• 公民意识作为观念形态基本内涵就是公民国家及其关系认识确证

    As a kind of ideology, the essential part of civic consciousness is citizens 'understanding of the individual relationship between their country and themselves.


  • 很多国家来说,这个缺口巨大——GDP很多倍——主要因为他们的公民寿命更长生育孩子更少这些都增加国库负担

    For many countries, the gap is enormous-multiples of gdp-largely because their citizens are living longer and having fewer babies, all of which will put a burden on the exchequer.


  • 受害者为国捐躯英雄们国牺牲,这个国家不仅能包容不同背景信仰而且维护全体公民尊严他们的尊重

    The nation for which the victims died and heroes sacrificed does not merely tolerate people of different backgrounds and beliefs, but treats all of its citizens with dignity and respect, he said.


  • 认为法国经济冲击反应很糟糕这部分时因为国家层面以下缺乏公民机构

    France responds badly to economic shocks, he argues, partly because of a lack of civic institutions below the state.


  • 更加糟糕国家北部东部军事统治将会使那些地区泰米尔觉得自己永远被剥夺了自尊二等公民

    What is more, a military occupation of the country's north and east will require the Tamil people of those regions to live eternally as second-class citizens, deprived of all self-respect.


  • 这些工具促进项目成果及其影响监测提高透明度加强国家层面的公民参与

    These tools promote better monitoring of project results and impact on people, enhance transparency, and strengthen country dialogue and civic engagement.


  • 我们见到这些我们国家最好公民,充满活力希望,富有同情心勇敢,这些美德美国毫不动摇的信心,我们面危险并努力,我们努力向前进。

    In citizens like these, we see the best of our country, resilient and hopeful, caring and strong. These virtues give me an unshakable faith in America.


  • 57个国家英国公民识字水平被OECD第17位,数学水平排到24为(低于平均水平),科学水平排第14位——良好教育传统富裕国家来说是很差的水平。

    The OECD ranks Britain 17th among 57 countries in literacy, 24th in mathematics (below the average) and 14th in science-a poor showing for a rich country with a fine intellectual tradition.


  • 同时美国公民身上,看到我们国家优秀一面-我们的国家充满关怀希望,这样优点国家有着坚贞的信念

    In citizens like these, we see the best of our country –resilient and hopeful, caring and strong. These virtues give me an unshakable faith in America.


  • 美国而言,次机会,让我们能够这个国家以及全世界最优秀公民声‘谢谢’,”说道

    "This is a chance for me and for the United States of America to say thank you to some of the finest citizens of this country, and of all countries," he said.


  • 国家需要最大程度公民处攫取收益,引起避税的新关注

    The need for countries to maximise their take from their citizens has caused a renewed interest in preventing tax evasion.


  • 7月华盛顿工作,投身于“紧缩开支计划”。“紧缩开支计划”是国家公民组成支持麦戈文·哈特菲尔德修正案(由参议员麦戈文和哈特菲尔德提出一个修正案)的游说团号召到1971年底为止,切断越南战争的资金投入。

    In July, I went to work in Washington for Project Pursestrings, a citizens lobby for the McGovern-Hatfield amendment, which called for a cutoff of funding for the Vietnam War by the end of 1971.


  • 有些国家每个公民规定个唯一的识别号码另外一些国家这种做法深恶痛绝。

    Some countries label their citizens with single identifying Numbers. Elsewhere, that's loathed.


  • 无论公共私有医疗保健系统是否到位许多欧洲国家他们公民来说广泛进步医疗保健系统而特别地自豪。

    Regardless of whether there are public or private healthcare systems in place, many European nations typically pride themselves on health care that is inclusive and progressive for their citizens.


  • 现代国家自己公民承担许多责任。

    Modern nations have a lot of responsibilities to their citizens.


  • 感恩节没有美国庆祝一个时间收集家人朋友表示感谢许多祝福享有这些国家及其公民

    Thanksgiving Day, as celebrated in North America, is a time to gather with family and friends to give thanks for the many blessings enjoyed by these nations and their citizens.


  • 美国公民送到全球收入都征税欧洲国家工作,雇主来说就是一笔花销

    It's an expense for an employer to post US citizens to a European country which has a worldwide tax system.


  • 美国公民我们现在正参与我们国家重建中,正在重美国人民承诺诺。

    We, , the citizens of America, are now joinedin a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise forall of our people.


  • 国家就业公民进行必要的劳动就业训练。 。

    Thee state provides necessary vocational training for citizens before they are employed.


  • 这个国家这个国家许多公民造成了真正伤害永远不会——永远不会——忘记这一点。

    You did real harm to this country and many of its citizens, and I will never - never - forget that.


  • 我们美国公民参与一项伟大的国家事业中重建我们国家重塑全体人民承诺

    We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people.


  • 认为公民义务指出我的国家有害以便解决问题。

    I consider it my civic duty to point out things that are bad about my country so that they might be fixed.


  • 认为公民义务指出我的国家有害以便解决问题。

    I consider it my civic duty to point out things that are bad about my country so that they might be fixed.


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