• 由于爱德华·马奈卢浮宫杰作《奥林匹亚》《草地上的午餐》中选择了维克多·莫为模特,学者们感兴趣

    Whereas Edouard Manet chose to paint Victorine Meurent in two of his masterpieces in the Louvre: Olympia and Le Dejeuner sur l'Herbe, she is of interest to scholars.


  • 当时主管在参加集团公司会议,可能伊芙·黛女士谈话中,把我的情况告诉了

    My supervisor was at a group-wide company meeting and somehow in a conversation with Mrs. Evelyn Lauder, my supervisor informed her of my condition.


  • 提及最多的人包括上诉法庭法官迪亚娜·伍兹梅里克·加、副检察长娜·卡根

    The most-mentioned names include Diane Wood and Merrick Garland, both appeals-court judges, and Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general.


  • 伦敦商学院·布新书《大转移》中断言,总经理事无巨细管理公司的日子早已过去

    The days of general managers who know "a little about lots" are completely over, claims Lynda Gratton of London Business School in "The Shift", a new book.


  • 随后亨利国王担心保罗在因格权利,于是1533年1月安妮.布乐秘密结婚

    The king then denied that the pope had authority over England. He secretly married Anne Boleyn in January 1533.


  • 比克妻子电邮里面写到:"个为作为一个消防员的意义而活着

    Wiebicke's wife, Madeline, said Randy was "a man who lived his life in the spirit of what being a firefighter meant to him.


  • 新角色杰奎(夏洛特·普林饰)同样带着某种怒气“怨鬼”:一个同,所以在接受比尔的调情,杰奎开门见山是不是“直男”。

    Newcomer Jacqueline (Charlotte Rampling) is also something of an angry ghost: once married to a gay man, she brusquely asks whether Bill is straight before letting him pick her up.


  • 关德(“一个被惯坏孩子”)给了富有自私的格克。

    Gwendolen Harleth (" a spoiled child ") marries the wealthy but selfish Henleigh Grandcourt.


  • 尼埃三世亲王的三个孩子——儿子阿尔伯特两个女儿卡罗斯蒂芬妮闻讯后立刻赶到病房探望

    Rainier's three childrenhis heir Prince Albert and daughters Caroline and Stephanierushed to his bedside.


  • 品牌创始十八世纪产品受到全球成功人士社会名流推崇,曾为俄国女沙皇卡特世专门制作餐具;著名“罗马波特”花瓶现藏于大英博物馆,已经成为英国的国宝。

    The brand was founded in the eighteenth century, whose products are welcomed by world's successful people and the respected celebrities including Nvsha Huang Catherine II of Russia.


  • 伊芙18成为亨特学院(Hunter College)的大一新生,后来一次相亲活动中认识了雅诗儿子伦纳德·黛。

    At 18, Evelyn was a freshman at Hunter College when she met Leonard Lauder, Estee Lauder's son, on a blind date.


  • Mashable编辑劳伦•尹德维克、购物网站GiltGroup创始人亚历克斯•梅班克、L2研究员·马伦以及《时尚先生》杂志(Esquire)主编大卫·讨论内容商务模式

    Mashable editor Lauren Indvik, Gilt Group founder Alexis Maybank, L2 researcher Maureen Mullen and Esquire's editor in chief David Granger discussed the new model of content and commerce.


  • 尽管·迪翁最爱,但也喜欢·希瑞和辣妹的所有歌曲。

    I loved everything from Frank Sinatra to The Spice Girls, although Celine tapes were still my favorite.


  • 苏伦威尔了婚查尔斯顿修道院,随后艾希礼小博到亚特大来了。

    Suellen and Will married and Carreen went off to Charleston to the convent, Ashley, Melanie and Beau came to Atlanta , bringing Dilcey with them to cook and nurse.


  • 这些年戴在公司扮演着各种角色,帮助开发皮肤护理化妆香水等系列产品

    Over the years, Evelyn Lauder would hold many positions there and she helped develop its lines of skin care, makeup and fragrance.


  • 记得不,指头引发了第一一系列事件劝诱莱莎?艾林丈夫琼恩下毒送信给凯特尼斯特家的阴谋

    Remember, Littlefinger set the events of season one into motion when he convinced Lysa Arryn to poison her husband, Jon, and send a raven to Catelyn telling her it was the Lannisters' plot.


  • 达·马克·谢尔兹最近举行婚礼

    THE wedding took place recently of Linda Bran and Mark Shields.


  • 之后罗女士清楚地第十七说明了格芬多·克劳比赛了而最终了,因为那时哈利不醒人世

    Rowling clearly states in Chapter Seventeen that Gryffindor played and lost a match to Ravenclaw, since Harry was unconscious at the time.


  • 苏伦威尔了婚查尔斯顿修道院,随后艾希礼小博到亚特来了。

    After Suellen and Will married and Carreen went off to Charleston to the convent, Ashley, Melanie and Beau came to Atlanta, bringing Dilcey with them to cook and nurse.


  • 图中的德拉·女中音。但是音乐之外,现在一件事费心。

    LEANDRA RAMM (pictured) is a mezzo-soprano with more on her mind than music.


  • 有趣的事实·德克尔来自南卡罗来纳州一个海滩小镇现在亚什KY回家

    Interesting % Facts: Leanna Decker comes from a little beach town in South Carolina but now she calls Ashland, KY her home.


  • 另一个29模特娜马鲁上个月自杀,同样让人心碎漂亮海报女孩爱米诺也可能香消玉勋。

    Another model Lina Marulanda killed herself last month at the age of 29. And now there is the heartbreaking news of what Noemi Lenoir the most beautiful of the M&S poster girls is going through.


  • 有趣的事实·德克尔来自南卡罗来纳州一个海滩小镇现在亚什KY回家

    Interesting 5 Facts: Leanna Decker comes from a little beach town in South Carolina but now she calls Ashland, KY her home.


  • 公开这个“秘密”邻居侦探小说作家伊恩•。 《星期日泰晤士报》援引金的话说,这位《哈利波特》的作者开始“转型”写侦探小说了。

    The Sunday Times newspaper quoted Ian Rankin, a fellow author and neighbor of Rowling's as saying the creator of the "Harry Potter" books is turning to crime fiction.


  • 【译文】这对夫妻解开这个谜,。是一场令人惊异的巧合。 䶥 这种巧合的发生要追湖杰奎故乡——英国开夏郡,杰奎家族现在还有许多人那里

    The couple have now unraveled the astonishing coincidence, which leads back to Mrs Rococo Farte's native Lancashire, where many of her family still live.


  • 【译文】这对夫妻解开这个谜,。是一场令人惊异的巧合。 䶥 这种巧合的发生要追湖杰奎故乡——英国开夏郡,杰奎家族现在还有许多人那里

    The couple have now unraveled the astonishing coincidence, which leads back to Mrs Rococo Farte's native Lancashire, where many of her family still live.


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