• 第12全力搜寻假冒红嘴时候,此人却家的书房里。

    Article 12 sets out search on di gong and other fake Red-billed, when the people have died in Digong home's study.


  • 周小明商务使馆外交官参加

    Commercial Minister-Counsellor Zhou Xiaoming and other diplomats from the embassy also attended the briefing.


  • 作者特别感谢nEo,Epicure,Sparker一些人,他们过去现在以及将来将使作者收益非浅。

    In particular, the author wants to thank nEo, Zhuanggong, Epicure, Sparker, to name just a few. He benefits a great deal from them no matter when, in the past, at present or even in future.


  • 娄主人精神危机多种因素造成的,其中包括充满敌意现实异化边缘感、以及性格缺陷

    The protagonists' spiritual crisis is caused by various factors, including the hostile reality, the sense of alienation and marginality, the flaws in character, etc.


  • 改进方案具有不可否认性,以及抵抗签名人伪造攻击替换攻击优点

    Improved scheme has advantages of nonrepudiation, against he original signer's forgery attack and public key substitution attack etc.


  • 资产负债表上,所有者权益应当按照实收资本(或者股本)、资本积、盈余积、未分配利润项目分项列示。

    Owner's equity shall be itemized in the balance sheet under the titles such as the paid in investment (or in stock), paid in surplus, surplus from profit and undistributed profit.


  • 改进后方案具有不可否认性,不使用安全信道,以及抵抗替换攻击合谋攻击优点

    Improved schemes have advantages of nonrepudiation, using insecure channel, against the public key substitution attack and collusion attack etc.


  • 作为椰城海口海南的省会包含了许多秀英炮台海瑞墓这样的有趣的历史古迹

    Known as Coconut city, Haikou is the capital city of Hainan and it contains interesting historic sites like the Five Officials Temple, Xiuying Fort Barbette and Hairui Tomb.


  • 车间设备手动工具刨机模板加热热电偶真空测量设备英制转换工具

    Shop equipment and hand tools, such as router, templates and hole saws, heat blankets and thermocouples, vacuum bags and caul plates, measuring devices, conversion of metric and inch system.


  • 资本包括股本溢价、定财产增值捐赠资产价值

    Capital reserve includes premium on capital stock, legal increment of property value through revaluation and value of donated assets accepted, etc.


  • 本文算法主要适用软件实现rsaecc钥体制实现中广泛的应用

    The proposed algorithms are suitable for software implementations on gener - al-purpose microprocessors, and can be used in public key cryptographic applications such as RSA and ECC.


  • 传统文学批评文学、文化心理学多种角度分析主人霍尔顿的心理模式。

    Traditional reviews have analyzed the hero Holden from various perspectives, literary, cultural, and psychological.


  • 交通调查中,可利用模糊聚类分析将交通分区工业居住道路绿化广场各项用途进行分类。

    In traffic investigation, traffic sub-areas are classified by fuzzy cluster analysis through such USES as industry, residence, construction and road green plaza.


  • 辫子种新兴适用于量子计算机时代的密码平台但是目前基于辫子群的密钥协商协议AAGAAFGBDH不同程度安全弱点。

    It seems that braid group is a kind of considerable public key cryptography platform, but current key agreement protocols, such as AAG, AAFG and BDH, all have different degrees of security weaknesses.


  • 同时,基于身份加密钥密码系统存在着一些问题身份认证分发以及密钥托管

    However, there are some problems in IBE such as identity authentication, private key distribution, key escrow and so on.


  • 本文主要论述数字签名技术基本实现原理,包括加密技术报文分解函数(MDF)实现数字签名应用的关键技术。

    The basic principal of realizing the Digital Signature application as well as some essential key technologies including public key Encryption, Message Decomposition Function (MDF) are discussed here.


  • 本文主要分析椭圆曲线密码体制安全椭圆曲线的实现密钥生成、密钥交换协议数字签名内容

    The paper mainly introduces some contents of ECC, such as implement of secure elliptic curve, generation of key, key exchanged protocol and digital signature.


  • 目前国内对于椭圆曲线快速实现智能卡应用研究较多。

    Currently, there is much research on rapid realization and smart card application of elliptical curve public key.


  • 具体表现区域性特征社会层次性结构特征、审美特征、性特征、养生性特征、传承性特征和交流性特征

    Chinese cuisine culture has so many features such as regional character, socially structural, aesthetic character, public and recreational character, healthy, inherited, communicating character etc.


  • 洋热交流器、美国克莱斯勒汽车科龙电器,美的电器,欧普照明世界名牌企业和国际优秀企业。

    We are now serving SANYO machinery, Chrysler, Kelon Appliance, Media group, OPPLE light ware etc. All of them are excellence in the world.


  • 可以当名词,意雄鹿雄兔山羊特定雄性动物

    Buck is also a noun that means a male of certain animal species such as deer, rabbits, sheep, or goats.


  • 每天不是图书馆红楼梦》、《水浒传》,就是市区里巴,东奔西跑

    Not in the library every day to see "Dream of Red Mansions", "Water Margin", that is, in cities such as public buses, running around town.


  • 产品广泛应用于大型工业厂房、市、览、育化住宅单层及多层建筑群体。

    Itsproducts are widely used in industrial workshop, supermarket, exhibition hall, gymnasium, modern residence, office building, tall building, etc.


  • 主要支流丹河、大河

    Dan River's main tributaries have Dongdan River, East River, he and other Pakistani public.


  • 然后,重点阐述了中国船级社陆上业务开展情况其中包括CCS所采用的ISO9000质量管理体系工程机电监理估、检验。

    Secondly, we set forward situation of CCS continental business, including ISO9000 Quality Management System, engineering and machinery supervisor, notarial survey and so on.


  • 指出ECCRSADSA传统钥密码体制安全性速度内存需求带宽需求方面各自所具有的优势。

    Point out that ECC has many advantages over RSA and DSA, especially on security, speed, memory requirement, bandwidth requirement.


  • 介绍了巴电厂热电联产改扩建工程水土保持工作中的监测区域、监测点布设、监测内容方法、监测时段与频率、监测机构监测监督制度

    This paper introduces the detection area, detecting points arrangement, detection contents and methods, detection time step and frequency, detection institutions and detection supervision system, etc.


  • 介绍了巴电厂热电联产改扩建工程水土保持工作中的监测区域、监测点布设、监测内容方法、监测时段与频率、监测机构监测监督制度

    This paper introduces the detection area, detecting points arrangement, detection contents and methods, detection time step and frequency, detection institutions and detection supervision system, etc.


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