• 们做的第一件就是租了一个非常昂贵的公寓,在第层,只有一个橱柜那么大。

    The first thing we did was rent a fantastically expensive sixth-floor apartment the size of a cupboard.


  • 制订规划以便能够它们全部做完而不用走回头路时,不再讥笑

    He no longer laughs when she maps out her Saturday errands so she can do them all without making any left turns.


  • 讲述到达那个发生身上的

    He recounted for me what had happened to him the Saturday after I'd arrived.


  • 真正较量之后发生上。

    The real battle is over what happens after June.


  • 不管怎么说年前了,现在我们关系不错。

    Anyway, this all happened about six years ago, and now we are on good terms.


  • 美国韩国认为这项提议不是什么新鲜。这两个国家以及俄罗斯中国日本参加几轮方会谈。

    The United States and South Korea, which both participated in earlier rounds of six-party negotiations, along with Russia, China and Japan, dismissed that proposal as nothing new.


  • 希伯来人作奴仆第七年他可以自由,白白地出去

    If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.


  • 尽管也许选择独一无二的,依然那些同样选择人有相同之处,因为为了有所成我们不得不

    However unique your choices may be, you still have much in common with all the others who have chosen to take this journey, because in order to make anything, there are six things we all have to make.


  • 实上过去月里阅读了所有找到的有关个人财务方面的信息并且或到了达成这个目标

    In fact, for the last six months, I have been devouring any and all information that I can find on personal finance, and have learned more or less what I need to do in order to achieve this goal.


  • 反正家庭相关建设还有许多其他的可以做嘛,先做做不痛不痒的准备调查研究,第一个星期再开始动手

    Still, there's always lots of research to be done in a home-related plan, so dig in and do that, with an eye to act in June's first week.


  • 弟兄中,有一希伯来男人希伯来女人被卖你,,到第七就要自由出去

    If a fellow Hebrew, a man or a woman, sells himself to you and serves you six years, in the seventh year you must let him go free.


  • 却是肯定无疑第二,一个“邮车夫查理大帝院里天空越过大楼,落在大楼另一面的狮子沟里了。

    What is certain is, that on the following morning, a "postilion" was flung from the Charlemagne yard into the Lions' Ditch, over the five-story building which separated the two court-yards.


  • 如今伯南克似乎希望该政策按原计划持续到月,但是可能这之后又令人头疼不已处理。

    For now, Mr Bernanke seems willing to continue QE until June as planned, but may have some agonising to do thereafter.


  • 经过很多实验等待思考质疑年里完成了部纪录片四本小说,就是为了有些可做

    There was a lot of testing, waiting, pondering, questioning, and in six years I made four films and wrote four novels just to keep my energy going.


  • 有时早饭会相信件不可能

    Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.


  • 他们不忘调查反对派武装指挥官阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·尤尼斯月份死亡(一名逮捕民兵组织成员杀害)一

    They said they would also investigate the death in June of General Abdel Fatah Younis, the rebels' military commander, who was killed while in the custody of a rival militia.


  • 有时早饭会相信件不可能

    Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.


  • A为什么发生什么

    A Why? What happened on Saturday?


  • 接下来讲道里,我们看看我们祷告时候作的

    In the next six devotionals, we'll look at six things we can talk to God about when we pray.


  • 阿龙没有选择这个岁大的孩子只有自己做饭自己衣服自己家禽所有都得自己

    A Long does not have much choice. This six-year-old has to prepare his own meals, wash his clothes, feed poultry - he basically has to do everything by himself.


  • 阿龙没有选择这个岁大的孩子只有自己做饭自己衣服,自己家禽所有他自己

    A Long does not have much choice. This six-year-old has to prepare his own meals, wash his clothes, feed poultry -he basically has to do everything by himself.


  • 知道跳舞不再只是穿上漂亮的舞在周的晚上的爱人舞池圈那么简单的了。

    In case you didn't know, "going dancing" no longer means putting on a pretty dress and doing a few turns around the dance floor with your favorite man on Saturday night.


  • 第七戒律中,讲到条戒律一样:罪恶始于内心所以内心玷污地方

    He goes through the seventh commandment and says the same thing about it as he said about the sixth commandment. It begins in the mind, so it is in the mind where we get defiled.


  • 本周最佳专栏男人最糟糕”,猜就知道要说些什么。

    This week’s top column was entitled “The Six Worst Things You Can Say to a Guy” and I’m pretty sure I nailed this one.


  • 不到早晨便到了滨海蒙特勒伊第一便是把寄给拉特先生的送到邮局,疗养室去芳汀

    A little before six o 'clock in the morning he had arrived at M. Sur m., and his first care had been to post a letter to M. Laffitte, then to enter the infirmary and see Fantine.


  • 本周最佳专栏男人最糟糕”,确定就是了。

    This week's top column was entitled "The Six Worst Things You Can Say to a Guy" and I'm pretty sure I nailed this one.


  • 本周最佳专栏男人最糟糕”,确定就是了。

    This week's top column was entitled "The Six Worst Things You Can Say to a Guy" and I'm pretty sure I nailed this one.


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