• 每个月里,都有一个星期早上,绿点食品市场卖主聚集布鲁克弥赛亚教堂

    One Saturday morning each month, the vendors of the Greenpoint Food Market converge on the Church of the Messiah in Brooklyn.


  • 其余的时候呢,落地个月之后落叶松似的长大起来,而且在夫人墓野草第二次开花以前就以她自己的方式走路说话了。

    For the rest, after the first six months, she grew like a larch, and could walk and talk too, in her own way, before the heath blossomed a second time over Mrs Linton's dust.


  • 来自新泽西罗德尼·弗里·海森则国会供职家族成员。

    Rodney Frelinghuysen, from New Jersey, is the sixth generation of his family to serve in Congress.


  • 但是兔子所有百合的花苗都破坏掉了。”太太下楼梯悲伤同时内心里暗暗的为不用谈论月亮而感到松了口气。

    "But the rabbits has et up all the June lily bed," said Mrs. Lynde sadly, as she waddled downstairs, feeling secretly relieved that there need be no more talk about the moon.


  • 谈情说爱,筹划好事,就这样度过星期,终于到了星期先生不得不心爱夏绿蒂告别

    AFTER a week spent in professions of love and schemes of felicity, Mr. Collins was called from his amiable Charlotte by the arrival of Saturday.


  • 星期自己脸书网页上向费拉致敬

    Palin paid tribute to Ferraro on her Internet Facebook page on Saturday.


  • 旧金山州立大学研究员凯特·莱恩,这是个全世界存在的问题也参加会议

    The issue is the same all over the world, says Caitlin Ryan, a researcher at the San Francisco State University, who attends the meeting on Saturday.


  • 他们星期将与加纳领导人约翰·库福尔杰瑞·斯共进早餐

    They are joined for breakfast Saturday by former Ghanian leaders John Kufuor and Jerry Rawlings.


  • 双人项目中,火亮一举夺下五个完美10分。

    In the second of six dives, Lin and Huo racked up five perfect 10s in the synchronicity category.


  • 法国设计界享誉盛名半个世纪设计师,逝世了。

    Paulin, who passed away on Saturday, was a well-known figure in the world of French design for over half a century.


  • “布鲁克单词结尾R音,”小李热狗时候发现的这顾客饥肠辘辘,当中许多用布鲁克口音

    "They do not pronounce the r's at the end of the word," Ms. Li observed as she served up hot dogs on Saturday to a throng of hungry customers, many of whom placed their orders in Kings County dialect.


  • 罗宾森成为了布鲁克·道奇的主力,并带领道奇队赢得了次锦标赛冠军一次世界大赛的冠军。

    Robinson starred on Brooklyn Dodger teams that won six pennants and a World Series championship.


  • 年后,在一年已完的月份,马克在布鲁克个不大的公园里庆祝首个结婚周年日。

    Six years later, this past June, he and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary.


  • 如果周一鲨鱼咬了脚趾直到周三觉得痛,直到她才会抽回脚趾。

    If a shark bit that toe on Monday, Linden says, "she wouldn't feel it until Wednesday, and she wouldn't jerk her toe until Saturday."


  • 卡努杜斯个有着15000人口小镇, 位于巴伊亚洲内地,四周炎热包围. 一个星期晚上镇上充满消费的人群.

    ON A Saturday night in Canudos, a town of 15, 000 people in the interior of Bahia state surrounded on all sides by parched, silvery forest, there is a lot of consumption going on.


  • 玛莎·帕克斯·德利丈夫开赴骑兵营,天后也加入了。

    But Martha Parks Lindley joined up just two days after her husband left for the 6th U.S. Cavalry.


  • 结果文章作为专题发表社论版上。觉得上了当,断绝了那些青少年的交往,并且围着的地界建起了尺半高的围栏

    The article appeared instead as a feature on the editorial page, and Mr. Salinger felt so betrayed that he broke off with the teenagers and built a six-and-a-half-foot fence around his property.


  • 如今是个MargeryJones.com上365连载小说作者今年哈珀·柯斯出版社还会出版本我的微型小说文选

    I am the author of a 365-part fiction serial running at MargeryJones.com, and I have a piece of microfiction being featured in an upcoming HarperCollins fiction anthology on sale this June.


  • 该新闻月在网上刚传开不久,电力公司便已经发展商签署了长期协议。 凤凰市斯特动力公司(StirlingEnergySystemsof Phoenix)打算发展商那里购买2300兆瓦CSP电能

    Power companies have already signed long-term agreements with developers such as Stirling Energy Systems of Phoenix to buy up to 2, 300 megawatts of CSP electricity from them.


  • 眼睛看着然而那个人却窗外启动看去

    Six pairs of eyes looked at Lin, while the man looked out of the window.


  • 南京2500建城素有古都、朝都会的美誉,于一体的生态型历史文化名城。

    Nanjing has a history of nearly 2500 years, and is known as the capital of six dynasties, or ten regimes, whose landscape incorporates mountains, water, city and forestry.


  • 车站很小没有直通国王十字车站的线路,经过四个停车站带到托特纳姆法院五个停车站莱斯特广场到查十字路,都非常靠近中心的。

    The station is small, not on a direct line to King's Cross, and four stops would take you to Tottenham Court Road, five to Leicester Square and six to Charing Cross, all of which are very central.


  • 脱口秀节目主持人拉什现场嘲讽过外貌

    She was mocked by both talk show host Rush Limbaugh and Saturday Night Live for her appearance.


  • 自己算了一笔帐,如果个月找到工作家里

    Joegriner's own calculations, the family will be out of money in six months if he doesn't find work.


  • 灌服氨基比、亚硝酸钠刺梨大鼠天内平均增重为14.4%,肝脏见明显异常,SGPT全部正常

    In the group with the juice, the rate was 14.4%, the hepatic necrosis was not observed, the activity of SGPT was normal.


  • 20因为你们重价买来的。这样就要你们身体上荣耀

    Cor. 6:20 For you have been bought with a price. So then glorify God in your body.


  • 麦克·托克为了证实发现,继续观察这些变化不能用现有的任何理论解释

    McClintock confirmed her discovery and extended her observations for six years. The changes could not be explained by any known theory.


  • 麦克·托克为了证实发现,继续观察这些变化不能用现有的任何理论解释

    McClintock confirmed her discovery and extended her observations for six years. The changes could not be explained by any known theory.


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