迎接外界挑战世界各国面临一个共同课题

    How to improve the safety awareness and ability of minors, and courageously meet the challenges of the outside world is a common issue facing the world.


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