• 这个s轨道径向概率分布公式对于对称情形成立。

    This is the radial probability distribution formula for an s orbital, which is, of course, dealing with something that's spherically symmetrical.


  • 当然,还是选手了解现实情况,他们用特殊的抛方式减小空气阻力,他们使飞行时带自转这些公式无法应用了。

    Of course, in reality, the baseball player knows better They give effect to the ball, they deal with air drag they spin the ball, and then these equations are not valid.


  • 导出了重力高程变化及相互关系坐标系中的理论数值计算公式

    The theoretical and numerical formulas for gravity and height variations in spherical polar coordinates are derived.


  • 通过对斜碰撞过程原煤()运动分析推导基于碰撞恢复系数的物料块反弹距离公式

    A formula of rebound distance based on coefficient of restitution was deduced through kinematic analysis of raw coal (mixed gangue) in the process of oblique-impact.


  • 提出了—板间隙环—板间隙正操作冲击50%击穿电压估算公式

    Formulas for estimating 50% breakdown voltages of sphere-plane and ring-plane gaps are presented.


  • 叙述了滚动喷管设计中接触应力选择依据方法,并根据以往的经验公式及其试验数据对影响许用接触应力的几个因素进行了分析。

    Selection basis and method on allowable contact stress of rolling ball-socket nozzle were described. Based on empirical formula and test data, several factors affecting allowable stress were analyzed.


  • 分析讨论传动运动学问题,并根据强度理论推导设计公式同时给出计算实例

    The kinematic problem of ball disc drive is analyzed and discussed; a design formula is derived from the theory of strength and an example of computation is given.


  • 从理论上研究分析了摆线钢行星传动啮合效率推导不同情况下摆线钢行星传动啮合效率的计算公式

    The kinematics and force analyses of the transmission are given as foundation. The different calculative formulas for meshing efficiency of drive in different condition are deduced.


  • 本文给出了位移矢量矢量函数表达及其有关公式

    In this paper main work involves some expressions of displacement vector and some formulae concerned by vector spherical function.


  • 利用阿伦尼乌斯公式分析磁铁矿原料辊前后团氧化反应活化能

    The activation energy of magnetite materials of pellet which were pretreated with and without high pressure grinding is studied using Arrhennius Law in this paper.


  • 根据节点破坏机理,提出受拉节点破坏模型得到承载力计算公式

    According to the collapse mechanism of the joint in tension, the collapse model was proposed, and the bearing capacity formula of the joint in tension was derived by the punching shear method.


  • 研究分析了摆线行星传动滑动速度推导出滑动速度计算公式

    The slide velocity of cycloid steel balltransmission is analyzed and the formula of slide velocity is deduced.


  • 论文介绍生成刀具轨迹算法,并且给出立铣刀代替铣刀加工实体零件时刀具中心轨迹的计算公式

    This paper presents an algorithm of generating three kinds of tool paths and a formular of calculating tool center paths when machining parts with cylindrical end-milling cutter.


  • 速度碰撞计算是在乒乓检测基础上采用几何方面公式算法实现

    We used formulas and methods of geometry to compute the speed and the depth of Table Tennis.


  • 本文函数展开散射结合刚性边界条件导出了刚性目标重构公式,并利用公式重构了刚性和椭形状

    By spherical function expansion of the scattered sound field in conjunction with rigid boundary conditions, formulas for reconstructing the shapes of rigid scattering objects are derived.


  • 主要原因分歧一直缺乏令人信服证据盖茨公式,盖茨所描述的是基于一种”的模式。”

    "The main reason for the disagreement has been the lack of a convincing proof of the Gates' formula, described by Gates as being based on a" balls in the urn "model."


  • 本文导出了一几何定态中子输运方程菱形格式扩散综合加速方程,并给出了差分公式

    An diffusion Synthetic acceleration equation and differencing scheme (DSA) for the diamond scheme of the one-dimensional sphere geometry steady neutron transport equation is introduced in this report.


  • 坐标系中,建立滚刀各个螺旋方程推导了侧后公式给出计算实例

    The helical surface equations of the spherical hob are set up in spherical coordinates. The formulas of the side clearance angle and numerical examples are given.


  • “网架规程”JGJ7- 91中的节点承载力公式,仍属经验公式

    The bearing capacity formula of spherical joints in JGJ7-91 is an experience formula.


  • 基础给出环形谐振子径向矩阵通项公式不同幂次径向矩阵元之间所满足递推关系。

    On the basis of previous works, in this paper, the general formulas and the recurrence formulas for radial matrix elements of the ring-shaped non-spherical oscillator are derived.


  • 简单方法求出了均匀磁场旋转导体电荷分布,证明了在磁场中转动导体表面电荷分布无普遍公式

    By using a concise method, the charge distribution on the surface of a thick spherical conducting shell revolving in a homogeneous magnetic field is obtained.


  • 本文根据激光目标等效反射截面概念提出计算目标反射回来的激光波形一般公式。推导出从漫反射的平板、和圆柱目标反射回来的激光波形的解析表达式。

    In this paper a general formula for calculating the laser waveshapes reflected from the targets is proposed on the basis of the idea on laser equivalent cross-section reflected from the targets.


  • 本文提出几种计算重力精确公式,用以减少布格改正地形改正中的计算误差

    This paper presents some exact formulas for calculating the gravity of the part of spherical lamella in order to decrease the errors in Bouguer and t...


  • 本文应用共轭曲面理论,导出万向节形壳内滚道磨削加工计算公式编制了相应计算程序

    In this paper, all the calculation formulae and the program for the grinding of Gothic arc type ball tr


  • 本文应用共轭曲面理论,导出万向节形壳内滚道磨削加工计算公式编制了相应计算程序

    In this paper, all the calculation formulae and the program for the grinding of Gothic arc type ball tr


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