• 事实证明纳里的具争议

    Flannery's book proved highly controversial.


  • 《一分钟经理》一的作者之一肯尼思·布查德也这样认为:“注意人们的时候,然后告诉大家。”

    "Catch people doing something right!" he says. Then tell everyone about it.


  • 推荐亚当斯的另,《河流同行对话与摄影》,这本中,几乎相信多罗西·一位沃克。艾旺斯优秀的摄影师

    I would also recommend Adams' book, Along Some Rivers, Conversations and Photographs, in which he almost convinced me that Dorothea Lange was a better photographer than Walker Evans.Almost.


  • 推荐亚当斯的另,《河流同行对话与摄影》,这本中,几乎相信多罗西·一位沃克艾旺斯优秀摄影师

    I would also recommend Adams' book, Along Some Rivers, Conversations and Photographs, in which he almost convinced me that Dorothea Lange was a better photographer than Walker Evans. Almost.


  • 假如自由一本提倡放弃自由,另专注——专注事业信仰生活——那么所专注的不是生活而是艺术

    If freedom is all about giving up freedom by committing to things - people, causes, beliefs, life - what Franzen has committed to is not life but art.


  • 与众不同的,斯向读者们提供了上传自己照片、为打上自己烙印的机会

    What makes this project unique is that Smolan offers readers a chance to upload their own photographs and personalize their copies.


  • 缇听着滔滔不绝地评论各种作家找到出售过的珍稀籍。

    She listened to me running on about books and authors, valuable and rare editions I had found and sold.


  • 对这宣传工作结束,弗岑花年时间筛选之前未写进中的材料能否再回收利用一些

    After he was done promoting the book, Franzen spent a year sifting through material he'd discarded from it, to see if he could recycle anything.


  • 玛丽也许这部可怕的孩子,”令人想起斯坦的怪物不像维克多·弗肯斯坦那样,她没有自己躲起来创造

    Mary may have called the book her "hideous progeny," calling to mind Frankenstein's monster, but unlike Victor Frankenstein, she did not cloister herself to construct it.


  • 如果那些她们喜欢阅读伟大的反响她们变的更聪明,”麦吉尔·弗博士

    "If those books get them into reading, that has great repercussions for making them smarter," Dr. McGill-Franzen said.


  • 路易斯·布代斯…,希望公司能够始终提供信息他那个时代,是指提供文档比如当时称为招股说明一类的文件。

    Under Louis Brandeis -brandeis wanted companies to always present the information, but for him it always meant presenting a document, so they had something called a prospectus, for example.


  • 关于一点,弗认为替我们事情,一些其他媒介无法做到的有助于社会的事情。

    The way Franzen thinks about it is that books can do things, socially useful things, that other media can't.


  • 我们记得,马德先生读不少阿让仍不断阅读,因而获得谈话能力。 他知识丰富一个谦虚真诚、有修养的人从自我教育中得来的口才

    Jean Valjean had continued this practice; he had come to converse well; he possessed the secret riches and the eloquence of a true and humble mind which has spontaneously cultivated itself.


  • 多医生希望自己得到日渐偏离正统教义年轻犹太人一样拥有国际视野的同伴的青睐。

    Dr. Landau said he hopes his book will resonate with young people who have become less observant Jews, and with his peers who have embraced an internationalist perspective.


  • 犹大许多人与多比雅结盟。亚拉儿子,示迦尼女婿并且的儿子,约娶了比利迦儿子,米女儿为妻。

    For there were many in Judah sworn unto him, because he was the son in law of Shechaniah the son of Arah; and his son Johanan had taken the daughter of Meshullam the son of Berechiah.


  • 确有博的

    There were Rambo books.


  • 我们富盛名作家往往都法国上好几年,而在那里的每个人都看过巴尔扎克看过·德龙的电影

    Our greatest writers spent years in France, and everyone here has read a book of Balzac or seen a movie starring French actor Alain Delon.


  • 期间唐老鸭漫画由哈警方妥善保管。

    In the meantime, the comic book remains under lock and key with the Halland police.


  • 已经关于健身作者施瓦辛格现正在彼得•派特雷合作撰写这本自传,后者曾是格林斯潘诺曼施瓦茨科普夫回忆录的联合撰写人。

    Schwarzenegger, already the author of two books about bodybuilding, is working on the autobiography with Peter Petre, who has co-written memoirs by Alan Greenspan and Norman Schwarzkopf.


  • 讲述了怎样尝试走向死亡,讲述了他们怎样胶水把破碎她粘起.这是优秀小说,她的一样苦涩残忍--是一本塞林格尼关于的她可能写的,如果是在地狱中度过的这十年的话.

    It is a fine novel, as bitter and remorseless as her last poems -- the kind of book Salinger's Franny might have writtenabout herself ten years later, if she had spent those ten years in Hell.


  • 达芬奇密码》诱导了一种现象,即哈佛大学罗伯特·教授去寻找圣杯也许真的有些是而非的历史理论做为依据,《达芬奇密码》一却的的确确地让·布朗发现了出版界商机无限。

    Harvard professor Robert Langdon's quest for the Holy Grail might rely on some shaky historical theories, but with the Da Vinci Code, Brown indisputably found publishing's commercial equivalent.


  • 每个人都同意当下重要问题怎么做,”哈佛大学心理学《正》(Mindfulness)一作者埃伦·(Ellen Langer)

    "Everyone agrees it's important to live in the moment, but the problem is how," says Ellen Langer, a psychologist at Harvard and author of Mindfulness.


  • 除了·弗里德·伯格,1999年还有一相同思路出版非常预见性就是耶鲁大学保罗·布拉肯的《东方的战火》(Fireinthe East)。

    And in addition to Aaron Friedberg, another book along those lines that came out in 1999 but which is very prescient is Paul Bracken of Yale's Fire in the East.


  • 并非新生15磅’”,克利夫诊所心理学家,《谨慎就餐》一作者SusanAlbers说道。

    "It's not exactly the 'freshman 15,'" says psychologist Susan Albers of the Cleveland Clinic, author of Eating Mindfully.


  • 劳伦斯•厄当(LaurenceUrdang多产编纂——编纂了字典其他参考100部——于星期二死于福德康恩,享年81居住美国康涅狄格州的OldLyme(地名)。

    Laurence Urdang, a prolific lexicographer who had a hand in more than 100 dictionaries and other reference books, died on Thursday in Branford, Conn. He was 81 and lived in Old Lyme, Conn.


  • 隆姆博格,他降温怀疑论环境主义者全球指南》(CoolItThe Skeptical Environmentalist ' s Guideto Global Warming)作者,认定纳里其他一些人青睐总量管制与排放交易(cap - and - trade)方法注定要失败的。

    Lomborg, author of the book "Cool It: the Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming," believes the cap-and-trade approach favored by Flannery and others is doomed to failure.


  • 所知道最好一本有关预测全球气候变化带来的改变的蒂姆·纳里写的《气候制造者如何改变气候,以及改变对地球生命的影响theWeather Makers: How Manis Changing theClimateandWhatIt Meansfor Lifeon Earth .》。

    The best book I know on shifts in weather we can expect from global climate change is Tim Flannery's "the weather Makers: How Man is Changing the climate and What It Means for Life on Earth."


  • 我们不能!《侦探科今年秋季伦敦开拍本“”都将作为一个单独事件播出

    Neither can we! Cormoran Strike begins shooting in London this fall, with each "book" airing as a separate event drama.


  • 我们不能!《侦探科今年秋季伦敦开拍本“”都将作为一个单独事件播出

    Neither can we! Cormoran Strike begins shooting in London this fall, with each "book" airing as a separate event drama.


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