• 的兄长兰曾指定亲王继承人

    His older brother, Kalan, was destined for the throne.


  • 是的极力鼓励下属无休止地投身于格林威治听到(欢呼),发挥的小摇滚乐队

    Yes, Dolan has strongly encouraged his underlings to drag themselves into Greenwich Village to hear (and cheer) him play with his little rock and roll band.


  • 发现很多男性都希望自己伴侣工作。韦采访过100多位男士为什么聪明男人选择聪明女人》一书。

    Whelan, who interviewed more than 100 men and has written a book entitled "Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women, " found many men welcomed the idea of a working spouse.


  • 佐治亚州共和党人林恩·韦斯特摩兰曾共同发起过一项议案,要求国会山上悬挂条文,科尔伯特仅仅说出是哪十诫便令其彻底崩溃。

    Mr Colbert floored Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican from Georgia who co-sponsored a bill to have the Ten Commandments displayed in the Capitol, simply by asking him to name the Ten Commandments.


  • 组织不象其它黑帮那样高调——贝尔特高调邀请一位著名手风琴家为其圣诞派对演奏,而这也导致了他覆灭——锡那罗亚则行事更为隐匿。

    It prefers anonymity to the ostentation of others (Mr Beltrán was undone by inviting a famous accordionist to play at a Christmas party).


  • 审判》的主人公或许称为施密特兹·卡夫卡现在约瑟夫k

    In the Trial the hero might have been named Schmidt or Franz Kafka. But he is named Joseph k.


  • 公司创始人兼总裁阿·吉布斯希望能够位于新西门前海滩驾驶该车。通常因为较大的潮汐而难以实现。

    The company's founder and President, Alan Gibbs, wanted to be able to drive onto the beach in front of his home in New Zealand, which is often inaccessible because of high tides.


  • 作为一家上市公司必须公布所有必要信息,就像是路易斯·布代斯希望那样,你必须定期证交会上交文件,披露公司的信息。

    If you are a public company, the important thing is you have to do all of the disclosure that Louis Brandeis would have liked; you have to file regular forms with the SEC, disclosing information.


  • 设想找出关于一种植物公布一切化学成分,是否有毒哪里可以找到。”来自丘园的阿·佩顿,“要找出这些信息,需要了解其被使用过的所有科学名称。”

    'Imagine trying to find everything that's ever been published about a plant: which chemicals are in it, whether it's poisonous or not, where is it found,' said Alan Paton, from Kew.


  • 事实上所得者53玛丽-露扎-肯尼迪,她是位专业演员入围加拿大小姐的总决赛,现在就读英国利物浦希望大学

    It was in fact the former Miss Canada finalist and professional actress, 53 year old Mary-Lu Zahalan-Kennedy, a student of Liverpool Hope University in the UK.


  • 艾莱特·佐伊尔(出演《慕尼黑》)出现这部片中,饰演伙伴一个努力解开父亲之谜女性

    Ayelet Zurer (" Munich ") also is on board the production, playing Langdon's sidekick, a woman who is trying to uncover the mystery of her father's murder.


  • 还是质量管理开拓者之一帮助日本丰田汽车公司质量方面达到国际标准

    Juran is also one of the pioneers of quality management that has helped make Japanese companies like Toyota international benchmarks in terms of reliability.


  • 新角色杰奎琳(夏洛特·普林饰)同样带着某种怒气“怨鬼”:一个同,所以在接受比尔的调情,杰奎琳开门见山是不是“直男”。

    Newcomer Jacqueline (Charlotte Rampling) is also something of an angry ghost: once married to a gay man, she brusquely asks whether Bill is straight before letting him pick her up.


  • 不过特里软肋:2006年承诺整治俄亥俄州经济,可是现在10.1%的失业率已经高踞全国第九

    But Mr Strickland is vulnerable too; Ohio's 10.1% unemployment rate is the ninth worst in the country and his promise in 2006 to fix the economy has fallen flat.


  • 所罗门差人见推罗王·希运香柏木大卫居住,求你也这样待

    Solomon sent this message to Hiram king of Tyre: 'Send me cedar logs as you did for my father David when you sent him cedar to build a palace to live in.


  • 参加过英国皇家空军不列颠空战纪念飞行的战机----开斯特式战机,一架喷火式战机一架飓风战机率先飞过,台风战机和两架旋风-GR4型战机将呈正方形列队飞过。

    Three aircraft from the RAF's Battle of Britain Memorial Flight - a Lancaster, a Spitfire and a Hurricane - will be followed by two Typhoons and two Tornado GR4s in box formation.


  • 元帅乃缦主人面前尊为耶和华使亚得胜

    Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the Lord had given victory to Aram.


  • 克里斯托弗·,他导演上两部《蝙蝠侠电影(一部将由他执导),由他掌舵的话,就让我们期待一部需要去思考的大片吧。

    With Christopher Nolan, director of the last two Batman movies (and the next), at the helm, expect a blockbuster with a brain.


  • Muenchow预计过会冰川之一彼得曼崩解出冰块因为彼得曼冰川的体积过去的时间都一直增大

    Muenchow said he had expected an ice chunk to break off from Petermann, one of the two largest remaining glaciers in Greenland, because it had been growing in size for seven or eight years.


  • 年轻发誓通过考试娶妻因此单身至今也是坚持考试的主要动力

    When he was young, he vowed not to marry until he had passed, and is still single, which is now his main motivation.(See photo)


  • 过Whinham的品种莓,这个红色鹅莓,它的名字追溯到19世纪的中期的诺森伯碰巧也是一种适于保存的品种。

    I've planted the variety Whinham's Industry, a red gooseberry with a name that harks back to mid 19thc Northumberland and that just happens to be a particularly good one for preserving, too.


  • Inkamala女士忍受着一些原住民压力担任法庭翻译控诉男性谋杀案审判中互译英语语。

    Resisting pressure from some of her own people, Ms Inkamala has worked as a court interpreter, translating between English and the Aranda language in murder trials against men.


  • 听证会上讲了2小时,期间,众议员埃利奥特恩格尔置疑,丰田会不会还有什么出人意料的发生

    At one point in more than two hours of testimony Lentz was asked by Rep. Eliot Engel, whether there were any new bombshells to come.


  • 今也经历过烦躁入关手续(吉布提布隆迪索马里、马维拉、瓦努阿图巴布亚新几内亚),没有次像这次这样花费如此长的时间进入一个国家

    Seriously. I’ve been off the beaten track before (Djibouti, Burundi, Somaliland, Malawi, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea...), but never have I waited so long simply to get into a country.


  • 著名歌曲作家-纽曼说过,"小个子的男人理由活在世上。

    SONGWRITER Randy Newman once said: "Short people got no reason to live.


  • 著名歌曲作家-纽曼说过,"小个子的男人理由活在世上。

    SONGWRITER Randy Newman once said: "Short people got no reason to live.


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