• 彼得行为非常不高兴,了出去

    Peter was quite perturbed at Randi's behaviour, and threw her out three days later.


  • 卡斯特失踪第二一支高山搜救发现

    An alpine search and rescue team found Lancaster the day after he disappeared.


  • 结婚第二嘉与查尔斯成婚。) 媚:思嘉,昨我们的婚礼中我希望你的婚礼也会一样 美。

    The day after Melanie and Ashley's wedding, Scarlett


  • 希拉里提前我们辩论班子来到伊普西,为密歇根州立大学举行最后一场辩论做准备

    Hillary and I went into Ypsilanti with our crew a day early to prepare for the last debate on the campus of the Michigan State University in East Lansing.


  • 利斯在前一晚上儿子罗伯特一起马里开车过来。

    Phyllis was there. She had driven up from Maryland the night before, with her son Robert.


  • 第二克利对此进行了回应表示同意关于加强惩罚建议认为他需要采取预防措施的立场一派胡言。

    The next day, in Cleveland, I answered him, saying that I agreed with his proposals for punishment but that I thought his position that no preventive measures were needed was nonsense.


  • 有一,代﹒佩奈神父监督门课

    One day Father DePeneranda was in charge of this class.


  • 第二波特驶进了华盛顿州的西雅图,艘船带来了育空地区发现黄金

    The next day, the ship Portland landed in Seattle, Washington. It too carried men who had found gold in the Yukon.


  • 第二朋友一起来到柏林一些勃登堡门其他地方的照片。

    The next day I traveled to Berlin with friends. I took pictures at the Brandenburg Gate and at other places.


  • 十月一个礼拜早晨大约苔丝·德北菲尔来到里奇个月以后,离他们骑马猎苑走夜路几个礼拜

    It was a Sunday morning in late October, about four months after Tess Durbeyfield's arrival at Trantridge, and some few weeks subsequent to the night ride in the Chase.


  • 第二早晨巴德赶去上班的途中,故意可爱电梯操作员·库布里克小姐搭讪

    When Bud arrives for work the next morning, he strikes up a conversation with Fran Kubelik, the cute elevator operator.


  • 不久吉曼就要结束自己来华的一年自己希望回来之间交流桥梁

    Langerman will soon finish his year in China, but he says he hopes to return one day and be a bridge between the two countries.


  • 快到第二中午芳汀醒来了听见床边有人呼吸,她起床帷看见马德先生立在那里着她边的一件东西

    On the morrow, towards midday, Fantine awoke. She heard some one breathing close to her bed; she drew aside the curtain and saw M. Madeleine standing there and looking at something over her head.


  • 随着技术日益成熟到来的。

    That will come as the technology matures, says Mr Landau.


  • 墨非先生星期一中午,在最忙碌时刻开普郡警察署来了位穿制服的人。

    Mr Murray said the two uniformed officers from Lancashire Constabulary arrived at lunchtime on Monday, the cafe's busiest time of day.


  • 索恩·伯勒听到斯克报告的那点微不足道的放松,第二消散。因为据报道,大量放射性气体三里逸出

    What little relief Thornburgh felt at hearing Scranton's report, dissolved the next day when it was reported that a large burst of radioactive gas had escaped from Three Mile Island.


  • 一个弗洛斯蒂式的早晨还是更多燕麦粥开始的,异格诺拉燕麦卷?

    Was it a Frostie’s morning, or was it more of an Oat Crunchie’s day?


  • 早晨马德先生经过滨海蒙特勒伊一条没有铺石块的小街。听见一阵嘈杂的声音,远远望见一堆人。

    One morning M. Madeleine was passing through an unpaved alley of M. sur M.; he heard a noise, and saw a group some distance away.


  • 最多曲折发生开始暴风雪迫使船长放弃前往奥克设得群岛计划,转而前往风平浪静的挪威海湾

    Most of them occurred on the first two days, when stormy weather forced the captain to abandon plans to visit Orkney and Shetland, and make a run for the calmer waters of the Norwegian fjords.


  • 第二早晨立马飞往马里母亲告诉一句话居然是:“真的对不起,我知道已经经历了太多的不幸。”

    I flew down to Maryland first thing the next morning. And you know the first thing she told me?


  • 1970年的晚上科克一张刚发行的《伍德斯托克原声专辑来到了波比的家里。

    One night in 1970, Corcoran brought the just-released Woodstock soundtrack album to Bobbi's apartment.


  • 例如,伯伦鞋业在每鞋上贴上“绿色指数”的标签史克药业成本价成千上万的非洲居民出售艾滋病药物

    Timberland putsgreen indexlabels on all its shoes. GlaxoSmithKline makes HIV drugs available at cost to millions of Africans.


  • 连续3Cook是从早上6工作晚上910点敦刻尔克撤退布景周围漫步,该幕在诺森伯Redcar拍摄。

    For three days, Cook worked from 6am until 9 or 10 at night, wandering round the set of the evacuation of Dunkerque, which was being filmed at Redcar in Northumberland.


  • 经过将近两的飞行,美国"阿特蒂斯"号飞机于当地时间18日11时51分与国际空间站成功对接,当时它们正飞行在澳大利亚沿海上空。

    Space shuttle Atlantis ended its 2-day journey at 11:51 am Wednesday as the shuttle arrived at the International Space Station. The 2 ships were sailing above the coast of Australia when they met.


  • 马里大学合作推广服务部大学的苏珊说:“卷心菜大概生长60至90。”

    Susan Trice from the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service says cabbage takes about sixty to ninety days to grow.


  • 第二早晨那老头子床头小桌上发现一张一千法郎的票据马德伯伯亲笔一句话:“。”

    On the following morning the old man found a thousand-franc bank-note on his night-stand, with these words in Father Madeleine's writing: "I purchase your horse and cart."


  • 2月第四个星期希拉里加拿大进行为期国事访问我们美国加拿大大使官邸大使吉姆·布查德和珍妮特·布查德夫妇住在一起。

    In the fourth week of February, Hillary and I paid a two-day state visit to Canada, where we stayed at the American ambassador's residence with ambassador Jim and Janet Blanchard.


  • 美国电影导演伍迪.阿”别说上帝了,星期你连水管的人都不到“。

    “NOT only is there no God,” said Woody Allen, “but try getting a plumber on weekends.”


  • 美国电影导演伍迪.阿”别说上帝了,星期你连水管的人都不到“。

    “NOT only is there no God,” said Woody Allen, “but try getting a plumber on weekends.”


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